How to Get Verified on YouTube

For many creators, getting verified is a big deal, especially if you want to make money or build your brand on YouTube. Getting that gray checkmark might take some time, but there are simple steps you can follow to increase your chances. Verification gives you a badge next to your channel name, showing viewers that they’re on the official page. It also unlocks new features to help with your YouTube marketing.

If you’re a YouTube creator, you might be wondering how to get verified. Getting verified is easy, but you need to meet certain requirements before applying. In this post, we’ll explain what YouTube verification is, why it’s beneficial, and the steps you can take to get verified on YouTube.

What is YouTube Verification?

YouTube verification is when YouTube checks your profile and confirms that you are really who you say you are. Once your profile is verified, people on YouTube can trust that your account is genuine. When you see a gray checkmark next to your YouTube channel name, it means your channel is verified. This makes your channel official and more noticeable.

There are two types of YouTube verification:

  1. Phone Number Verification
  2. Channel Verification

1. Phone Number Verification

YouTube’s phone number verification is an important step in ensuring channel authenticity by confirming that the account is managed by a real person rather than a bot. This approach adds extra security to the platform and provides many benefits for developers.

Here’s an in-depth look at the specifics of phone number verification:

  • Purpose and Importance: The main purpose of Verification phone numbers is to verify the identity of the YouTube channel owner. This ensures that the person behind the channel is a real person and not an automated system.
  • Verification Code Delivery: Users verifying a phone number can choose to receive their verification code via text message or phone call. This flexible delivery method provides user preference and convenience.
  • Country selection: During the verification, users are required to select their country and enter their phone number. This information is important for YouTube to prove that it is the channel owner.
  • Requesting and Entering Verification Code:: Once a phone number is entered, users begin the verification process by entering a request code. YouTube immediately sends a unique code to the provided phone number, which the user must enter in the space provided to complete the verification process.
  • Submission and Confirmation: Once the verification code is entered, users submit information to YouTube for review. This step completes the phone number verification process, confirming that the channel owner is a real, authenticated user.
  • Security and Account Safety: In addition to identity verification, having a verified phone number increases the security of the account. It acts as an unauthorized security mechanism and ensures that account-related communications from YouTube are forwarded to an authenticated user.

YouTube Phone Number Verification

2. Channel Verification

When a YouTube channel is verified, it shows that it is the real channel of the creator or brand. This helps to distinguish the genuine channel from fake or imposter channels on the platform. Channel integrity:

Channel verification on YouTube is a major achievement that not only adds credibility to the channel but also sets it apart from fraudulent or fake channels. In this process, YouTube confirms the authenticity of a channel, proving that it is indeed from the said creator or brand. Let’s dig deeper into channel verification:

  • Verification Badge: The end result of channel verification is the iconic gray checkmark badge that appears next to the channel name. This badge serves as a visual signal to viewers that the method is authentic and reliable.
  • Types of Verification: YouTube has two methods of verification: phone number verification and channel verification. Although phone number verification focuses on the person behind the channel, the channel verification process specifically confirms that the entire channel is legitimate.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for channel verification, creators must meet certain criteria set by YouTube. These criteria typically include a high number of subscribers, a consistent posting schedule, and a demonstrated commitment to following YouTube’s policies and guidelines
  • Application Procedure: Creators who meet the eligibility requirements can apply for channel verification by visiting the YouTube channel verification application page. Typically, the application requires the channel name and ID to be configured.
  • Application review: Once an application is submitted, YouTube reviews the submissions, a process that can take weeks. YouTube may request additional information to validate the method in this review.
  • Verification Maintenance: Once a channel is verified and receives a gray checkmark badge, maintaining the integrity includes consistent content production and compliance with YouTube’s Terms of Service and only if channel names have been changed or YouTube guidelines have been violated only the badge be removed.

