How to add a Background Image using Tailwind CSS ?
To add a background image using Tailwind CSS, you can use the bg-[image-class] utility class, where [image-class] corresponds to a predefined set of background image classes. You also need to set the actual image URL using inline or external styles....
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How to Customize the Font Size in Tailwind CSS ?
Customizing font size in Tailwind CSS involves using the text-[size] utility class, where [size] can be predefined size identifiers like xs, sm, md, lg, xl, or numerical values. Additionally, you can extend the default font sizes in the configuration file for more customization....
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How to Horizontally and Vertically Center an Element in Tailwind CSS ?
To horizontally and vertically center an element in Tailwind CSS, you can use the combination of flexbox and alignment utility classes. Apply flex and alignment classes to the parent container, and use mx-auto and my-auto for horizontal and vertical centering respectively....
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How to create a full-width Container in Tailwind CSS?
Creating a full-width Container in Tailwind CSS involves using the container class along with additional utility classes like mx-auto to centre the content. The container class ensures that the content remains within a fixed width, and mx-auto centres it horizontally....
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How to set the Width and Height in Tailwind CSS ?
Setting the width and height in Tailwind CSS involves using utility classes like w-[size] and h-[size]. These classes allow you to easily define the width and height of elements in your project....
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How to create a Smooth Transition on hover using CSS ?
Creating a smooth transition on hover in CSS involves using the transition property to define the property being animated and the duration of the transition. This effect is commonly used to make changes to an element’s appearance smooth and visually appealing when a user hovers over it....
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How to set border-radius for an Element in Tailwind CSS?
Setting a border radius for an Element in Tailwind CSS is accomplished using the rounded-[size] utility class, where [size] can be predefined size identifiers like sm, md, lg, xl, or numerical values. This class defines the rounded corners of the element....
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What is the difference between ‘width: 100%’ and ‘width: 100vw’ in CSS ?
The CSS width Property is used to set the width of the text and images. The width can be assigned to the text and images in the form of pixels(px), percentages (%), centimeters (cm), etc....
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Difference Between Descendant and Child Selectors in CSS
The Descendant selector and child selector in CSS are both used to target specific elements within the document structure, but they differ in their level of specificity and targeting....
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How to create a Fixed Navigation Bar in CSS ?
Creating a fixed navigation bar in CSS involves using the position property to fix the navigation bar at the top of the viewport. This is commonly done for a better user experience, where the navigation remains visible as the user scrolls down the page....
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How to include Margin and Padding to the Elements in Tailwind CSS?
In Tailwind CSS, applying margin and padding is achieved using utility classes like m-[size], p-[size], mx-[size], px-[size], my-[size], and py-[size]. Replace [size] with predefined size identifiers like 4, 8, px, etc., for margins and paddings in different directions....
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What is the use of the tailwind.config.js file in Tailwind CSS ?
The tailwind.config.js file in Tailwind CSS serves as a central configuration hub for customizing the framework. It allows you to define colors, fonts, breakpoints, and more, tailoring Tailwind to fit your project’s specific design and functionality requirements....
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