How to Get Verified on Meta’s Threads

Instagram has launched a Twitter alternative for people who like Instagram which is used by millions of users today. For creating a Thread account, a person must have Instagram account information apart from which you will not be able to create your Thread account. People are getting more attracted to these blue ticks which are also known as verified marks, meaning that the user is a known personality and they are creating quality content which are liked by the audiences.

If anyone on Instagram has verified Mark, then it always suggests that either that person is a famous influencer whose videos are liked by the audience or they are some famous personalities who have achieved something in a specific field. Being a verified member on Meta has its own perks.

Unlike Instagram, Thread also provides this verification feature to its users through some of the following processes. In this article, we’ll discuss different ways to get verified on Thread and eligibility for that as well.

Table of Content

  • Different Ways To Get Verified on Meta’s Threads
  • Steps to Request Verification On Instagram
  • Subscribe To Meta Verified
  • Stand Out On Threads With the Blue Tick

Different Ways To Get Verified on Meta’s Threads

Meta Thread is an extended version of Instagram that can post up to 500 characters, a five-minute long video developed by its parent company Meta. It is like a Twitter of youngsters where they share their thoughts whether it is Monday morning greetings or Saturday Storytelling, they like to share all those things.

There are two ways through which people can get Verified on Meta’s Threads.

  1. Request Verification on Instagram
  2. Subscribing to Meta Verified

Steps to Request Verification On Instagram

People who have already maintained an Instagram algorithm and got a verification badge don’t need to make much effort as they are already established influencers. People want to get verified for some certain reasons only, one is such that they have some big personality or second they don’t want anyone to make any sort of fake IDs for them. Some people also want to get verified for high payouts that will be offered by brands and Instagram after the blue tick.

One such way to get verified on Threads is to request Verification on Instagram. Follow these simple steps to get your verification badge:

Step 1: Open Your Instagram Profile and tap on the three horizontal line icons at the top-right corner of Instagram.

Tap Three Horizontal Lines at Top Right Corner

Step 2: Choose “Setting and Privacy” and search for the “Request Verification” option.

Select Settings & Privacy

Step 3: Tap on the “Request Verification” option, fill the form and submit it by pressing the “Submit” button.

Click on Request Verification

Enter posts or reels link and Click Submit

Subscribe To Meta Verified

Another method through which you will get verified on Thread is taking a subscription, recently Meta the parent company has launched that people are no longer to spend so much time following algorithms. They can get their verification badge through a subscription also, they just need to pay a certain amount which will be specified once they request verification access. This is also similar to Twitter but it is not available in all the regions.

Let us now look at the following steps that need to be performed for subscribing to Meta Verified and getting a verification badge. But before moving forward let’s us see some of the eligibility criteria for getting verified:

  • Person must be 18 years old and above.
  • Must have an account on Instagram as well as Threads.
  • Require to activate their two factor authentication
  • Any one government Local ID is required for their verification process.

Become Meta Verified

Step 1: Open your Instagram profile and tap on the three horizontal line menu at the top-right corner of your profile.

Click on Three Horizontal Lines at the Top Right

Step 2: You will get an option of Meta Verified.

Meta Verified

Step 3: Tap on the button “Meta Verified” and click on the “SUBSCRIBE” button.

Subscribe to Meta

Step 4: Tap on the Instagram account which is linked with the Threads.

Step 5: Then a prompt with the subscription cost will be mentioned, so just tap on “Pay Now”.

Step 6: After payment, a profile verification will happen using a government ID, only after you will be going to verify if your local IDs will get verified.

After following this process Meta will take barely 48 hours to verify your ID on Thread if you have covered all the eligibility criteria.

Stand Out On Threads With the Blue Tick

Having a Blue Tick on Thread always doesn’t mean that people are successful but it has its own value, people who gets a blue tick gets some advantages like:

Followers: Having a Blue Tick attracts many followers and it will be good for your account reach.

Trust: Blue Tick is also considered a symbol of Trust as everyone is loving your content and through this your followers will take you more seriously.

Brands: Brands want to promote their products, a person with a Blue Tick must have a large group of followers and because of which they get more paid.

Connections: Many Meta events used to happen where all the verified people are called for meet and greet purpose, it will help them get socially involved with other people.


Getting verified on Threads is an achievement for lots of people which is only possible if you post a content daily on a specific field whether it can be beauty, vlog or music and so on. There are certain guidelines which must be followed like the eligibility criteria given by Threads, consisting of unique content and some other rules. For People to get verified on Instagram they must post high quality photos as well as videos to engage their audience and get verified.

In the article, we had discussed in detail how people can get verified on Threads using Instagram and a subscription, also advantages of standing out with a blue verification mark.

FAQs – Get Verified on Meta’s Threads

1. Like YouTube, Instagram users also need to have 1000 followers for verification?


No, Instagram does not have any specific number to get verified.

2. Why Do People Want to Get Verified on Threads?


People who want to get verified on Threads can have several reasons, can be because the person is an influencer or it helps create a fake account on that person’s name again.

3. How long does it take for Meta to Verify your ID on Thread?


After meeting the eligibility criteria Meta takes around 48 hours to verify that person on Thread.

4. Is it Necessary to have a high follower count to get verified on Thread?


No, It is not required at all. Verification process of any account depends on the uniqueness of the content as well the consistency is the major factor affecting verification.

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