IELTS Band Descriptors For Writing, Reading, Listening & Speaking

IELTS Band Descriptors 2024: The IELTS band descriptors are identical for both IELTS Academic and General Training. Four categories and nine bands constitute the assessment criteria for IELTS band descriptors. the four criteria are- Fluency and coherence, Lexical resource, Grammatical range and accuracy, and Pronunciation.

In this article, we will get to know about the IELTS Band Descriptors in great detail.

IELTS Band Descriptors

Table of Content

  • IELTS Band Descriptors
  • Calculation of IELTS Band Scores
  • IELTS Band Descriptors for Writing
  • IELTS Band Descriptors for Reading
  • IELTS Band Descriptors for Listening
  • IELTS Band Descriptors for Speaking 
  • IELTS Marking Criteria

IELTS Band Descriptors

Progressing in IELTS is directly related to IELTS band descriptors. The 4 major band descriptors reveal the gap between the candidate’s score. The following 4 performance descriptors focus on how the candidate can increase the score from 6 to 8:

IELTS Band Descriptors Features  Analysis
Task Achievement

To enhance your performance, you need to adhere to the instructions laid out in the questions of each of the 4 sections of the IELTS exam pattern. Mostly, task achievement requires the test-taker to:

  1. Provide relevant information aligning with the topic.
  2. Provide a factually accurate example that doesn’t deviate from the topic
Fulfilling the task achievement according to the IELTS writing band descriptor means completing the 250 words by presenting proper examples
Coherence and Cohesion

Structure and layout are the two foremost necessary components of both IELTS band descriptors academic and general training

  1. Examiners notice clarity in the layout, if you fail to show it, marks will decrease
  2. Usage of linking words like ‘moreover’, ‘for instance, ‘additionally’, ‘to conclude’, and so on. These play the role of conjunctions that are used for connecting sentences.
  3. Understand the synchronization of sentences and accordingly use the linking words
Maintaining coherence and cohesion is necessary, especially in IELTS writing. IELTS writing task 1 band descriptors focus on coordinating the facts creating coherence. On the other hand, IELTS writing task 2 band descriptors focus on adhering to the structure of the essay by giving relevant examples and maintaining cohesion.
Lexical Resource This thoroughly focuses on ‘vocabulary’. Enhancing the sentences with vocabulary will instantly bring out the extra hard work. Syncing your vocabulary with the given topic is necessary, for instance, while talking about universities using the term academic will be more suitable During IELTS speaking band description, using rare vocabulary words will elevate the performance.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy There is a difference between range and accuracy where the former directs towards simple and compound sentences, active and passive, and more. Whereas the latter concentrates on accuracy and directs toward punctuation, articles, prepositions, and more. Grammar fluency helps candidates to prepare for IELTS reading and writing task band descriptors

Calculation of IELTS Band Scores

Here are the IELTS band descriptors for candidates to understand the scoring criteria better:

IELTS Overall band scores Descriptions
Band score 9 – Expert user The candidates giving the test have a fully operational command of the language. The way they apply English is appropriate, accurate, and fluent, and shows complete understanding.
Band score 8 – Very good user The test takers have a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. They might misunderstand a few things in unfamiliar situations but are efficient to handle challenging and detailed argumentation.
Band score 7 – Good user The test takers have a fully operational command of the language with only minor occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. They might misunderstand a few things in difficult situations but can handle complex and detailed arguments well.
Band score 6 – Competent user The test taker has an effective command of the language; however, they face some kind of inaccuracies, inappropriate usage, and misunderstandings. They can use and understand quite a complex language, particularly in case they are familiar with the situations.
Band score 5 – Modest user The test takers have a partial command of the language but cope with overall meaning in almost all situations. They can handle communication in their own field.
Band score 4 – Limited user The test taker’s basic competence is limited to some situations only. The candidates have problems with understanding and expression and are not able to use complex language.
Band score 3 – Extremely limited user The candidates are able to understand the only general meaning in very familiar situations. There are many breakdowns in communication.
Band score 2 – Intermittent user The test taker has great difficulty understanding written and spoken English.
Band score 1 – Non-user The test taker demonstrates no ability to use the language except for a few isolated words.
Band score 0 – Did not attempt the test The test taker doesn’t understand the language at all.

IELTS Band Descriptors for Writing

In the IELTS writing test, the examiner evaluates the candidate’s writing skills based on four key areas, each contributing 25% to the overall band score. These areas are:

  1. Task achievement and Task response
  2. Coherence and cohesion
  3. Lexical resource
  4. Grammatical range and accuracy

To achieve a score above 8 in IELTS writing, candidates should focus on performing well in each of these four performance descriptors.

