Hitachi Interview Experience 2021

First Round(Aptitude + Coding): It was a combination of aptitude and 3 coding questions. 2 coding questions were easy and one was medium. Make sure that you give your best in this round because fewer people move to round 2.

Second Round(Technical Round): I felt that the technical round was pretty easy as the interviewer asked about my college projects and then asked me what was my favorite subject. I said OS. Then he asked all the basic questions related to OS some of them are.

  1. What are sockets?
  2. What is Paging?
  3. What is Deadlock?

Then he asked me Networking questions which were:

  1. What is Internet?
  2. What happens when you type “” in the browser?

I was shortlisted for the HR round.

Third Round(HR Round): So this interview is taken by Hitachi’s senior leadership. So he started with my introduction about my background. Then he moved to puzzles

  1. How to Measure 45 minutes using two identical wires?

These were the puzzles he asked, I answered them. Then he just wanted to check my current affairs knowledge. So he asked me some current affairs questions.

Verdict – Selected

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