Hitachi Consultancy Interview Experience Pune 2019

Hitachi Consulting has a different approach than mass recruiters. They have in total of 6 rounds each of them being elimination round.

Round 1 Online test

It won’t be right to call the online test easy because most of the students get eliminated in this round. The test wasn’t that tough but it was the marking scheme that causes the elimination of most of the students. The marking scheme here was of +1 and -2 i.e. +1 for every correct answer and -2 for every wrong answer.
The time duration was 120 min which consists of about 60 verbal + aptitude questions and 50 technical questions. Yes, 110 questions in 120 min. By looking at question to time ratio you must have come to the conclusion that the questions were basic. Yes some of them were very easy, some were a bit confusing.

!!!!!! Don’t take risk of attempting confusing questions especially the one related to the output of C/c++ code snippets.


To crack this test is to attempt only those questions for which you are sure. It’s not necessary to solve all the questions. even I attempted only 70-80 questions.

The results were declared after a week.

It was a pool drive and I was the only one from my college who was selected for the next round.

Round 2 GD (Group discussion)

As it was my first GD so I wasn’t well prepared for it still it went well.

The topics of GD are usually easy.


Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking.

Try to be calm and composed and please try to be polite.

It’s a plus point if you start or conclude but it’s not so necessary.

At the end of the day all that matters is how innovative, important, informative, useful and out of the box is your point.

The results of this round are declared just after the GD.

Round 3 Essay Writing

This wasn’t an elimination round although the essay is evaluated during the HR round.

You are expected to write an essay in 20-30 min.


Try to write in good handwriting.

keep your paper neat.

Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

Round 4 Technical Interview 1

The interviewer expects you to have basic knowledge of programming and DBMS.
questions will be like to check if the string follows the rule of grammar or not etc.

A few questions were related to update and group by statements etc.

Questions were also asked from the project topics too.


Don’t brag about the things you don’t know

Try to explain your logic even if you are unable to write the algorithm so that he can understand your way of thinking.

Round 5 Technical Interview 2

This round will consist of interview problems related to data structure and algorithms.

The questions will be like code to implement stack using linked list etc

questions can also be asked from topics of OOPs etc


Same as above if you don’t know the answer then tell them directly instead of wasting time so that any other question can be asked to you.

Round 6 HR Round

Here the questions will be related to managerial topics like how will you react to a given situation and then they evaluate your essay.


Be honest

The final result was declared in 2 days.

Verdict Selected.

The selection ratio for this company is low but if you have the proper skillset and you deserve it you will surely get selected.

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