GeeksforGeeks Interview Experience for Teaching Asistent Intern

I applied for TA (Teaching Assistant)intern role in the w3wiki job portal. 1 day HR call me and tell the interview is come on at night(Online Interview), I prepared and there asked only DSA Based questions. I agree with the interview.

Firstly my Interviewer is a friendly man. first, he asked me some common questions like:

  • Your introduction
  • How you manage this role with your college time
  • How you prepare for DSA

Then he asked a HEARD LEVEL DSA Question.

Count minimum swap to make string palindrome., In w3wiki, there have a solution for this

Time complexity – 0(N^2).

Space complexity – 0(1).

My Interviewer tells me it is a more optimized way there Time Complexity – |s|*|s|. Space Complexity – 0(1).

He said wrote code and tell approach. i tell a approach but this approach TC is -0(N^2),Space – 0(N).He agrees with my approach.

He asked some MCQ-based questions like:

  • Merge Sort time complexity,
  • What is a Priority queue(Min Heap, Max Heap)
  • Linked list middle node time complexity
  • Backedge in Graph
  • How you manage Segmentation failed in an array.

In this interview, all answer is available in w3wiki. Here are all MCQ and all important DSA questions available in the practice set.

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