Erlang vs Haskell

Erlang is a general-purpose multi-paradigm programming language. The development credit for this language goes to Ericsson. It was first released in 1986 and its stable release came on the market in 2018 and its latest release was in 2021. It has Apache License 2.0 and its inventor was Joe Armstrong. Its files are saved with .erl and .hrl extensions.

Haskell is a programming language that works on the functional paradigm and hence it is considered purely functional. It was designed by Lennart Augustsson and his team. It was first released in 1990 and its stable release came into the market in 2010. It is a cross-platform language and is highly expressive in nature. Its files are saved with .hs and .lhs extensions.


Below is a table of differentiation between Haskell and Erlang:




1. The nature of this programming language is dynamically typed. This programming language is statically typed.
2. Distributed system support functionality is available. The functionality of distributed system support is not available.
3. It is functional and concurrent. It is purely functional.
4. It’s nature is distributed based on run-time system model. It is traditional and general purpose in nature.
5. It does not support lazy evaluation. It uses a lazy evaluation strategy.
6. It does not use type inference in straight forward manner. Type inference functionality is used by Haskell.
8. It has a high fault tolerance capability. Fault tolerance capability is low.
9. Erlang lacks portability. Haskell has a portability feature.
10. The supporting community of Erlang is very large. It has a small supporting community as compared to Erlang.
11. It comes under the category of practical and pragmatic.  It comes under the category of academic and mathematic oriented.
12. It’s learning curve is not steep. It’s learning curve is steep, with abstract mathematic concept.
13. It has awesome support for distributed system. It performs as a mediocre, rediscovering from the scratch.


Both, Erlang and Haskell has its own advantages and disadvantages. Haskell is a more traditional approach but less preferred choice than Erlang. Both, in their specific zones, work efficiently. At the end, it’s users choice and scenario which decides the usage of language.

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