Julia vs Perl

Julia: Julia is a high-level programming language which was developed by 4 people at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This programming language is used in scientific computing and it is an open-source, high-performance, high-level, dynamic programming language. Julia is mainly used by research scientists and engineers. The Julia programming language can also be called a flexible dynamic language, which is perfect for numerical and scientific computing. Julia has a very good speed in programming and this was the reason for building it. It has very faster execution.
Perl: Perl is a stable, cross-platform, general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation. It is used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, etc. Perl supports both procedural and Object-Oriented programming. Perl is very similar to a programming language which is C syntactically and is easy to understand by the person who knows C, C++. Perl can be embedded into web servers to increase its processing power and it has the DBI package, which makes web-database integration very easy.

Below are some major differences between Julia and Perl: 

Features Julia Perl
License License associated with Julia is MIT License. License associated with Perl is GPLv3.
Interpreter Julia does not require use of interpreter. There is a requirement of interpreter in Perl.
Basic Use For the high performance use, Julia was designed. Julia programs compile to efficient native code for multiple platforms via LLVM. Perl is a programming language. It was developed first to made the changes to text files.
Tag The tag used for Julia is Multiple Dispatch, Procedural, Functional, JIT, Metaprogramming, OOP. The tag used for Perl is Programming, functional, Multi-paradigm.
Database Database used in julia are MongoDB, LevelDB, CouchDB, Flat File, MySQL, PostgreSQL. Database used in perl are MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, PostgreSQL, cassandra, Oracle, LevelDB, BigTable, Apache, CouchDB, Couchbase, Titan, Flat File, Drizzle, Freebase, teradata, Informix, InterBase, JDBC Compatible, MemcacheDB, StormDB, Redis, MongoDB, firebird, BaseX, Tarantool.
Target Audience The target audience in julia is Beginner Distributed Systems, Scientific computing, Research & Development, Cloud computing, Embedded system The target audience in perl is System Adminstration, Web Development, Employees, Customers, Vendors, Research & Development, Scientific computing, Financial Services, Enterprise, Beginner, App developer, Data Analysis, Educational use, Government
Difficulty Level The difficulty level in julia consists of Beginner Intermediate, Advanced, Master The difficulty level in perl consists of only Advanced.
Inheritance Multiple Inheritance is not allowed in julia. Multiple Inheritance is allowed in perl.
Machine Code Generation Machine Code Generation is required in julia. Machine Code Generation requirement is not there in perl.
Realtime Server Push Realtime Server Push is there in the Julia. There is no Realtime Server Push present in perl.
VCS Any of the VCS is supported by julia. It supports only Git, CVS, Mercurial, Subversion, github
Community Driven Community Driven rating is “good” in julia. Community Driven rating is “excellent” in perl.
HTML Syntax There is no HTML syntax requirement in julia. HTML syntax is required in Perl.
Native asynchronous operators await It has Native asynchronous operators await/async. It does not have Native asynchronous operators await/async.
Writing a program We can write a program in Sublime Text 3, Juno IDE, LightTable. We can write a program in AWstats.

Sample Program for Addition of Two Numbers:


# Julia program for
# Addition of Two Numbers
# Defining Numbers
x = 10
y = 20
# Adding Two Numbers
z = x + y
# Printing the output


# Perl program for
# Addition of Two Numbers
# Defining Numbers
$x = 10;
$y = 20;
# Adding Two Numbers
$z = $x + $y;
# Printing the output
print $z;



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