How to Install Code Blocks for C++ on Windows?

In this article, we will look into the process of installing code blocks for C++ on windows.

Installation Code Blocks for C++ on Windows:

Follow the below steps to install Code Blocks  for C++ on windows:

Step 1: Open Your Web Browser

Step 2: Go to the Search Panel and Search for “Code Blocks”

Step 3: Click on the First Result shown on the Search Engine or click on this link.

Step 4: Click on the “Downloads” Section.

Step 5: Click On “Download the binary release”.

Step 6: As per this Date, the Latest Version of Code Blocks is 20.03. Now here you’ll find several download options

  1. codeblocks-20.03-setup.exe : It is a standard executable file that is easier to install.
  2. : It is a zip file which you do not have to install , you can just unzip and run it.

I’ll suggest you download the file with MinGW written on it (“codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe”) as MinGW is a Compiler that is needed to run the Program. If you download the normal setup file then you have to download The compiler separately.

Step 7: Click on under the Download Section of your desired file. 

Step 8: then Download should begin within some seconds.

Step 9: When the download is completed, Open Your Code Blocks Setup File.

Step 10: Click on Next.

Step 11: Click on I agree.

Step 12: Click On Next ( you need to have at least 600 MB free storage on your drive for the installation).

Step 13: Select your Destination and Click on Install

Step 14: Once Installation gets completed, click on Next and then Click on Finish

Now You Code Blocks have been installed.

To Set the Environment Path of GCC compiler

Step 1: Go to your Code Blocks MinGW installation folder location ( For me it is C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin) and copy the address

Step 2:  Go to Search Panel and type “Edit System environment variables”

Step 3: Click On Environment Variables

Step 4: Under System variables, Click on Path and Select Edit

Step 5: Click on New and Paste the Address into it and click  on OK

Now Code Blocks will automatically detect GCC Compiler.

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