Difference between Server-Side AJAX framework and Client-side AJAX framework ?

The article focuses on discussing the differences between the Server-side AJAX framework and the Client-side AJAX framework. The following topics will be discussed here:

  1. What is a Server-side AJAX framework?
  2. What is a Client-side AJAX framework?
  3. Server-side AJAX framework vs Client-side AJAX framework

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail:

What is a Server-side AJAX framework?

The server-side framework generally makes use of a compiler-based programming language that runs on the web server. The server-side framework helps the developers to able to create and develop AJAX functionality in their code, without needing them to master the JavaScript skills. Using the server-side framework the developers can control the servers and components easily with the help of the drag-and-drop feature.

  • The server-side framework needs a connection to the server.
  • The server-side framework permits the server to supply dynamic websites designed for the use of clients, which also develops a processing load on the server.
  • Using the server-side framework, we can store our data in the database, which can build as well as return HTML, various types of file types like PDFs and images and data in form of JSON and XML.

What is a Client-side AJAX framework?

The client-side framework permits the users to create web applications using a desktop application. With the client-side framework, the user can build applications on a web server with rich user – interaction, making use of JavaScript libraries

  • The client-side framework needs internet browsers to execute the scripts on the user’s computer
  • There are huge web developers that prefer to develop their applications using client-side framework libraries

Server-side AJAX framework vs Client-side AJAX framework

Below are the differences between the Server-side AJAX framework and the Client-side AJAX framework:

Factors Server-side AJAX framework  Client-side AJAX framework
Purpose The main purpose of server-side AJAX framework is to enable the developers to be able to build AJAX functionality without mastering JavaScript skillsClient-side. The main purpose of Client side AJAX framework is to enable the developers to build web applications with good user interactionServer-side.
Processing Processing takes place on a server of the web application. Processing takes place on a server of the clients’ machine.
Load on server The Server-side AJAX framework increases the load on server Client-side AJAX framework decreases the load on the server
Interaction with server The Server-side framework needs a Client-side connection to the server. The client-side framework does not need a connection to the server.
Database Operations Using the server-side framework, we can store our data in the database Database operations are generally not required
Use of JavaScript libraries The developers can build AJAX functionality without learning JavaScript concepts  User needs to create web applications using a set of JavaScript libraries 
Execution Executes on the web server Executes on the user’s computer
Use Using the server-side framework, developers are able to control the server Using the client-side framework, developers are able to create UI.
Visibility to the users The server-side script is performed inside a web server, hence not visible to the client Visible to the client as these are executed on the client’s machine
Languages Used Languages used for the server-side frameworks are Python, PHP, and ASP.net Languages used for the client-side frameworks are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

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