Inheritance Method Design Pattern

In embedded systems programming with C, inheritance is not directly supported as it is in some object-oriented languages like C++.

However, we can achieve similar functionality through other means, such as using structures and function pointers to simulate polymorphism.

Problem Statement of the Inheritance Method

Let’s see a simple example to illustrate this concept. Suppose we are working on an embedded system that involves different types of sensors (e.g., temperature sensor, pressure sensor, and light sensor). We want to create a generic interface for these sensors to simplify the handling of various sensor types in our system.


#include <stdio.h>
// Define a structure to represent the generic sensor
typedef struct {
    void (*initialize)(void);
    int (*read)(void);
    void (*cleanup)(void);
} Sensor;
// Define a function to perform some operations using a sensor
void performSensorOperations(Sensor* sensor) {
    int value = sensor->read();
    printf("Sensor value: %d\n", value);
// Define a concrete implementation for a temperature sensor
void temperatureSensorInitialize(void) {
    printf("Initializing temperature sensor...\n");
int temperatureSensorRead(void) {
    printf("Reading temperature sensor...\n");
    // Simulate reading from the sensor
    return 25;
void temperatureSensorCleanup(void) {
    printf("Cleaning up temperature sensor...\n");
// Define a concrete implementation for a pressure sensor
void pressureSensorInitialize(void) {
    printf("Initializing pressure sensor...\n");
int pressureSensorRead(void) {
    printf("Reading pressure sensor...\n");
    // Simulate reading from the sensor
    return 1000;
void pressureSensorCleanup(void) {
    printf("Cleaning up pressure sensor...\n");
int main() {
    // Create instances of temperature and pressure sensors
    Sensor temperatureSensor = {
        .initialize = temperatureSensorInitialize,
        .read = temperatureSensorRead,
        .cleanup = temperatureSensorCleanup
    Sensor pressureSensor = {
        .initialize = pressureSensorInitialize,
        .read = pressureSensorRead,
        .cleanup = pressureSensorCleanup
    // Use the generic interface to perform operations on sensors
    return 0;


Initializing temperature sensor...
Reading temperature sensor...
Sensor value: 25
Cleaning up temperature sensor...
Initializing pressure sensor...
Reading pressure sensor...
Sensor value: 1000

Explanation of the above Code:

In this example,

  • The Sensor structure serves as a generic interface for different types of sensors.
  • The structure contains function pointers for initialization, reading, and cleanup operations.
  • Concrete sensor types (e.g., temperature sensor and pressure sensor) implement these operations, and their instances can be used interchangeably through the generic Sensor interface.

Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C

When working with embedded systems in C, there are so many design patterns that are particularly very useful. Many design patterns can be applied to embedded systems development in C. In this article, we will discuss design patterns for Embedded Systems in C, let’s see all of them one by one with the help of examples.

Important Topics for Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C

  • What is a Design Pattern?
  • Creational Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C
    • Factory Method Design Pattern
    • Object Method Design Pattern
    • Opaque Method Design Pattern
    • Singleton Method Design Pattern
  • Structural Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C
    • Callback Method Design Patterns
    • Inheritance Method Design Pattern
    • Virtual API Method Design Pattern
  • Other Design Patterns for Embedded System in C
    • Bridge Method Design Pattern
    • Concurrency Method Design Pattern
    • Spinlock Method Design Pattern
    • Mutex Method Design Pattern
    • Conditional Method Design Pattern
    • Behavioral Method Design Pattern

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