Apna College Interview Experience for Teaching Assistant

This is a recount of my interview experience for a Teaching Assistant position at Apna College. I applied through their Telegram community group, where the job posting caught my eye. The interview process consisted of two rounds: a telephonic round and an online video-call interview.

First Round – Assessing the Basics

The first round began with a phone call. The interviewer inquired about my progress in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), specifically how much I had covered and if there were any remaining topics. They then delved into my technical background, asking me about fundamental data structures like arrays, trees, and graphs. Additionally, they compared the time complexities of merge sort and quick sort. The questions focused heavily on theoretical concepts. Fortunately, having a strong grasp of the fundamentals allowed me to answer confidently, and I successfully cleared this round. The interviewer then informed me of the upcoming video call interview the following day. Needless to say, this being my first interview, I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Second Round -Video Call Interview – Putting Skills to the Test

The video call interview, scheduled shortly after the first round, found me feeling more confident. The interviewer began by creating a relaxed and comfortable environment, encouraging me to feel at ease. They then proceeded with basic questions like introducing myself, explaining my motivations for wanting to become a TA at Apna College, and highlighting my key skills.

1. Tell me about yourself

2. why do you want to be a TA at Apna College

3. What are your key skills

4. How you tackle problems (DSA Problems) while approaching to its solution

Following these introductory questions, the interview transitioned into a technical round. I was presented with five DSA problems covering data types, arrays (matrices), sorting, recursion, trees, and backtracking. Finally, the interview shifted to a coding round where I was given four coding challenges. While I was able to successfully solve two of them, there’s always room for improvement.

These were basic question she asked then It was technical Round started I was asked 5 questions in dsa they were from data type ,array[matrix] , sorting ,recursion,Tree,Backtracking then she directly jumped into coding round where she gave me 4 question I was able to solve 2 of them problems were

1. Path with maximum Gold

Reflections and Takeaways

Overall, this interview experience was a valuable learning opportunity. It reinforced the importance of having a solid foundation in DSA concepts and the ability to approach problems strategically. I’m grateful for the chance to interact with Apna College and look forward to future endeavors!

Dos and Don’ts for Interviews

Dos –

Prepare Thoroughly: Revise DSA , review common questions, and know your resume.

Be Punctual: Arrive early or log in a few minutes before the scheduled time.

Communicate Clearly: Speak confidently and structure your answers logically.

Follow Up: Send a thank-you email to express appreciation and reiterate your interest.


Don’t Be Unprepared: Avoid going into the interview without proper revision and practice.

Don’t Be Late: Never arrive late, as it shows a lack of respect for the interviewer’s time.

Don’t Lie or Exaggerate: Be honest about your experiences and qualifications.

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