IELTS Band Descriptors for Writing

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors Key Points
Task Achievement
  • Understanding the Prompt, Identify the main points, Understand the specific instruction, 
  • Purpose of the task, Addressing all parts of the task
  • Key features must be Skilfully selected and presented
  • Content relevance and accurate
  • Highlights key features with bulleted points
Coherence and cohesion
  • Present information and ideas with logic and in a sequenced manner
  • Use paragraph appropriately and have sufficient information
  • Information and ideas are logically sequenced and cohesion should be well-managed
  • Message should followed effortlessly
Lexical resources
  • Use a wide range of vocabulary accurately and appropriately to convey precise meaning.
  • Produce rare errors in spelling and word formation
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
  • Make the majority of sentences error-free
  • Use a variety of complex structures
  • Have good control over grammar and punctuation

IELTS Band Descriptors for Reading

There are about 40 questions in the reading test. You can obtain 1 mark for each correct answer. The band score is calculated by the no of correct answers that you are given. Here are the average band scores that you will obtain from an Academic and general training reading section.

Academic Reading

Band Score Raw Score
5 16
6 23
7 30
8 35
9 40

General Training Reading

Band Score Raw Score
5 23
6 30
7 34
8 38
9 40

IELTS Band Descriptors for Listening

In the listening test, you have to get four audio recordings from different scenarios. Each recording contains a different situation. Here they will ask about 40 questions. You need to answer all of them and give 1 mark for each correct answer. The total correct answer is used to calculate your band score. Try to answer every question, because a blank answer contains no marks.

IELTS Band Descriptors for Listening

Band Scores Raw Scores
5 16
6 23
7 30
8 35
9 40

IELTS Band Descriptors for Speaking

In the IELTS speaking test, the examiner evaluates your speaking skills based on four categories, which are the same for both the Academic and General Training versions:

  1. Fluency and coherence
  2. Lexical resource
  3. Grammatical range
  4. Pronunciation

To score above 8 in the IELTS speaking test, you should focus on excelling in these key points.

IELTS Band Descriptors for Speaking 

IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors  Key Points
Fluency and coherence
  • Topic development should be fully coherent and appropriately extended
  • Speaks fluently without repetition
  • Use a wide range of connectives
  • Don’t show any  language-related hesitation
Lexical resource
  • Use of vocabulary with flexibility and precision.
  • Use  idiomatic language naturally and accurately
  • Paraphrase must be effectively used as required
Grammatical range and accuracy
  • Structures must be precise and accurate at all times
  • Simple and complex sentences should be used effectively
  • Try to make a majority of sentences error-free
  • Uses a full range of pronunciation with precision.
  • Speech should be effortlessly understood throughout.
  • Accent has no effect on intelligibility.

IELTS Marking Criteria

IELTS overall score ranges on a scale of 0 to 9 band. Your IELTS academic score and general training score are evaluated based on 4 criteria. You can refer to the table below to understand in details the marking criteria:

Marking Criteria Features  Analysis
Task Achievement

To enhance your performance, you need to adhere to the instructions laid out in the questions of each of the 4 sections of the IELTS exam pattern. Mostly, task achievement requires the test-taker to:

  1. Provide relevant information aligning with the topic.
  2. Provide a factually accurate example that doesn’t deviate from the topic
Fulfilling the task achievement according to the IELTS writing band descriptor means completing the 250 words by presenting proper examples
Coherence and Cohesion

Structure and layout are two foremost necessary components of both IELTS band descriptors academic and general training

  1. Examiners notice clarity in the layout, if you fail to show it, marks will decrease
  2. Usage of linking words like ‘moreover’, ‘for instance, ‘additionally’, ‘to conclude’, and so on. These play the role of conjunctions that are used for connecting sentences.
  3. Understand the synchronization of sentences and accordingly use the linking words
Maintaining coherence and cohesion is necessary, especially in IELTS writing. IELTS writing task 1 band descriptors focus on coordinating the facts creating coherence. On the other hand, IELTS writing task 2 band descriptors focus on adhering to the structure of the essay by giving relevant examples and maintaining cohesion.
Lexical Resource This thoroughly focuses on ‘vocabulary’. Enhancing the sentences with vocabulary will instantly bring out the extra hard work. Syncing your vocabulary with the given topic is necessary, for instance, while talking about universities using the term academic will be more suitable During IELTS speaking band description, using rare vocabulary words will elevate the performance.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy There is a difference between range and accuracy where the former directs towards simple and compound sentences, active and passive, and more. Whereas the latter concentrates on accuracy and directs toward punctuation, articles, prepositions, and more. Grammar fluency helps candidates to prepare for IELTS reading and writing task band descriptors

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IELTS Band Descriptors 2024- FAQs

What are Band Descriptors in IELTS?

The IELTS Band Descriptors provide a detailed framework for assessing candidates’ language proficiency across four key skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

What is IELTS Speaking band 7 descriptors? 

Speaking band 7 descriptors describe that candidates have an operational command of Language with occasional inaccuracies and misunderstanding in some situations, Understand complex language with detailed reasoning.

What is the 9 band descriptor?

They exhibit near-perfect fluency, accuracy, and complexity in their language use across all four sections of the exam: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

What is the band score if you obtain 30 in reading?

7 in Academic and 6 in General training.

Is 6.25 considered as 6.5 in IELTS?

If your overall score is an average of 6.25, your score will be increased to 6.5. The score 6.25 is actually precisely between band 6 and 6.5, so in this case IELTS will push it up to the nearest score which is 6.5. If your overall score is an average of 6.75, your score will be increased to 7.

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