YouTube Channel Verification

What are the Benefits of YouTube Verification

YouTube verification offers several benefits that can enhance your channel and build trust with viewers. Here are some advantages:

  1. Build Trust: A verified badge signals to viewers that your channel is official and trustworthy, providing confidence in the accuracy of the information you share.
  2. Extended Video Length: Normally, videos can be up to 15 minutes long by default. However, verified accounts can upload videos that exceed this time limit.
  3. Livestreaming Access: Verified channels can access live streaming on YouTube. This feature is only available to verified accounts with no livestreaming restrictions in the past 90 days.
  4. Custom Thumbnails: Verified channels have the privilege of adding custom thumbnails to their videos. This allows for more creative and personalized representation.
  5. Content ID Claim Appeals: Verified creators can appeal Content ID claims, which occur when your video matches another YouTube video. This verification status provides a means to dispute such claims.

Having the sought-after YouTube verification badge not only makes your channel stand out but also helps differentiate it from fake and spam channels. Verifying your phone number brings additional benefits, including the ability to file copyright claims, live stream content, use custom thumbnails, and upload videos longer than 15 minutes.

Who can get the YouTube Verification Badge?

The YouTube verification badge is for notable and authentic creators. To get it, you need to be well-known and follow YouTube’s rules. It shows viewers that your channel is real and trustworthy. So, if you’re a popular and genuine creator, you can apply for the verification badge.

To be eligible for a YouTube verification badge on your channel, you need to meet specific criteria:

  1. The channel should have at least 100,000 subscribers. While this is a general requirement, YouTube may also consider verifying accounts on a case-by-case basis for those with fewer than 100,000 subscribers. However, it’s advisable to focus on growing your audience first.
  2. It should be authentic, representing the real brand or creator it claims to be. YouTube may request more information or documentation for verification. You must be truthful about your age, name, and identity. Your channel needs to genuinely represent the creator, brand, or entity it claims to be. YouTube checks various factors to verify your identity, such as the age of your channel
  3. The channel should be complete, meaning it is public with a profile picture, banner, and a proper description. Additionally, it should be an active channel that posts content regularly.

Eligibility Criteria For YouTube Verification

YouTube verification is a process that grants a grey checkmark badge to channels that meet specific criteria. This badge signifies authenticity, credibility, and influence on the platform. verified channels enjoy enhanced visibility, search ranking, and access to exclusive features.
Getting verified on YouTube is a big deal for content creators. It’s like a badge of authenticity that makes your channel more trustworthy. Let’s talk about the simple rules you need to follow to be eligible for YouTube verification.

Verification is like a stamp of approval for your channel. It shows people that your content is legit and helps your videos get noticed in searches. Trust is key, and verification helps you gain trust from viewers and potential collaborators.

  • Subscribers: The channel should have at least 100,000 subscribers
  • Authenticity: Ensure that your channel genuinely represents a real person, entity, or brand. Avoid any misleading information or impersonation.
  • Completeness: Create a complete channel profile with a clear profile picture, an engaging banner, and a concise bio. A fully filled-out profile adds legitimacy to your channel.
  • Consistency: Maintain a regular posting schedule to demonstrate your commitment to your audience.
  • Adherence to Policies: Follow the guidelines and community standards set by the platform. Steering clear of policy violations is crucial for verification of eligibility.
  • Public Interest: Showcase a notable presence in your field that generates public interest. Highlight your unique contributions or influence.
  • Legal Compliance: Carry out by copyright laws and other legal requirements. Ensure that your content adheres to all applicable rules and regulations.
  • Community Standards: Support a positive online community by upholding standards of respect and positivity. Avoid engaging in behavior that goes against community guidelines.
  • Searchability: Optimize your channel for search engines by using relevant keywords and tags. This helps people find your channel more easily.
  • By understanding and meeting these eligibility criteria, you increase your chances of getting your channel verified and standing out on the platform.

Eligibility Criteria To Get Your Phone Number Verified

The security of your YouTube account is very important YouTube has a phone number verification feature to make sure everything is safe and real. Having a verified phone number on YouTube is like adding a secret code to your account. It shows everyone that you’re for real and you’re not messing around. Plus, it helps keep things secure.

