IIT Kharagpur Admission Experience

I had always dreamed of getting into IIT Kharagpur. It was my dream school, and I knew that it would be a challenging but rewarding experience. I started preparing for the JEE Advanced exam in my class 11th. I studied for hours every day, and I took practice exams every weekend. I also joined a few online forums and communities where I could connect with other students who were also preparing for the exam. The JEE Advanced exam was one of the most difficult exams I have ever taken. It was 6 hours long, and it covered a wide range of topics. I was exhausted by the end of the exam, but I was also confident that I had done my best.

A few weeks later, I got the results of the exam. I had gotten a good enough rank to get into IIT Kharagpur! I was so excited, and I couldn’t wait to start my college journey. I arrived at IIT Kharagpur in August 2021. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but I quickly settled in. I made new friends, and I started classes. The classes were challenging, but I was up for the challenge. I learned a lot, and I met some amazing seniors. I am now in my second year at IIT Kharagpur, and I am loving it. I am learning so much, and I am surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the country. I know that I am going to have a great future after IIT Kharagpur.

If you are dreaming of getting into IIT Kharagpur, I encourage you to follow your dreams. It is a challenging but rewarding experience. I know that you can do it!

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