Verify Your YouTube Account

To get verified on YouTube and verify your phone number, follow these steps :

Step 1: Visit the YouTube Verification Page

Go to the YouTube phone number verification page.

YouTube Phone Number Verification

Step 2: Choose Verification Code Delivery and Enter Country, Phone Number

Select how you want to receive your verification code, either through a text message or a phone call. Select your country and enter your phone number for verification. Click on “GET CODE.”

YouTube Phone Number Verification

Step 3: Enter the Verification Code and Submit

Once you receive the verification code, enter it in the provided space. Click on “SUBMIT,” and your YouTube account will be phone verified.

YouTube Phone Number Verification

Eligibility Criteria To Get Your Channel Verified

Getting your channel verified is an exciting step that adds credibility and authenticity to your online presence. To qualify for verification, you need to meet certain eligibility criteria. Let’s explore them in detail:

  • Subscribers: You need a good number of subscribers. While YouTube doesn’t say exactly how many, around 100,000 subscribers is a good aim.
  • Good Content: Focus on making good videos. Quality is more important than quantity. YouTube likes original and engaging content that keeps people interested.
  • No Copyright Issues: Don’t use other people’s stuff without permission. YouTube wants to verify creators who play by the rules, so make sure your content follows copyright laws.
  • Consistent Uploads: Keep a regular schedule for posting videos. YouTube likes creators who upload content regularly. It shows you’re serious about your YouTube channel.
  • Channel Age: The longer your channel has been around, the better. While there’s no exact time requirement, older channels are seen as more established.
  • Follow the Rules: Stick to YouTube’s rules and guidelines. Any history of breaking the rules can hurt your chances of getting verified.
  • Public Presence: YouTube likes creators who are known outside of YouTube. This could be through media coverage or events.
  • Social Media Presence: Be active on other social media platforms. It shows that you have a broader impact and engage with your audience on different platforms.
  • Clean Record: Don’t get into trouble. If you have a history of breaking rules or getting strikes, it could make it hard to get verified.

To get verified on YouTube and verify your YouTube channel, follow these steps :

Step 1: Visit the YouTube Verification Application Page

Open your YouTube channel verification application page.


If your channel has less than 100,000 subscribers, you won’t see the application form. You’ll need to return once your channel reaches this subscriber milestone.

YouTube Channel Verification Application Troubleshooting

Step 2: Complete Application Form

Fill in your channel name and ID in the application form.

Note: You can find your YouTube channel ID by clicking the link at the bottom of the form or going to Settings > Advanced Settings in your YouTube account.

YouTube Channel Verification Application

Step 3: Click Submit

After completing the form, click on the “Submit” button.

Additional Notes:

  • Wait for Verification Be patient as YouTube reviews your application. This process usually takes a few weeks, and YouTube may ask for additional information to confirm your channel’s authenticity.
  • Once verified, your channel will have a verification badge. It can only be removed if you change your channel name or violate YouTube’s Terms of Service.

How to Get Verified on YouTube

For many creators, getting verified is a big deal, especially if you want to make money or build your brand on YouTube. Getting that gray checkmark might take some time, but there are simple steps you can follow to increase your chances. Verification gives you a badge next to your channel name, showing viewers that they’re on the official page. It also unlocks new features to help with your YouTube marketing.

If you’re a YouTube creator, you might be wondering how to get verified. Getting verified is easy, but you need to meet certain requirements before applying. In this post, we’ll explain what YouTube verification is, why it’s beneficial, and the steps you can take to get verified on YouTube.

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To get verified on YouTube and verify your phone number, follow these steps :...


In conclusion, getting verified on YouTube is a big achievement. It means your channel is real and trusted. Even though it might be a bit hard, you can do it by working hard and following some simple steps. Pick a good channel name, make your pictures look nice, and create interesting videos. Be part of the YouTube community, use good words for people to find your videos, and upload regularly....

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