Low-Level Design(LLD) for Authentication System Design

Low-level design majorly focuses on component and module of the system. It focuses on the actual implementation details, algorithms, and data structures. Key components in the low-level design of an authentication system are described below:

Let’s understand the main components of Low Level Design:

1. Authentication Server:

  • Handling Refresh Token
    • Client sends a request for a refresh token.
    • Authentication server validates the client’s identity.
    • If valid, a new refresh token is generated and sent to the client.
  • Handling Access Token
    • Client sends authentication credentials for access token.
    • Authentication server verifies the credentials.
    • If valid, an access token is generated and sent to the client.

2. Client:

  • Connecting to Authentication Server
    • Client establishes a connection to the authentication server.
    • It utilizes the refresh token or authentication credentials to interact.
  • Connecting to Resource Server
    • Client establishes a connection to the resource server.
    • It uses the access token to request protected resources.
  • Using Refresh Token
    • Client sends a request for a new access token using the refresh token.
    • Authentication server validates the refresh token.
    • If valid, a new access token is issued to the client.
  • Using Access Token
    • Client includes the access token in requests to the resource server.
    • Resource server validates the access token.
    • If valid, it grants access to the requested protected resource.

3. Resource Server:

  • Resource server validates the access token.
  • If valid, it provides access to the requested resource.
  • Client sends a request with an access token to access a protected resource.

Designing Authentication System | System Design

Keeping your important digital information safe is like building a strong foundation, and the key to that is a good security system. This article will help you understand how to make a robust security system step by step. We’ll start with figuring out what you want to protect and what you want to achieve. Then, we’ll talk about the detailed design aspects, like how the system works at both the small and big levels, the structure of the database, using smaller specialized services, and making sure the system can handle more load without slowing down.

Important Topics for the Authentication System Design

  • Requirements Gathering for Authentication System Design
  • Capacity Estimation for Authentication System Design
  • Use Case Diagram for Authentication System Design
  • Low-Level Design(LLD) for Authentication System Design
  • High-Level Design(HLD) for Authentication System Design
  • Database Design for Authentication System Design
  • Microservices used for Authentication System Design
  • API Used for Authentication System Design
  • API Code Implementation for Authentication System
  • Scalability for Authentication System Design

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8. API Used for Authentication System Design

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9. API Code Implementation for Authentication System

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10. Scalability for Authentication System Design


11. Conclusion


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