React vs Svelte: Which JavaScript Framework Is Better

In today’s front-end development landscape, JavaScript frameworks are a must-have for most web designers. These frameworks streamline the development process, boosting efficiency and productivity. But with the constant evolution of technology, new and improved frameworks emerge all the time. This abundance of options can make it challenging to select the perfect framework for your specific project needs.

This article will provide a comprehensive comparison of two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks today: Svelte and React. We’ll break down the advantages and disadvantages of each framework to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

What is React?

Created by Meta in 2013, Developers employ React as a front-end JavaScript library for crafting user interfaces. The UI components are maintained by Meta (formerly Facebook), while a collaborative community of developers and organizations continuously contributes to the release of enhanced versions. React serves as a foundational tool for making websites, mobile apps, and server-rendered apps.

React proves valuable for handling the form and rendering said state onto the DOM. Crafting React applications necessitates the utilization of supplementary libraries. Understanding routing, client-side scripting, and design patterns constitutes an essential prerequisite for the development of React components.

Features of React:

  1. Component-Based: React component-based architecture allows for the creation of encapsulated and reusable UI components, enabling a modular and organized codebase.
  2. Virtual DOM: Reacts use of a virtual DOM enables efficient and optimized rendering by minimizing actual DOM manipulations, resulting in improved performance.
  3. JSX: Reacts JSX syntax allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript, improving code readability and simplifying the product of UI components.
  4. React Hooks: React Hooks provide a way to use state and other React features in active components, enabling developers to write more brief and reusable code.

What is Svelte?

Created by Rich Harris in 2016, Svelte stands as a freely available, open-source front-end framework. Svelte transforms HTML templates into specialized code, enabling direct manipulation of the Document Object Model. Diverging from conventional JavaScript frameworks such as React, Svelte sidesteps the overhead typically linked with the virtual DOM.

Svelte’s operational method results in reduced file sizes during transmission and enhances client-side performance. The compiler analyses the application code, integrating calls to automatically update data, and subsequently re-renders UI elements impacted by said data. Svelte is authored in TypeScript, which serves as a superset of JavaScript.

Features of Svelte:

  1. Reactive Updates: Svelte’s reactive programming abilities automatically update the DOM when the state changes, simplifying the development process and providing efficient rendering.
  2. No Virtual DOM: By gathering components into highly efficient critical code, Svelte eliminates the need for a virtual DOM, resulting in faster performance and smaller bundle sizes.
  3. Component-based Architecture: Svelte encourages modular growth through reusable parts, promoting code organization and maintainability.
  4. Efficient Event Handling: Svelte streamlines event handling with brief syntax, making it easy to handle user interactions and enhance the overall user experience.

React vs Svelte

Now that we’ve explored the growing landscape of JavaScript frameworks and the factors to consider when choosing one, let’s delve into a head-to-head comparison of two prominent contenders: React and Svelte. We’ll analyze their key features, performance, and ideal use cases to help you determine which framework aligns best with your project requirements.

1. Speed and Performance


React places a significant focus on creating reusable components to streamline common tasks and optimize performance. Its strength becomes clear, particularly in managing user interactions and animations.

React utilizes a virtual DOM, acting as a temporary memory storage for alterations made to the user interface. React operates more efficiently compared to the Traditional Document Object Model (DOM) employed in vanilla JavaScript, The Virtual DOM defers updates until rendering and updating can be efficiently executed, resulting in faster performance.


Svelte excels in crafting sleek, single-page applications (SPAs) with an emphasis on lean code. Its streamlined nature, absence of a virtual DOM, and streamlined syntax can accelerate initial development cycles, especially for modest projects and developers well-versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Due to the absence of a Virtual DOM in Svelte, Svelte applications typically exhibit faster performance compared to React.

2. Bundle Size


React, when combined with ReactDOM and compressed into a .gzip file, reaches a larger size of 42.2 kilobytes. Despite its larger footprint, React offers a powerful and versatile framework for building complex user interfaces


Svelte’s .gzip version is impressively compact, weighing in at just 1.6 kilobytes. This minimal footprint underscores Svelte’s advantage in terms of loading speed, responsiveness, and cost-efficiency. Its small size translates to reduced bandwidth requirements and faster page rendering, making it an appealing choice for projects prioritizing performance optimization and resource efficiency.

3. Learning Curve


React has a challenging learning curve, particularly for developers who are new to front-end development. It demands a solid grasp of JavaScript and the ability to handle intricate state management. However, once developers become acquainted with React, they can swiftly and efficiently construct sophisticated UIs.


Svelte indeed boasts a gentle learning curve. Its template language is straightforward to grasp, allowing developers to swiftly become proficient with the framework. Additionally, Svelte maintains a concise API surface, minimizing the number of concepts to master. Svelte code offers greater readability and lacks extraneous elements. Svelte’s default reactivity sets it apart from React in this instance, offering a clear advantage.

4. Testing


React depends on external tools such as Jest and React Testing Library to evaluate components from a user’s viewpoint, ensuring meticulous control. Moreover, React developers can choose to utilize the Enzyme library for precise management of testing procedures.

