Elite New Generation International School Interview Experience For TGT-Computer

After COVID-19 I was willing to work as a secondary teacher so, I decided to go for an interview at a well-known school near my home. At the same time, many schools opened their vacancies. I choose to go for the Elite New Generation International School in Mathura. Being B.C.A. as my core subject I choose to apply for TGT-Computer. There were mainly 3 Rounds for selection.

Round 1

A test paper for knowing all your skills. The test paper consisted of many sections as Application writing, General knowledge questions 3 Maths sums and the rest were concepts related to Computers and the main questions were related to Python as this function comes to which class or Library.

We were given 1 and a half hours for the test of 100 Marks. The test was then gone for evaluation. We were provided refreshments in the meantime. I didn’t go for the refreshment as I was hungry for the result. After 1 hour the results were there. I and some other people sitting with me were called for the next round. Others said we would contact you if needed.

Round 2

I was the 1 stone to be called for round 2 and then others. The second round was teacher-based. Teachers were sitting inside a classroom & then I was asked to teach. I started by explaining HTML. The full form and markup languages. 3 teachers were sitting inside a classroom. After explaining for almost 3-5 minutes. One of the teachers asked me about the elements that do not require closing. I took a pause and answered Empty Elements. Then came to explain what are empty elements like:- <BR> <HR>. Another teacher asked me about what is <HR>, and I replied horizontal rule. The next question was how to implement bold in HTML. I replied <B> tag. Teachers were done asking the questions for this round. I was requested to wait not in the other teachers’ room but in reception near the Director’s office. The receptionist then told me you will be called soon in the director’s office. I was a bit excited & nervous both at the same time.

Round 3

  • I asked the Director may I come in?
    He said Yes, have a seat.
  • The first question was Introduce yourself.
    Due to excitement, I spoke some words in Hindi in my Introduction.
  • He said can’t you speak in English.
    I replied immediately I can.
  • He then asked about you scored low in the examination, may I know what”s the reason is?
    I replied Sir I do not know General knowledge that may be a reason for me scoring low.
  • He then asked about how many years you have been teaching.
    I replied 3 years in Home tuitions.
  • He then asked what are your salary expectations?
    I replied 22,000/-.
  • He asked me, you are a fresher and you are demanding 22,000/- are they not high?
    I replied as it is an International school, I do not accept less than that.
    That was the end of the Interview.
  • He said Thank you, I replied the same.
  • Want to know the result of the interview?
    I was not selected I think this was mainly due to 2 reasons.
    First Breaking while speaking fluent English
    Second, Expecting too high as a fresher.
    Hope you read it till the end.
    Do not repeat my mistakes.

Thank you

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