BluCursor Interview Experience for Software Engineer Trainee

First Round was the Technical assessment

  • which contains Java, DSA, Linux, DBMS, and MCQs

Second Round was the HR round

  • Intro
  • Strength And Weakness
  • What Is Your Expected Salary
  • Tell Me About Your Family
  • How Many Interview Have U Given Recently

Third Round Was Technical Round

  • UseEffect In Reactjs
  • State And Props Difference
  • Find And Filter Difference
  • Map And ForEach Diff
  • Do You Know Unit Testing?
  • Async And Sycrous Difference
  • FindBYID And FindOne Difference In MongoDB
  • Function And Class Compents Ma Difference
  • Redux
  • Redux Thunk
  • Redux Persist
  • Array And Object Difference
  • Firebase
  • Nodejs Code Structure
  • String Reverse Program
  • What Is Your Role In the Project
  • Arrow Function

Senior HR round

  • Salary negotiation
  • Tell me about your internship prject

CEO Round

  • Tell about yourself
  • Are you comfortable to work on any technolgy
  • Do you have any question for me

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