Difference between Go and Erlang

1. GO
Go or Golang is a statically typed(i.e. the datatype of variables are needed to be defined before compilation) open-source procedural-oriented programming language. It was designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson and was released on the 10th of November 2009. The language was designed using C language so the syntax of the language is quite similar to C language. Go is also easier to learn than other C-type languages. Tech-giants like Uber, DailyMotion, Medium, Soundcloud, Docker, Intel, Baidu, Twitch, Google itself, and many more are using Go language. It is mostly used for creating static websites, web scraping, server development, and designing backend. However, GO is still not very popular due to the language being slower and verbose. It is quite preferred in the open-source community.

Advantages :

  • Go is very simple and the fact that it was developed from C makes it easier to learn, especially to those coming from C\C++ background.
  • GO is compiled into machine code hence it is very fast and also the generated binaries are very small.
  • GO supports concurrency using goroutines. This means rather than linearly processing all programs in order, go parallelly does tasks and executes the program accordingly.
  • GO has memory safety, this means that Go doesn’t have the risk of dangling pointers or data leaks. Go is very secure.
  • Go’s standard library has most of the required functions which saves the user from the hassle of importing libraries.
  • GO’s backed by Google which is a tech-giant and also GO is used by Google which is enough to assume that it is not going anywhere soon.
  • programs can be edited and run on the web directly.

Disadvantages :

  • GO doesn’t have generics. This reduces the reusability of the code.
  • The library support for GO is very weak. It is because the language is very young.
  • GO doesn’t have a GUI library.
  • The dependency manager in GO is very buggy.

ERLANG is a functional open-source programming language developed by Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding, and Mike Williams in 1986 at Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory.  It is released under Apache License 2.0. Erlang is used for the development of massively scalable real-time and highly reliable systems. Erlang is being successfully used by Whatsapp, National Health Service (NHS), AdRoll, Vocalink a Mastercard company, Goldman Sachs, Nintendo, bet365, IBM Cloudant, etc.

Advantages :

  • Erlang is very simple language and the functions are easily understood.
  • Erlang has concurrency.
  • Erlang has garbage collection feature.
  • Erlang has the most loved hot-reload feature.
  • Erlang’s standard library has easy-to-use functions which makes it easy to implement while also being elegant.
  • Erlang is a dynamic language, so we don’t have to define the datatypes before compilation.
  • Erlang’s community base is very strong, small, and simplicity-driven.

Disadvantages :

  • Setting up Erlang can be hard to understand.
  • The hot-reload feature of Erlang is not used anymore after the introduction of containers.
  • The dynamic typesetting of Erlang makes it vulnerable to error in code.


Difference between Go and Erlang :




01. Go is a statically typed procedural-oriented programming language developed at Google. Erlang is a dynamically typed functional programming language developed at Ericsson labs.
02. GO is preferred by programmers for the simplicity of the language. Erlang is preferred by the programmers as it is real-time and supports memory-distribution.
03. Concurrency in GO is better comparatively. Concurrency in GO is better comparatively. Concurrency in Erlang is inferior to GO.
04. GO isn’t preferred for fault tolerance. Erlang is preferred for its fault tolerance
05. GO is a relatively young language hence the community is very small. Erlang is backed by a nice community for more than 20 years.
06. GO is easy to learn. Erlang has bigger lines of code. Erlang has bigger lines of code.
07. GO is preferred for its speed and syntax. Erlang is slower than GO.
08. GO is used for server development. GO is used for server development. Erlang is used for developing scalable systems.
09. GO is portable and the binaries generated are small. Erlang is not portable and the size is large.


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