How to install CockroachDB for Windows

Prerequisite -Windows 8 or higher

CockroachDB  :

  • It is built on a transactional and strongly-consistent key-value store. 
  • It is a distributed SQL database.  
  • It scales horizontally 
  • It has survives disk, machine, rack, and even datacenter failures with minimal latency disruption.
  • It has no manual intervention.
  • It supports strongly-consistent ACID transactions.
  •  It provides a familiar SQL API for structuring, manipulating, and querying data.

Installing for Windows :

Installing CockroachDB involves 3 steps as follows.

  1. Download
  2. Add it to Environment variables path
  3. Run it

Step-1 : 

Download :

The download is from here and extracts the executable someplace. People usually place that in the program files folder of the OS drive but it can be anywhere. Once it is extracted, we would copy the path as shown below.

Step-2 : 

Adding it to the Environment variables path :

We need to add it to the environment variables path so that it can be accessed from any directory on the system. To do that, press the Windows button and search for “Edit the system environment variables” and press enter. This should open a new window where you should click on the Environment Variables button as shown below. 

This should open another window where we would select Path and click edit. You can see the given screenshot for your reference.

In the next window, clicking on the New button will add a new text field where we would paste the path to CockroachDB.exe and then click on the OK button.

Step-3 : 

Run it :

Now to check if it’s done correctly we would open a Windows Power Shell or command prompt and type cockroach and press enter. This should give the following output.

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