React code can undergo ‘end-to-end’ tests for evaluation. Testing React code within a genuine browser environment enhances your application’s time to market (TTM) and amplifies its value.


Svelte streamlines the process by offering built-in testing utilities such as “testing-library/svelte,” prioritizing the copy of user interactions to ensure authentic testing. Its intuitive approach renders it an appealing option, particularly for individuals venturing into front-end testing for the first time.

Svelte provides its testing library tailored for unit testing purposes. Compared to React, the Svelte testing library boasts a smaller size and facilitates straightforward computations. Consequently, Svelte aids developers in upholding tidy, functional, and streamlined codebases.

5. Libraries


React benefits from strong support from its open-source community, which develops tools and libraries to enhance its capabilities For example, notable libraries include Material UI and React Bootstrap for UI design, along with React Router for handling routing. Moreover, React utilizes Next.js and Gatsby for server-side rendering.


Svelte benefits from an active open-source community, providing additional features beyond React. For instance, routing in a Svelte application is facilitated by tools like SvelteNavigator. Additionally, Svelte boasts robust UI libraries such as Sveltestrap and Svelte Material UI. Despite the ongoing efforts of Svelte’s community to introduce new tools, frameworks, and libraries, React maintains a significant lead.

6. Developer Experience


Developer understanding is important for productivity and maintaining code quality. React’s component-based architecture simplifies code reuse and facilitates the fast development of detailed user interfaces.


Svelte’s template language and reactive programming methodology streamline the process of building UIs swiftly and effectively. Both frameworks offer distinct advantages for developers aiming to enhance efficiency and code maintainability.

7. Community Support


The React community provides exceptional support, offering tutorials, guides, updates, and an extensive array of components. As one of the most widely utilized JavaScript libraries, React is overseen by Meta, a tech juggernaut. Accessing assistance from the React community is effortless, given its vast and supportive nature. The official React library holds 213K stars and 44,6K forks.

React takes the lead in terms of community support, with demand for React developers surpassing that of Svelte.


As Svelte’s popularity grows, its community remains smaller compared to React’s. The official Svelte GitHub repository boasts 72K stars but only 4K forks, indicating a relatively smaller community size. Consequently, developers might encounter slightly fewer resources and support options, especially for less prevalent use cases.

8. Ecosystem and Documentation


React struggles with comparatively lacklustre documentation, and lack of interactivity. Nevertheless, the React team is diligently working on new documentation, currently in beta and poised for imminent public release.


Svelte shines in the documentation department. Its documentation is hailed as one of the finest standalone resources for learning Svelte, boasting an interactive tutorial right within the framework.

In the realm of ecosystem size, React stands out with its extensive reach, being one of the oldest frameworks in the JavaScript ecosystem. This translates to easier access to support, code assistance, and a wealth of resources compared to Svelte

React vs Svelte: Comparison Table




Speed and Performance

Efficient but may have slight overhead due to VDOM

Fast runtime, efficient updates & No Virtual DOM

Bundle Size

42.2 KB with React DOM

1.6 KB

Learning Curve

Requires advanced knowledge of JavaScript

Svelte is simpler and beginner-friendly


Support testing with jest and enzyme

Support testing with jest


React benefits from strong support from its open-source community

Svelte benefits from an active open-source community

Developer Experience

Next.js allows you to build React apps for all types of use points, such as SSG, SSR, SPA, and so on.

Svelte Kit allows you to build Svelte apps faster with a lot of features for different use cases

Community Support

206,000+ GitHub likes

67,000+ GitHub likes

Ecosystem and Documentation

Large developer resources available

Growing developer resources

When to Choose React:

  • Large-Scale Applications: React’s component-based architecture and virtual DOM make it ideal for building large-scale applications with complex UI needs. It provides a scalable and manageable framework for effectively handling and refreshing UI components.
  • Interactive User Interfaces: Reacts responsiveness and streamlined rendering position it as an outstanding option for developing interactive user interfaces featuring real-time updates, such as social media platforms, collaborative tools, or live chat applications.
  • Ecosystem and strong support: Opt for React when you’re in search of an ecosystem filled with various libraries, tools, and a strong community that guarantees quick support and solutions.

When to Choose Svelte:

  • Small-scale projects: Svelte truly stands out when developing Simple projects like a minimalist portfolio website or a small web application with fundamental features, ideal for smaller-scale endeavors.
  • Single-Page Applications: The effectiveness and dynamic nature of Svelte make it a robust choice for developing SPAs that demand swift rendering and fluid transitions between views.
  • Prioritizing performance and efficiency: If your goal is to attain peak speed and streamlined code, Svelte’s lack of a Virtual DOM results in quicker performance compared to applications built with React.


In conclusion, this article has explored the key differences between Svelte and React, two popular JavaScript frameworks for front-end development. We’ve compared their performance, approach to the virtual DOM, and suitability for different project sizes. React, with its vast ecosystem and flexibility, excels at handling large-scale, complex applications. On the other hand, Svelte’s focus on simplicity, performance, and a small codebase makes it ideal for smaller to medium-sized projects where speed is a priority.

By understanding these strengths and weaknesses, you can now make an informed decision about which framework best suits the needs of your next web application project.

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