Introduction to AWS FargateAmazon ECS vs AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a feature in container services in Amazon Web Services that can be used to run your containers without having to manage the server or the underlying architecture. It is a serverless computing engine for containers.  It is a pay-as-you-go model, i.e. pay for the resources you are using. Furthermore, it can be used with container services in AWS like ECS (Amazon Elastic Container Service) and EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service). It is one of the most important features of serverless computing in AWS. Whenever you opt for Fargate, the infrastructure will be owned and managed by AWS(Amazon Web Services). It saves you time by automating features like patching, updating, and dealing with resources. The operating systems supported by Fargate are Amazon Linux 2, Windows Server 2019 Full, and Windows Server 2019 Core.

What is AWS Fargate?

AWS Fargate is a fully managed service by AWS. AWS Fargate will help you to run your containers by integrating with the other services of AWS like AWS ECS, and EKS instead you configuring and managing the AWS EC2 instances AWS Fargate will take care of servers and the CPUs and their capacity.

By running the application in the form of containers by using AWS ECS integrating with the ECS service AWS Fargate will take care of everything like server types, decide when to scale your clusters, or optimize cluster packing.

How AWS Fargate Works?

AWS(Amazon Web Services) offers Fargate as a service which is used to run the deploy or run the application in the form of containers in the form of serverless compute engine in this you do not need to worry about how to manage the servers it all will be taken care by the AWS it’s self. You can integrate the AWS Fargate with both Elastic Kubernetes services and Elastic container service.

Components Of AWS Fargate

  1. Clusters: Clusters are the logical grouping of the tasks and services in Fargate.
  2. Task Definitions: Task Definitions are text files where the user can describe one or more containers that form the applications. They are used to define various specifications or parameters to be used in Fargate containers. They can be called the blueprint of your Fargate application.
  3. Tasks: A task is the initialization or instantiation of the task definition. Users can create multiple tasks from the same task definition in a cluster. Users can run a single task or multiple tasks at a time.
  4. Services: Services is a tool in Fargate to run the tasks that have been created. This can be used to run multiple tasks at a time in a cluster. They also replace the tasks with new tasks based on task definition if the existing task fails or stops.

Working on AWS Fargate

AWS Fatgate is an serverless compute engine where you can run you your application in the form of containers with out worrying about underlying infrastructure. AWS fatgate requires only the configurations required for the application that you want to run rest of the provisioning the infrastructure will be taken care by AWS fargate. In the following image you can see the complete working of the AWS fargate.

In the first you need to package all the dependencies of the application into the docker image from there you need to configure the all the requirements required for you aplkication and rest of the provisioning will be taken care by the AWS fargate.AWS fargate will run your application in an isolate manner in Virtual machines you need to pay for the how much your application is going to use.

AWS Fargate vs AWS EC2 Instance

AWS Fargate

AWS EC2 Instance

AWS Fargate is an serverless compute engine for the an applications which need to be run in the containerization form without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

AWS EC2 instance is most preferable for the virtualization application but manual provisions of the underlying infrastructure is required.

Containers will be isolated from each other where no data breach will be happen.

You have complete control so the isolation is also depends in you hands more careful configuration is required.

AWS fargate scales automatically the applications by depending on the incoming traffic.

AWS EC2 will not be scaled automatically it should be integrated with other AWS service for autoscaling of the instances.

AWS fargate is for short-running tasks.

EC2 consists of long-running containers.

AWS Fargate vs AWS Lambda

AWS Fargate

AWS Lambda

AWS Server less compute engine used for the containerized applications.

AWS lambda is used to the code which is developed by the developers with out worrying about servers.

AWS Fargate will run the containers on the AWS EC2 instance which is managed by the AWS itself.

AWS lambda can be triggered based on the events like adding object to the AWS S3 bucket we can use it to trigger for the AWS lambda function.

AWS Fargate is well suited for the stateful applications.

AWS lambda mostly suited for the short and stateless applications.

AWS Fargate will be charged like pay-as-you-go model

AWS lambda will be charged like pay-as-you-go model.

Amazon ECS vs AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate

Amazon ECS

AWS Fargate used to run the application in the form of containers.

AWS ECS used to run the application in the form of containers.

No server management is required.

You should take care of managing and configuring the EC2 instance.

It can be done manually or can be integrate with other services for scaling the servers.

Automatic scaling based o the incoming traffic.

