Going Back To The Office After WFH? – Must Follow These 5 Tips!

Are you sick and tired of working from home? Do you miss the company of your coworkers? It might be time to face the music and go back to the office. But first, there are some things you need to do to make the transition as smooth as possible. It’s been absolutely great to have the flexibility to work from home the past few weeks, but now it’s time to go back to the office.

This article will discuss several important tips that will help you adjust to life in the office again. From setting boundaries to dealing with stress, it has everything you need to get back to work successfully!

1. Set Up Your Workspace

It can be simple enough to plop down on the couch or your bed and get started when working from home. But if you’re returning to the office, you’ll need to create a dedicated and organized workspace. The key is to create an environment, distinct from your home or personal life, which feels like work. It will help you to stay focused and productive when you’re working.

When you’re coming back to the office, it’s essential to set up your workspace for success. Here are several tips to get you started:

  • Purge your old office: clear out your old space and make room for new and important things.
  • Get rid of distractions: put your phone in airplane mode, turn off notifications and close all unnecessary programs and tabs.
  • Create a comfortable work area: make sure your chair and desk are at the right height, good light, etc.
  • Maximize efficiency: create folders for each project, use labels for files and keep frequently used items within reach.
  • Stay organized: use a planner or calendar to track deadlines and appointments, create to-do lists, and color-code files for easy identification.

2. Create A Routine And Stick To It

It can be tough to adjust when you’re starting working from the office after a long WFH mode. You might find yourself sleeping in or working all day without a break. But, eventually, you’ll need to create a routine and stick to it if you want to be productive. Start by figuring out what time you want to sleep and wake up and then set your alarm accordingly (or use an app like Sleep Cycle).

It will help your mind transition to work mode. Try to stick to the same schedule as much as possible. Take breaks simultaneously each day, eat lunch at the same time, and so on. Having a routine will help you feel more in control and motivated to work.

3. Keep A Positive Attitude

Just because you’re going back to the office doesn’t mean that everything will be back to normal. You may still be feeling a little off, and your coworkers may be too. It is natural, and it’s important not to expect too much from you or them.

One way to ease the transition is to keep a positive attitude and set some boundaries as well with your colleagues. Maybe you don’t want to be disturbed during certain times of the day, or you need a little peace to get your work done. Let them know what to expect, and be sure to hold yourself to those same rules. It can also be helpful to schedule regular check-ins with them, so they know how you’re doing and what you’re working on. Remember, it’s all about maintaining a healthy work/life balance! It’s straightforward to get down on yourself when you’re feeling out of place, but you must stay positive. A positive attitude will help you adjust more smoothly and make the transition easier.

4. Set Realistic Expectations and Create an Optimized System 

It’s essential to have an optimized system when transitioning back to the office after working from home. Create a structure for yourself and stick to it. Set specific times for checking email, responding to messages, and working on projects. Having things planned priorly will help you stay focused and on track. It can be helpful to have a friend or colleague check in with you periodically during the day to make sure you’re on track. Take regular breaks for keeping your energy level up and avoiding burnout. Make time for lunch, coffee breaks, and short walks throughout the day.

5. Take Appropriate Breaks and Make Time For Socializing

One big thing to keep in mind when transitioning back to the office after working from home is to make time for breaks and lunch. When you’re at home, it’s easy to work for hours without taking a break due to working hours flexibility. But when you’re in an office setting, it’s essential to take appropriate breaks and make time for socializing also. Plus, it’s just good for your health! Try to schedule a fixed break for lunch every day and take a few minutes every hour or so to walk around and stretch your legs.

This newfound freedom can be an excellent opportunity to socialize with your coworkers. Whether you take a break to eat lunch together or walk to the coffee shop down the street, take some time out of your day to connect with your team. It will make you feel more connected, and it can also help in improving workplace communication and teamwork.


Returning to the office after working from home can be a challenge. While it’s essential to take some time for yourself, it’s also crucial to establish a good working relationship with your colleagues. These tips will help create the transition back to the office smooth. 

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