Explain the ease-in and ease-out in CSS

The ease-in and ease-out are timing functions in CSS used to control the speed of a CSS animation or transition over time. They define the rate of change of the animation, determining how quickly or slowly it accelerates or decelerates. Both ease-in and ease-out are variations of the more general ease timing function.


// The ease-in timing function
.element {
transition: property-name duration ease-in;

// The ease-out timing function
.element {
transition: property-name duration ease-out;

// The ease timing function
transition: property-name duration ease;


  • The ease-in timing function starts the animation slowly and gradually accelerates toward the end.
  • The initial phase of the animation is slower, providing a smooth and gentle start.


  • The ease-out timing function starts the animation quickly and decelerates toward the end.
  • The initial phase of the animation is faster, and it slows down as it progresses, giving a smooth and gentle finish.


  • The ease timing function is a combination of ease-in and ease-out.
  • It starts slow, accelerates in the middle, and then decelerates towards the end, providing a balanced and natural feel.

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