AWS ECS and AWS Fargate are both two services which are offered by AWS(Amazon Web Services) to run applications in the form of containers. When you started using the AWS Fargate with the AWS ECS you are no longer responsible for the servers to provision and scale the application and underlying the infrastructure it all be taken care of by the AWS.

Before launching the application, specify all the prerequisites that it needs, such as CPU and memory requirements, networking requirements, and IAM( Identity and Access Management) policies, in the form of a package. By setting the requiresCompatibilities task definition parameter to FARGATE, you can configure your task definitions for Fargate. Go to Launch Types for additional details. AWS Fargate will pick the suitable instance for the application deployment and also there are several EC2-Instance types.

AWS Fargate Use Cases

  • Large Workload, Low Cost: If the user has a requirement for large workloads of memory and CPUs and the user wants comparatively low prices, then EC2 is preferred. In EC2, the user has the advantage of choosing different pricing models like spot instances.
  • Large The, Less Manual Effort: If the user has a requirement for large workloads of memory and needs to put in as less manual effort as possible, then Fargate is preferred. In EC2 all instances need to be monitored by the user using it and the management of the same needs to be done, while in Fargate these parameters are handled by AWS.
  • Small Workload, With Occasional Spikes In Workload: If a  user has a requirement for small workloads but occasional bursts of memory at a particular time, then Fargate is preferred. Fargate helps in saving costs for such occasional bursts.
  • Very Small Workloads: For tiny workloads like small test environments, Fargate is preferred as EC2 are more complex and powerful for such kind of tasks.
  • Workloads in Batch: If the user has a requirement for workloads that are in batches like time-based or occasional jobs, then Fargate is preferred. For such tasks, if the user uses EC2 then they have to manually keep on starting and stopping instances based on the time schedule of these batch jobs to save costs.
  • Used For MicroService Applications: Fargate can be used to create and deploy microservices architectures, APIs, and web applications. Containerized data can be run on it and scaled. Fargate enables AI the  ML applications, and it aids in scaling up the development, deployment, and testing of your ML models. Fargate reduces upfront expenses because the user only pays for the resources they really utilize.

AWS Fargate Benifits

  1. Lesser Cost: For complex tasks, AWS Fargate is a cheaper option than Amazon ECS or EKS.
  2. Security: Since users don’t have much control over each container in the system and most of the maintenance and security are handled by AWS, security concerns are less.
  3. Less work: Users don’t have to be concerned about handling every detail like scaling of containers in Fargate, so there is less effort involved for the user.
  4. Less Complexity: It does away with the requirement for server administration. It is therefore a “serverless” technology. You no longer need to bother about customizing and managing the servers; your containers will still run on them.

AWS Fargate Disadvantages

  1. Not recommended for simple tasks: For simple tasks, AWS Fargate might be a costly option as compared to Amazon ECS or EKS.
  2. Less control for users: For users who have requirements to customize each and every detail, Fargate is not a good option, as it does not give users a lot of control.
  3. Availability: Less available regions as compared to Amazon ECS or EKS.

AWS Fargate Pricing

The AWS Fargate pricing is dependent on the resource that your application is going to use while it was running.

  1. The pricing is purely based on the resources consumption per second like no.of CPUs, Memory, Storage, and also a region that you are going to use the AWS Fargate.
  2. If you are going to deploy your application in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) the prices will be as follows.
    1. per vCPU per hour $0.04256.
    2. per GB per hour $0.004655.

AWS Fargeate will only charge you for the number of resources you use it is a pay-as-you-go model.

  1. AWS Fargate Spot if there are any unused resources you can get them for a cheap price when compared to others you can get around 70% less price when compared to others.


Fargate is a really powerful and helpful service provided by AWS for container services. It helps users to save a lot of time, effort, and cost while using Container services. If a user is new to AWS and the concept of containers in AWS, then this is the go-to tool as it helps in focusing on just building the application rather than managing it.

AWS Fargate – FAQ’s

1. What Is The Difference Between AWS Fargate And EC2?

EC2-Instances are an virtual machines used to deploy your applications and AWS Fargate will deploy the applications with out need of EC2-instances.

2. Is Fargate a PaaS or SaaS?

AWS Fargate is an Container as an Serices (CaaS) which offered by AWS as an service.

3. AWS Fargate Free Tier

No,AWS fargate doesn’t offer any free tier service. You can minimize the cost by taking some precautions.

4. AWS Fargate Service

AWS Fargate is an service which is offered by the AWS it is an serverless compute engine for the containerized application with out worrying servers they all be managed by the Amazon Web Services.

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