Returning to a Previous Employer? – Follow These 10 Tips!

Job-switching is something that is often faced by almost every employee in his career journey. Meanwhile, when you’re about to join a new company, you’re required to consider various factors like company culture, work ethics, your particular job role, policies, etc.

So, if you see a grand opening at your previous employer and get confused about what to do and how to go about it – worry not! You can follow the below-mentioned tips regarding rejoining the previous company or returning to a previous employer and get going in no time. 

10 Tips To Follow When You’re Returning To a Previous Employer

1. Read the Latest Policy Along With the Terms and Conditions of the Company

Before applying for a job at your previous employer, check out their rehiring policy. Many companies do not wish to hire former employers, and many might consider rehiring with positive previous performance data. Therefore, it is essential to check the policy before putting in the effort in drafting the cover letter, CV, and other stuff. Hence, adjust your strategy accordingly.

Pro Tip: If you find it challenging to go through the company policy but have a cordial relationship with your former manager or colleague who is still working in that company, call them and ask them to find the details for you.

2. Reintroduce Yourself Without Hesitation

After joining in, do not hesitate to reintroduce yourself to your colleagues. Talk to them about why you are here again and what all you had learned and experienced when you were away. This is the time to establish relationships with your new colleagues and strengthen the bond with the old ones.

Pro Tip: Make sure you are not boastful about your achievements or show undue superiority to your colleagues, as it would be a big turn-off.

3. Realign Your Expectations to the Present

It is pretty natural to expect the same old vibes, company culture, and office atmosphere. But it would be best to keep in mind that things change and people change too. So, realigning your expectations from the people around you and the work assigned to you should be your top priority.

Observe how the people have changed over time and appreciate their growth instead of explicitly sharing your shock with their changed behavior/attitudes. Besides, accept that you are still a new employee here even when you have worked here in the past. Today has nothing to do with yesterday.

4. Make Use of Your Gathered Experience

Share the knowledge you have acquired throughout these years with the relatively young employees and form healthy relationships with them. Besides, use the gathered knowledge and experience to your favor; seek out opportunities that will help you gain the trust of your colleagues and employer in no time.

For instance, show your generosity by helping a colleague finish a project using your previous knowledge. Or share ideas with people around in a casual way and gain their confidence.

5. Use Your Expertise Wisely and Stay Professional

Knowing when to speak and when not to give an opinion is a must-have skill when rejoining a previous employer. Unnecessary giving your expert advice can put people off and can make you look like an arrogant fellow. So, use your expertise wisely and share your ideas and opinion only when you are asked to share them.

Pro Tip: Mingle with everyone but ensure you stay close to the people who can maintain a healthy professional relationship with you without interfering with your personal life. The same goes for you, too; always keep workplace things professional.

6. Make Great Connections Around the Company

As said earlier, socialization can be a game-changer for anyone joining a previous employer. A person with a friendly attitude gets along well and can find support in workplace friends when in need. Hence, make great connections across the departments and learn about different roles to understand and appreciate your colleagues’ work.

Once you are comfortably settled in the company, propose/ participate in informal meetings/gatherings as these are when everyone makes the inside jokes and great memories.

7. Share the Benefits of Rehiring You

When planning to pitch for a job at the old employer, mention how much value you can add to the company as a former employee. Tell them how you know the mission, deals, and company culture already. Also mention how nobody has to sit with you the entire day for a couple of days to explain the company’s basic working.

Pro Tip: Mention all this casually while mentioning all the interpersonal and technical skills you possess.

8. Press Upon the Positive Outcomes of Leaving

Never feel sorry for leaving the company; instead, put it to use and press upon all the positive aspects of your time away from this company. Share the experiences you have gained during this time and how you can put this to use for the betterment of the company now.

Pro Tip: Stay confident and accept that you left the company and have rejoined it, but both of the decisions were the choices you made consciously.

9. Engage, Appreciate and Adapt to the Changes

Look around the workplace and observe the changes to understand the company’s work. Besides, appreciate the employees and the employer for the progress the company had seen when you weren’t there. Adapt to the new things that are added to the company, be it infrastructure-wise, technological-wise, or the changes you see in people.

Pro Tip: Discuss with your colleague how things were when you last worked with your employer and how (better) things are now.

10. Show Them That You’re There To Stay!

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is your ability to show that you are not leaving the company anytime soon. You are here to stay for a relatively long period and will provide the most of your expertise for the company’s benefit.

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