Kathleen Booth – Creator of the Assembly Language

Kathleen Booth (Born 1922) wrote the first Assembly language in the world. And that is not enough, she also designed the assembler and auto code for the first computer system at Birkbeck College, the University of London (She sure was busy!!). 

Kathleen Booth and her husband, Andrew Booth also co-authored a book about Automatic Digital Calculators in 1953. In that, they stated the design of a computer as well as the techniques used for programming it. They also mentioned Artificial Intelligence as a possible future application of computing machines. 

Fun Fact: Kathleen Booth worked with her husband Andrew Booth to create three computers (the ARC, SEC, and APE(X)C), wherein her husband built them and she programmed them (What a perfect team!!).

5 Women Programmers Who Changed The World!

Did you know that the First Computer Programmer was a Woman? 

Well, you probably don’t (I didn’t either!). So let me enlighten you today! Ada Lovelace was a mathematician in Victorian Times (Yes that long ago!) and she is credited as being the First Computer Programmer Ever. In her own words:

That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal; as time will show.

And this is true for the many women that have contributed to the rich history of Computer Programming and are yet forgotten by the modern world. So this article attempts to introduce some of these amazing women that made significant contributions to Computer Programming and in the process helped change the world! 


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