How to Install Jekyll Plugin on Gemfile?

Jekyll is a widely used software in the domain of web development. Web Development is a new horizon in the computer science field. More & more this sector is gaining importance and Jekyll is a new feather in that cap. Jekyll is an application that is used to generate websites. Using this application web development becomes an easy task for any individual. This is a static site generator. Mainly this website is developed in the Ruby programming language. This software is a combination of different flies present there. Using those flies, one can develop a certain website in the Jekyll. Jekyll is considered one of the easiest software in this domain. There is no concept related to the database present there.

Jekyll is software that is used in every type of web development. That is the reason, there should be some new features present in Jekyll. These features are known as plugins. There might be several plugins present in Jekyll. As per the need of the users, they have to search n the internet for those plugins. Now, users need to add those plugins to the web files. Now, the intention of the user will become easier. Using these several plugins, users can able to develop a higher quality website for their business or for their employer.

Installation of Jekyll Plugin

The installation process of the Jekyll plugin is not the same as any traditional installation process. This means, there are no executable files present that can be installed in the Jekyll. There are some flies present in Jekyll while Jekyll is installed on the machine. Users need to use these files for the installation process. Users need to just provide the name of the plugin to those flies. So, one of the major prerequisites is to have Jekyll in the machine. Also, it is advised to have a good IDE present in the machine for this purpose. Like, users need to have the Sublime Text IDE for handling the Jekyll plugins easily.

Step 1: At first, users need to open a certain file in the IDE. This is the file named Gemfile. This file should be present in the machine if the installation of Jekyll was done properly. Now, in that file, users need to find out a Group Section known as Jekyll_Plugins. Users need to make changes there.


Step 2: Under that section, users need to add the proper Jekyll plugin name. For that purpose, users need to follow a specific format. Users can use the following format to add the Jekyll plugin there. After adding the Jekyll plugin, users need to save the file.

Line Format: gem ā€œPlugin_Nameā€


Step 3: Now, users need to open another file with the help of the same IDE. This file is known as Config.yml. This is the file that is being considered as the file for making configurational-related changes to the Jekyll. Users need to find a proper section there. Users need to find out the Plugins section. All the changes need to be done there.


Step 4: Under that section, users need to add the name of the plugin. Here, for adding the plugin section, users need to follow the proper way. This means users need not add any more alphabets to the plugin name there. If users needed, users can follow the writing style that is provided below. After writing the plugin name, users need to save the file as usual.

Line Format: ā€“ Plugin_Name


Step 5: Now, users need to use the terminal section of these high-quality IDEs. That is the reason, users are requested to use such terminals for this case. In the terminal, users need to execute the following command. This command will make permanent changes to the Jekyll & helps to install the plugins to the Jekyll.

Command: Bundle Install


Step 6: It will take some time to complete the process. After completion of the process, users will find a Complete message there. This means the plugin is now ready to use for a website.


Hence, we have successfully installed Jekyll Plugin.


Jekyll is a software that is needed to develop proper websites for business. Jekyll is a static website generator that is used to develop different websites. There are several features are present in Jekyll. They are stored as each & every plugin in the Jekyll. As per the need of the users, users can use any plugins to the Jekyll & implement them on the website. In this article, the installation process of Plugins in the Jekyll software is demonstrated. Along with that, the configurational process of those changes is also shown. Users are advised to follow all the steps using a proper IDE for the best experience & without getting any issues.

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