Hitachi Consulting Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Hitachi is a well-known brand and Hitachi consulting is the IT arm of the same. My interview experience was really good and I got selected too. Here is all about it.

Round 1: Aptitude and Technical Online Test (MCQ)

The first round was an online test comprising of 110 MCQ with a total time of 120 minutes. There are 2 sections- Aptitude(50 questions) and Technical(60 questions).  The marking was of the pattern +1 and -2. I attempted only the questions I knew while making some calculated safe hits. A week or two after the exam, a shortlist of some 150 students was announced.

Round 2: Group Discussion

All the process starting from here took place on a single day. Hitachi takes a different type of GD. It is basically a ‘Case study based Group Discussion’.  My topic was- ‘ A nuclear war has broken out and only 12 people have survived. Now our aim is to save some people so that earth could be repopulated. We need to take some people in a shelter where limited resources like food and water are available. These resources are enough for 7 people to last a few months but not enough for 12. Thus, you need to discuss upon who would you take in the shelter keeping all the attributes in mind.’

The name, age, gender, health and past experience of all the twelve members were given and we needed to discuss it. Each group consisted of 10 people out of which 3 were chosen on an average.

Round 3: Technical Interview- Round 1

All the students shortlisted from GD moved for the technical interview. Round 1 was quite interesting and the interviewer asked basic codes and questions from the student’s field of interest. The interviewers were extremely friendly. I was asked a lot of questions from Core Java- JVM, Exceptions, Threads etc. It was followed by OS, Basic DS and Puzzles.

Shortlisted students were forwarded for Technical Interview – Round 2.

Round 4: Technical Interview- Round 2

Technical Interview round 2 was a bit tougher. Questions based on DS and Algorithms were asked like how to make a queue from 2 stacks. The interviewer also asked me about K-NN as I mentioned about Machine Learning. Lastly, he asked me to explain my favorite novel as I had mentioned ‘reading’ as a hobby on my resume.

Round 5: HR Interview

After 2 hours of technical 2, I was telephoned and notified about my HR. It was a great experience. I was supposed to discuss on ‘my finest achievement till now’ with the interviewer for about 20 minutes.

After 2 days of this process, results were announced and I got selected for Hitachi Consulting on 23rd August 2018.

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