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SAT Reading Practice Test-1

The following passage is from “The House of Mirth” by Edith Wharton. The setting is early 20th-century New York City. Lily Bart, the protagonist, is a young woman navigating the complexities of high society.

Lily Bart had no resource but to walk. She could not remain in the street, go back to the Haffen house, or take refuge with any of the friends who had had a hand in her ruin. The night was closing in, and she had a long way to walk. She rose, stiff and chilled, from her seat, and began to move forward with a blind idea of reaching some definite goal. She felt a sudden pang at the thought of what she had left undone, the chances she had lost, the illusions she had burned out. Why had she waited so long to see the light? Why had she clung so blindly to the vision of a different future?

She passed from street to street, dragging her tired limbs on, knowing only that she must walk and walk till she could walk no more. It was not actual physical fatigue that paralyzed her; it was the sense of moral lassitude, the feeling that she had reached the limits of her endurance, and could no longer keep up the semblance of strength. Her life had become a thing of shreds and patches; she was not even certain of the form it had taken.

Night had closed in, and she was unaware of the hour. She found herself before a small park, and dropped down on a bench, faint with exhaustion. She had no money with which to buy food, and she had reached the point where physical hunger could not quicken the numbed pulses of her will. She could not have eaten, had food been within her reach.


The primary purpose of the passage is to:

A. Describe Lily Bart’s physical journey. B. Depict the emotional and moral struggles of the protagonist. C. Illustrate the societal expectations placed on women. D. Explore the nature of friendship and betrayal.

Based on the passage, what can be inferred about Lily Bart’s state of mind?

A. She is determined and hopeful.B. She is disoriented and exhausted.C. She is content and at peace.D. She is angry and vengeful.

In the context of the passage, the word “lassitude” most nearly means:A. lethargy.B. excitement.C. anticipation.D. confusion.

What does Lily Bart’s decision to keep walking suggest about her character?

A. She is resolute and unwavering.B. She is lost and searching for direction.C. She is indifferent to her circumstances.D. She is rebellious and defiant.

Answers & Explanations

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to:B. depict the emotional and moral struggles of the protagonist.Explanation: The passage focuses on Lily Bart’s internal turmoil, her sense of moral fatigue, and her reflection on past mistakes, illustrating her emotional and moral struggles.
  2. Based on the passage, what can be inferred about Lily Bart’s state of mind?B. She is disoriented and exhausted.Explanation: The passage describes Lily as walking aimlessly, feeling moral lassitude, and being faint with exhaustion, indicating her disoriented and fatigued state of mind.
  3. In the context of the passage, the word “lassitude” most nearly means:A. lethargy.Explanation: “Lassitude” refers to a state of physical or mental weariness, which aligns with the context of Lily feeling paralyzed and exhausted.
  4. What does Lily Bart’s decision to keep walking suggest about her character?B. She is lost and searching for direction.Explanation: Lily’s aimless walking and lack of a clear goal suggest that she is lost and searching for direction in her life, reflecting her internal struggle and uncertainty.

SAT Reading Practice Test-2

This passage is adapted from Jane Smith, “The Hidden Cost of Fast Fashion.” ©2020 by Green Living Journal.

Every year, millions of consumers flock to fast fashion retailers to purchase the latest trends at low prices. This phenomenon, driven by the rapid production and quick turnover of clothing styles, has significant economic, environmental, and ethical implications. In 2019 alone, the global fashion industry produced over 100 billion garments, much of it destined for landfills after only a few uses.

The rise of fast fashion can be traced back to the late 20th century, when advancements in manufacturing and globalization began to reshape the fashion industry. Today, the emphasis on speed and low cost has led to a cycle of overconsumption and waste. Consumers are encouraged to buy more clothing than they need, contributing to the throwaway culture prevalent in modern society.

Environmentalists have studied the impact of fast fashion on the planet, finding that the constant production and disposal of clothing lead to significant pollution and resource depletion. The textile industry is one of the largest polluters of water, and the use of synthetic fibers, which do not biodegrade, adds to the growing problem of plastic pollution.

Ethicists have also weighed in on the issue, noting that the demand for cheap clothing often results in poor working conditions and low wages for garment workers in developing countries. The pressure to produce clothing quickly and cheaply can lead to exploitative labor practices, raising serious ethical concerns about the true cost of fast fashion.

In response to these challenges, some experts advocate for a shift towards more sustainable and ethical fashion practices. This involves supporting brands that prioritize fair labor practices, investing in high-quality garments that last longer, and recycling or repurposing old clothing. By adopting these practices, consumers can reduce their environmental footprint and promote better working conditions for garment workers.

Ultimately, the hidden cost of fast fashion is not just measured in dollars and cents, but in the environmental damage and human suffering it causes. By reevaluating our relationship with clothing and making more intentional choices, we can create a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry.


1. The primary purpose of the passage is to:

A. explain the benefits of fast fashion.B. highlight the negative effects of fast fashion.C. advocate for increased clothing production.D. describe the history of the fashion industry.

