How To Make Time For Your Passion? – 7 Best Tips To Follow!

You must have heard “follow your passion” as the golden advice from friends and relatives. It is vital for humans to spend their time doing things they genuinely love to do. 

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, but you must have noticed that some people use their time effortlessly and seem happy about what they do with their time. You can live such a life too, following your passion, a comfortable and content life. All you need is resilience and a belief that you can make time to follow your passion like any other person on the planet. 

Follow these 7 tips and take charge of your time today!

1. Respect Your Time

Time is of great essence, and you need to see where you spend it. To find time for your passion, you need to first see where all your 24 hours go. 

Tips to follow:

  • Grab a notebook or use Google Sheets to chart out what you do during the day. 
  • Make a table starting with when you wake up until you go to bed with a half-hour gap each.
  • Now mark whatever you do at the mentioned time to see how productive your day looks. 
  • Learn to say ‘NO’ – It is pertinent to say that learning to say ‘No’ can save you a lot of precious time. Stop being a people pleaser and say ‘No’ whenever you are in the middle of a task.
  • Schedule your day and take control of your time.
  • Manage social media usage – In the age of social media and OTT platforms, it is vital to take charge and limit it when scrolling eats most of the time. 
  • Use time in between chores – There are times when you are stuck in a long queue and might have to kill a lot of time staring at the walls/floor of the place. Use it to plan/read/organize. 

2. Join a Community

If you’re passionate about a service/product/industry, it is vital to surround yourself with the same people. Once you see people taking steps to climb the ladder of success, your brain tends to send a positive signal to your body parts. It motivates you to do the same. 

Therefore, surrounding yourself with like-minded people always build a better chance of keeping up with your goals.


  • Join a LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram Group.
  • Stay updated about what’s happening in the community.
  • Share your ideas with an open heart. 

3. Seek Help Without Hesitation

Everyone gets stuck one time or the other. It is natural to get stuck when you are learning new things. It is even a sign of progress that gives your brain a sense of motivation. However, seeking help and solving the issue provides better learning opportunities.


  • Ask quality questions at the right time, in the right way.
  • Seek help from people comparatively new in the field, not just experts. 
  • Be open to criticism and work on them to improve your skills.

4. Get Organized To Steal Time For Your Passion

Ideas thrive in a neat place. Help your brain work on great ideas to fulfill your passion by organizing your day and your surroundings. Declutter the workspaces, home, and especially your mind for better results.

Make a To-do list: This should be in the decreasing order of priority. Assign the most important tasks during the most productive hours of your day. 

5. Identify Your Most Productive Hours of the Day

This might seem a little weird to you, but it is inevitably the best tip one could offer you. Everyone has their most productive hours – some are early risers and are most productive during the sunny hours of the day, whereas others are night owls and like to work during late hours. So, observe when you find yourself most energetic. 

Note it and book that slot for your passion. 

6. Avoid Multi-Tasking 

Focus on the tasks at hand to find time for your passion. 

You cannot think about your passion all day long if you cannot make money to feed your family. If you have a day job that pays your bill, then focus on it for the stipulated time. This saves the brain from juggling what you are doing and what you would love to do. 

You might dread your job, but if it fills your belly and helps keep up with increasing bills, then you have to bear it till your passion makes you money. 

7. Subscribe to a Course

Sometimes it is difficult to make time even after doing everything suggested. The last resort then can be joining a course. Once you have paid the price, you ought to make time to reap as much benefit as you can from the money spent.

Besides, the guide / fellow students/atmosphere would entice you to attend the classes regularly without delay.

Now that you know how to make time to follow your passion, start today and see how you come out with flying colors in no time!

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