How Blazor Framework is Better Than JavaScript Frameworks?

JavaScript is a front-end programming language for the web, it is a lightweight and most commonly used front-end programming language. It also uses to manipulate and validate the data.  JavaScript framework is basically JavaScript code libraries in which pre-written code is used. Using those codes we can create websites and web applications. Below are the main types of JavaScript frameworks.

  • React.js
  • Angular.js
  • Vue.js

1. React.js

It is an Open Source client-side library developed by Facebook. It very simple and scalable and uses to create single-page applications or mobile applications. It can easily use with the help of JavaScript libraries and angular js model view controller, and it also provides a single-way data flow. It uses the one-way binding.

Features of ReactJS

  • Use the JSX extension react.js is a JavaScript syntax extension. It is necessary to use a JSX extension when you save your application.
  • It works as a component. In React.js, everything is a component. It helps to maintain the code when working on large-scale projects.

Advantages of ReactJS

  • ReactJS uses virtual DOM (Document Object Model). Virtual DOM improves application performance react.js much faster than regular DOM.

Disadvantages of ReactJS

  • React.js uses a huge size library.
  • In react not provide good documentation

2. AngularJS

Angular is a client-side MVC-based framework. It provides a good design and interactive look to our website. JavaScript. AngularJS changes static HTML content to dynamic Html content, and it also provides a custom attribute option.

Features of AngularJS

  • Angular supports MVC architecture.
  • It provides angular CLI.
  • It provides data binding.

Advantages of Angular

  • In angular js, you can use the reusable component.
  • It is helpful for dynamic client-side applications.

Disadvantages of Angular

  • The angular framework is quite complex to learn.
  • Angular provides a limited SEO option.

3. Vue.js

It is a JavaScript framework and uses to design interactive front-end applications. It works on a view layer. It smoothly integrated with large types of projects.

Features of Vue.js

  • Vue.js uses virtual DOM (Document Object Model).
  • It provides data binding.
  • It provides animation and transition of the element.
  • Vue.js is a lightweight framework.
  • Vue.js provides build-in libraries and, we can easily use these libraries in our code.

Advantages of Vue.js

  • It is a small-size framework.
  • Vue.js is easy to understand and smoothly developed the application.
  • Vue.js provides detailed documentation.
  • Vue.js provides two-way communication.
  • Vue.js simple to integrated.

Disadvantages of Vue.js

  • Vue.js provides a few the plugin.
  • It is developed by a small community.
  • It does not support large types of projects.

What is a Blazor?

Blazor is a UI framework for client-side web applications. In this, we are using c# Language and, it runs on web assembly.

What is the Web assembly?

It is similar to Java byte code that means if the code is running into web assembly, it is easily compatible or runs with any web browser. Mainly it provides platform independence to the user.

What is Blazor Web Assembly?

Blazor web assembly runs on a web browser it some functions similar to JavaScript framework angular js or reacts.

Features of Blazor Framework

  • Forms and validation feature.
  • Dependency injection features.
  • Routing features.
  • Layout features.

Advantages of Blazor

  • Make web application using C#.
  • It provides an interactive look to our website.
  • Blazor server allows the application to run on the server-side.
  • In the Blazor web assembly, code can be share client-side and server-side.

Disadvantages of Blazor

Following disadvantages of the Blazor web application

  • It is not compatible with all browsers. It is compatible only with a modern browser.
  • Small communities developed the Blazor web assembly in comparison to Angular or React.js.

Hosting Models in Blazor Web Assembly

  • Client: The app directly executes on the web browser on web assembly based on runtime. It is also called static Blazor web assembly.
  • Server: The component in this running on the server-side. It is also called dynamic Blazor web assembly. It is smaller and, the application load faster.

Why Use Blazor Over a JavaScript Framework?

Blazor uses two hosting models, the client-side model and the server-side model. We can use the Blazor server to execute the application on the server-side and client-side. In Blazor, there is no need for a third-party plugin. 

Blazor uses the latest browser capabilities. Whereas JavaScript, we can work modern as well as the oldest browsers. In Blazor, we can share code between client and server. In JavaScript, we cannot use two hosting models. JavaScript’s use as frontend development.

JavaScript Frameworks Comparison With Blazor

Blazor VS React.js

  • Blazor and React used for web app builders. Both frameworks are open-source. React has detailed JavaScript libraries for the developed interactive user interface.
  • Blazor has a UI framework use C# programming language and, HTML Razor runs with the help of a browser using web assembly. In Blazor incremental DOM is used but in react virtual, DOM use. In Blazor, no need for a plugin and, it also provides server-side rendering. React does not provide server-side rendering. Blazor is more efficient than react and, Blazor also provides .net debugging.

Blazor VS Angular

  • Both are open-source. Angular is on JavaScript and, Blazor supports C# programming language.
  • Angular is a production-ready framework. The Blazor uses one-way binding, Whereas Angular uses two-way binding.
  • Angular uses regular DOM and, Blazor uses incremental DOM.
  • Angular uses Typescript language and, Blazor uses web assembly and C# language.
  • For unit testing and debugging uses Jasmine Tool in Angular, Whereas Blazor testing and debugging using the Blazor testing placeholder. Angular fully supports PWA but, Blazor can’t work with PWA. Angular does not support server-side rendering, Whereas blazor supports server-side rendering.

Blazor VS Vue.js

  • Both are open-source framework.Vue.js uses JavaScript framework and, Blazor uses web assembly. Blazor provides one-way binding, Whereas vue.js provide two-way binding.Vue.js used typescript and JavaScript language, Whereas Blazor uses only typescript language. Angular uses virtual DOM, whereas Blazor uses incremental DOM.

Both frameworks have different importance. Both have the same functionality with a different structure. Angular, Vue.js, and React are JavaScript frameworks but, Blazor works on web assembly and C# programming language. Blazor uses incremental DOM and, the JavaScript framework is using virtual DOM. Blazor using hosting models that work on the client-side as well as the server-side. Blazor provides server-side rendering.

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