2. Based on the passage, what can be inferred about the relationship between fast fashion and environmental impact?

A. Fast fashion has no impact on the environment.B. Fast fashion improves the environment.C. Fast fashion can negatively affect the environment.D. Fast fashion only affects economic conditions.

3. In the context of the passage, the word “flock” most nearly means:

A. migrate.B. gather.C. repel.D. disperse.

Answers & Explanations

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to:B. highlight the negative effects of fast fashion.Explanation: The passage discusses the environmental, economic, and ethical consequences of fast fashion, pointing out the high levels of waste, pollution, and exploitation associated with the industry.
  2. Based on the passage, what can be inferred about the relationship between fast fashion and environmental impact?C. Fast fashion can negatively affect the environment.Explanation: The passage mentions that the constant production and disposal of clothing lead to significant pollution and resource depletion, indicating a negative impact on the environment.
  3. In the context of the passage, the word “flock” most nearly means:B. gather.Explanation: “Flock” refers to the large number of consumers who gather or move in large numbers to fast fashion retailers to purchase clothing, often leading to overconsumption and waste.

SAT Reading Practice Test-3

This passage is adapted from an article on the history and development of the periodic table.

The periodic table is one of the most recognizable symbols of chemistry, organizing elements according to their atomic number, electron configurations, and recurring chemical properties. The modern periodic table was formulated by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, who arranged the elements in a table based on atomic weights and predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered.

Mendeleev’s table was groundbreaking because it revealed that the properties of elements repeat in a periodic fashion when arranged by increasing atomic weight. This periodicity allowed Mendeleev to leave gaps in his table for elements that had not yet been discovered, and to predict their properties with remarkable accuracy. For example, he predicted the existence and properties of germanium, gallium, and scandium, which were discovered later and found to closely match his predictions.

The periodic table has evolved significantly since Mendeleev’s time. The discovery of the proton and the concept of atomic number led to the modern arrangement of elements by increasing atomic number rather than atomic weight. This corrected anomalies in Mendeleev’s table, such as the placement of argon before potassium despite having a higher atomic weight.

In the 20th century, Glenn T. Seaborg made significant contributions by identifying transuranium elements (elements beyond uranium in the periodic table) and reorganizing the table to include the actinide series. This further refined the structure of the periodic table, providing a more comprehensive framework for understanding chemical behavior.

Today, the periodic table is a fundamental tool in chemistry and other sciences. It not only categorizes all known elements but also provides a predictive framework for discovering new ones. The arrangement of elements reveals the underlying structure of atoms and the relationships between them, enabling scientists to predict chemical reactions and properties of elements with great accuracy.


1. The primary purpose of the passage is to:

A. explain the chemical reactions involving elements.B. describe the history and development of the periodic table.C. discuss the applications of the periodic table in modern science.D. outline the properties of newly discovered elements.

2. According to the passage, what was one of Mendeleev’s significant contributions to chemistry?

A. He discovered the proton.B. He arranged elements by increasing atomic number.C. He predicted the existence and properties of undiscovered elements.D. He identified transuranium elements.

3. In the context of the passage, what does the term “periodicity” most nearly mean?

A. Randomness B. Recurrence C. Unpredictability D. Stability

Answers & Explanations

The primary purpose of the passage is to:B. describe the history and development of the periodic table.Explanation: The passage discusses the historical development of the periodic table, starting with Mendeleev’s arrangement based on atomic weight and moving to the modern table organized by atomic number. It also mentions the contributions of other scientists, like Seaborg, to the periodic table’s evolution.

According to the passage, what was one of Mendeleev’s significant contributions to chemistry?C. He predicted the existence and properties of undiscovered elements.Explanation: The passage states that Mendeleev predicted the existence and properties of elements that had not yet been discovered, such as germanium, gallium, and scandium, and that his predictions were remarkably accurate.

In the context of the passage, what does the term “periodicity” most nearly mean?

B. Recurrence

Explanation: The term “periodicity” in the passage refers to the recurring pattern of chemical properties that Mendeleev observed when elements were arranged by increasing atomic weight. This periodicity is a fundamental concept that underlies the organization of the periodic table.

SAT Writing and Language Test 1

Questions 1-5 are Based on the Following Passage


The Benefits and Challenges of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, have become increasingly popular as alternatives to fossil fuels. While these energy sources offer numerous benefits, they also present several challenges that must be addressed to ensure their sustainability and widespread adoption.

[1] One of the main benefits of renewable energy is its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [2] Renewable energy sources produce little to no emissions during operation, which helps to combat climate change and improve air quality. [3] Additionally, renewable energy can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and stability. [4] However, renewable energy also has its drawbacks, particularly in terms of energy storage. [5] Intermittent energy sources, such as solar and wind, require efficient storage solutions to ensure a consistent energy supply.

[6] Another significant challenge for renewable energy is the high initial cost of infrastructure. [7] Developing and installing renewable energy systems often requires substantial investment, which can be a barrier for widespread adoption. [8] Despite these challenges, many countries and companies are investing in renewable energy due to its long-term environmental and economic benefits. [9] Technological advancements and government incentives are also helping to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of renewable energy systems. The table below illustrates the differences in the initial cost and maintenance cost of various energy sources.

