How to Change the Theme of Code Blocks 20.03 to Dark Mode in Windows 10?

Code::Blocks is a popular integrated development environment(IDE) used for compiling codes written in various programming languages like C, C++, Fortran, etc. It is a free and open-source software which is basically a collection of compilers like gcc, visual c++, clang, and so on. Several plugins can be installed to increase its functionality.

But the one and only problem with code::blocks is that it doesn’t have any dark theme by default. The white background is irritating to the eyes and is not liked by many people. Several configuration files can be downloaded to make the editor’s background in dark theme but it’s not that efficient due to 2 reasons:

  1. Only the editor’s background turns dark and not the whole window of code::blocks
  2. Extra files need to be downloaded which needs lots of time for configurations

Below is the white color code::blocks window.

Follow the below steps to make this window in dark  mode:

Step 1: Click on settings in Windows 10 and type magnifier as shown below

Step 2: Now click on ‘invert colors when using Magnifier’ from the menu bar(shown above). A new magnifier window will open as shown below:

Step 3: Click on the checkbox denoting ‘invert colors’ as highlighted in the above picture.

Step 4: Open cortana (of Windows 10) and type ‘magnifier’ as shown below:

Step 5: Hit enter and you see the codeblocks white color changed to black as shown below:

Step 6: Minimize the magnifier and start typing code.

Note: After closing the code::blocks, close the magnifier as well.

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