SAT Reading Practice Test-1

The following passage is from “The House of Mirth” by Edith Wharton. The setting is early 20th-century New York City. Lily Bart, the protagonist, is a young woman navigating the complexities of high society.

Lily Bart had no resource but to walk. She could not remain in the street, go back to the Haffen house, or take refuge with any of the friends who had had a hand in her ruin. The night was closing in, and she had a long way to walk. She rose, stiff and chilled, from her seat, and began to move forward with a blind idea of reaching some definite goal. She felt a sudden pang at the thought of what she had left undone, the chances she had lost, the illusions she had burned out. Why had she waited so long to see the light? Why had she clung so blindly to the vision of a different future?

She passed from street to street, dragging her tired limbs on, knowing only that she must walk and walk till she could walk no more. It was not actual physical fatigue that paralyzed her; it was the sense of moral lassitude, the feeling that she had reached the limits of her endurance, and could no longer keep up the semblance of strength. Her life had become a thing of shreds and patches; she was not even certain of the form it had taken.

Night had closed in, and she was unaware of the hour. She found herself before a small park, and dropped down on a bench, faint with exhaustion. She had no money with which to buy food, and she had reached the point where physical hunger could not quicken the numbed pulses of her will. She could not have eaten, had food been within her reach.


The primary purpose of the passage is to:

A. Describe Lily Bart’s physical journey. B. Depict the emotional and moral struggles of the protagonist. C. Illustrate the societal expectations placed on women. D. Explore the nature of friendship and betrayal.

Based on the passage, what can be inferred about Lily Bart’s state of mind?

A. She is determined and hopeful.B. She is disoriented and exhausted.C. She is content and at peace.D. She is angry and vengeful.

In the context of the passage, the word “lassitude” most nearly means:A. lethargy.B. excitement.C. anticipation.D. confusion.

What does Lily Bart’s decision to keep walking suggest about her character?

A. She is resolute and unwavering.B. She is lost and searching for direction.C. She is indifferent to her circumstances.D. She is rebellious and defiant.

Answers & Explanations

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to:B. depict the emotional and moral struggles of the protagonist.Explanation: The passage focuses on Lily Bart’s internal turmoil, her sense of moral fatigue, and her reflection on past mistakes, illustrating her emotional and moral struggles.
  2. Based on the passage, what can be inferred about Lily Bart’s state of mind?B. She is disoriented and exhausted.Explanation: The passage describes Lily as walking aimlessly, feeling moral lassitude, and being faint with exhaustion, indicating her disoriented and fatigued state of mind.
  3. In the context of the passage, the word “lassitude” most nearly means:A. lethargy.Explanation: “Lassitude” refers to a state of physical or mental weariness, which aligns with the context of Lily feeling paralyzed and exhausted.
  4. What does Lily Bart’s decision to keep walking suggest about her character?B. She is lost and searching for direction.Explanation: Lily’s aimless walking and lack of a clear goal suggest that she is lost and searching for direction in her life, reflecting her internal struggle and uncertainty.

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