Energy Cost Comparison

Energy Source Initial Cost ($/kW) Maintenance Cost ($/kWh)
Solar 3000 0.01
Wind 1500 0.02
Hydroelectric 2000 0.005
Coal 1000 0.03
Natural Gas 900 0.02

1. One of the main benefits of renewable energy is its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A) NO CHANGE B) influence C) concern D) threat

2. Renewable energy sources produce little to no emissions during operation, which helps to combat climate change and improve air quality.

A) NO CHANGE B) emit C) hinder D) release

3. Additionally, renewable energy can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and stability.

A) NO CHANGE B) increase C) improve D) endanger

4. However, renewable energy also has its drawbacks, particularly in terms of energy storage.

A) NO CHANGE B) benefits C) advantage D) success

5. Intermittent energy sources, such as solar and wind, require efficient storage solutions to ensure a consistent energy supply.

A) NO CHANGE B) decrease C) hinder D) enable

Answers & Explanations

  1. One of the main benefits of renewable energy is its ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The word “ability” accurately conveys the capability of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The other options do not fit the context of the sentence.
  2. Renewable energy sources produce little to no emissions during operation, which helps to combat climate change and improve air quality.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The phrase “produce little to no emissions” is appropriate in this context because it indicates the low levels of emissions from renewable energy sources, which is the intended meaning of the sentence.
  3. Additionally, renewable energy can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and stability.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The phrase “reduce dependence” accurately describes the effect of renewable energy on fossil fuel use, and “enhancing energy security and stability” aligns with the positive context of the sentence.
  4. However, renewable energy also has its drawbacks, particularly in terms of energy storage.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The word “drawbacks” is appropriate because it highlights the negative aspects or challenges of renewable energy, which is the intended meaning of the sentence.
  5. Intermittent energy sources, such as solar and wind, require efficient storage solutions to ensure a consistent energy supply.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The phrase “require efficient storage solutions” accurately conveys the need for effective storage to manage the intermittent nature of solar and wind energy, ensuring a consistent energy supply.

SAT Writing and Language Test 2

The Role of Education in Economic Growth

Education plays a crucial role in the economic development of a country. It provides individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to participate in the workforce, driving innovation and productivity. As the global economy becomes increasingly knowledge-based, the importance of education continues to grow.

[1] One of the primary benefits of education is its ability to increase human capital. [2] Educated individuals tend to be more productive and innovative, contributing to economic growth. [3] For instance, higher levels of education are associated with increased earnings and improved employment prospects. [4] Similarly, countries with higher educational attainment levels tend to have stronger economies. [5] However, access to quality education remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world.

[6] Another benefit of education is its role in reducing poverty. [7] Education equips individuals with the skills needed to secure better-paying jobs, thereby improving their standard of living. [8] In contrast, lack of education can trap individuals in a cycle of poverty and limit their economic opportunities. [9] This makes investing in education a critical component of any strategy aimed at economic development.

The table below illustrates the relationship between educational attainment and economic indicators for various countries.

Education and Economic Indicators

Country Average Years of Schooling GDP per Capita ($) Unemployment Rate (%)
Country A 12.0 40,000 5.0
Country B 8.0 20,000 10.0
Country C 6.0 10,000 15.0
Country D 4.0 5,000 20.0


1. Education plays a crucial role in the economic development of a country.

A) NO CHANGE B) minor C) negligible D) trivial

2. One of the primary benefits of education is its ability to increase human capital.A) NO CHANGE B) diminish C) undermine D) hinder

3. For instance, higher levels of education are associated with increased earnings and improved employment prospects.

A) NO CHANGE B) decreased C) lower D) minimal

4. Similarly, countries with higher educational attainment levels tend to have stronger economies.A) NO CHANGE B) weaker C) stagnant D) declining

5. However, access to quality education remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world.

A) NO CHANGE B) minimal C) low D) negligible

Answers & Explanations:

  1. Education plays a crucial role in the economic development of a country.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The phrase “crucial role” accurately conveys the importance of education in economic development. The other options suggest less importance, which does not fit the context of the passage.
  2. One of the primary benefits of education is its ability to increase human capital.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: “Increase human capital” accurately describes the positive impact of education on the workforce. The other options suggest negative impacts, which are not accurate in this context.
  3. For instance, higher levels of education are associated with increased earnings and improved employment prospects.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: The phrase “increased earnings and improved employment prospects” accurately describes the benefits of higher education. The other options suggest negative outcomes, which are not applicable here.
  4. Similarly, countries with higher educational attainment levels tend to have stronger economies.A) NO CHANGEExplanation: “Stronger economies” accurately reflects the positive correlation between education and economic strength. The other options suggest negative economic outcomes, which do not fit the context.
  5. However, access to quality education remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world.


Explanation: “Significant challenge” accurately conveys the difficulty of accessing quality education. The other options suggest that this challenge is minimal or negligible, which is not accurate in this context.

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