  1. Real Phone Number: The phone number you give has to be real and really yours. YouTube uses it to check things and talk to you directly. So, don’t make up numbers!
  2. How Long You’ve Had Your Account: You need to be on YouTube for a bit before they let you verify your phone number. This is to make sure you’re not just starting, which could be risky.
  3. Follow the Rules: You should play nice and follow YouTube’s rules. If your account is clean and you’re not causing trouble, you’re more likely to get your phone number verified.

Verify Your YouTube Account

To get verified on YouTube and verify your phone number, follow these steps :

Step 1: Visit the YouTube Verification Page

Go to the YouTube phone number verification page.

YouTube Phone Number Verification

Step 2: Choose Verification Code Delivery and Enter Country, Phone Number

Select how you want to receive your verification code, either through a text message or a phone call. Select your country and enter your phone number for verification. Click on “GET CODE.”

YouTube Phone Number Verification

Step 3: Enter the Verification Code and Submit

Once you receive the verification code, enter it in the provided space. Click on “SUBMIT,” and your YouTube account will be phone verified.

YouTube Phone Number Verification

Eligibility Criteria To Get Your Channel Verified

Getting your channel verified is an exciting step that adds credibility and authenticity to your online presence. To qualify for verification, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria. Let’s explore them in detail:

  • Subscribers: You need a good number of subscribers. While YouTube doesn’t say exactly how many, around 100,000 subscribers is a good aim.
  • Good Content: Focus on making good videos. Quality is more important than quantity. YouTube likes original and engaging content that keeps people interested.
  • No Copyright Issues: Don’t use other people’s stuff without permission. YouTube wants to verify creators who play by the rules, so make sure your content follows copyright laws.
  • Consistent Uploads: Keep a regular schedule for posting videos. YouTube likes creators who upload content regularly. It shows you’re serious about your YouTube channel.
  • Channel Age: The longer your channel has been around, the better. While there’s no exact time requirement, older channels are seen as more established.
  • Follow the Rules: Stick to YouTube’s rules and guidelines. Any history of breaking the rules can hurt your chances of getting verified.
  • Public Presence: YouTube likes creators who are known outside of YouTube. This could be through media coverage or events.
  • Social Media Presence: Be active on other social media platforms. It shows that you have a broader impact and engage with your audience on different platforms.
  • Clean Record: Don’t get into trouble. If you have a history of breaking rules or getting strikes, it could make it hard to get verified.

To get verified on YouTube and verify your YouTube channel, follow these steps :

Step 1: Visit the YouTube Verification Application Page

Open your YouTube channel verification application page.


If your channel has less than 100,000 subscribers, you won’t see the application form. You’ll need to return once your channel reaches this subscriber milestone.

YouTube Channel Verification Application Troubleshooting

Step 2: Complete Application Form

Fill in your channel name and ID in the application form.

Note: You can find your YouTube channel ID by clicking the link at the bottom of the form or going to Settings > Advanced Settings in your YouTube account.

YouTube Channel Verification Application

Step 3: Click Submit

After completing the form, click on the “Submit” button.

Additional Notes:

  • Wait for Verification Be patient as YouTube reviews your application. This process usually takes a few weeks, and YouTube may ask for additional information to confirm your channel’s authenticity.
  • Once verified, your channel will have a verification badge. It can only be removed if you change your channel name or violate YouTube’s Terms of Service.


In conclusion, getting verified on YouTube is a big achievement. It means your channel is real and trusted. Even though it might be a bit hard, you can do it by working hard and following some simple steps. Pick a good channel name, make your pictures look nice, and create interesting videos. Be part of the YouTube community, use good words for people to find your videos, and upload regularly.

FAQs on How to get Verified on YouTube

How much does it cost to get verified on YouTube?

YouTube verification is free of charge. There is no cost associated with obtaining the verification badge.

Do verified YouTubers get paid?

Verification status itself does not impact payment. Earnings depend on factors like views, ads, and partnerships.

What is the benefit of YouTube verification?

Verification provides authenticity, trust, and access to certain features like longer videos, livestreaming, and custom thumbnails.

How do you get verified to go live on YouTube?

Channel verification is generally required to go live on YouTube. Follow the verification steps outlined in the article.

Open YouTube > Go to Verification page > Select Verification Method > Fill Required Entries > Submit

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