How to Install Jekyll on MacOS?

Jekyll is mainly a site generator. These are generally static in nature. It helps to convert a text language to a static website. Basically, it accepts the text-written scripts and converts them to a website. It was first introduced in 2008. For installing Jekyll two most important pre-requisite we need is Ruby must be installed in the machine. Ruby is a programming language. And Jekyll runs only associated with Ruby. With help of Ruby Jekyll runs and website, implementation is got quite easy. Another pre-requisite is RubyGems. it is basically a package manager of Ruby. It will help to maintain the Ruby programs on the machine. Basically, Ruby needs RubyGems for working and Jekyll needs Ruby for implementing the websites.


  • Jekyll does not need any more databases or comment moderation.
  • It is static in nature. So, using languages static websites are implemented easily.
  • Jekyll is platform-independent. So, It can be installed in Mac, Windows, or Linux operating systems.
  • Jekyll helps to create a custom layout of a website easily.

Installing jekyll on MacOS

Follow the following steps to install Jekyll on MacOS

Step 1: Install Ruby. In the machine, if there is no Ruby present there, run the following command it will automatically install Ruby in the system. It is running with the help of Homebrew so, there is no need for other configurations or other complex steps.

 brew install ruby

If your machine already has Ruby installed you need to run the following command to check the version of Ruby. Every machine has a different configuration, you may get a different version also.

ruby -v

Also, you need to check the Gems version installed on the machine. Only running the following command will generate a version of gems.

gem -v

Jekyll can be installed using Xcode also. But this is the shortest and easiest way to install Jekyll. Ruby is mandatorily important for Jekyll.

Step 2: At first, the Mac terminal should be opened and then run the following command. This command helps to install Jekyll on Mac. Basically, this command is installing Jekyll software bundles to the machine. Installing this machine will take help from Gems i.e. RubyGems. It will take some time to install gems as it will check Mac machine configuration and according to that perfect version of Jekyll will automatically install in the machine.

gem install jekyll bundler

Step 3: After running the above command, Jekyll has successfully installed on MacOS. Just for checking purposes, run the following command. This command will give the proper version of the output. Hence, the installation of Jekyll in Mac is successful.

jekyll -v

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