Designing algorithm to solve Ball Sort Puzzle

In Ball Sort Puzzle game, we have p balls of each colour and n different colours, for a total of p×n balls, arranged in n stacks. In addition, we have 2 empty stacks. A maximum of p balls can be in any stack at a given time. The goal of the game is to sort the balls by colour in each of the n stacks.


  • Only the top ball of each stack can be moved.
  • A ball can be moved on top of another ball of the same colour
  • A ball can be moved in an empty stack.

Refer to the following GIF for an example game play (Level-7):

Ball Sort Puzzle

Approach I [Recursion and Backtrack]:

  • From the given rules, a simple recursive algorithm could be generated as below:
    • Start with the given initial position of all the balls
    • Create an initial empty Queue.
    • loop:
      • If the current position is sorted:
        • return
      • else
        • Enqueue all possible moves in a Queue.
        • Dequeue the next move from the Queue.
        • Go to loop.

However, the approach looks simple and correct, it has few caveats:

  • Incorrect:
    • We might end up in an infinite loop if there are >1 moves in the Queue which lead to the same position of balls.
  • Inefficient:
    • We might end up visiting the same position multiple times.

Thus, eliminating the above-mentioned bottlenecks would solve the issue.

Approach II [Memoization using HashMap]:

  • Assumptions:
    • We’ll represent ball positions as a vector of strings: {“gbbb”, “ybry”, “yggy”, “rrrg”}
  • Create a set called Visited of <String> which will contain the visited positions as one long string.
  • Create an empty vector for Answer which will store positions<a, b> of the tubes to move the top ball from tube a to and put it in tube b.
  • Initialise grid with the initial settings of the balls.
  • func solver(grid):
    • add grid to Visited
    • loop over all the stacks (i):
      • loop over all the stacks (j):
        • If move i->j is valid, create newGrid with that move.
          • if the balls are sorted in newGrid,
            • update Answer;
            • return;
          • if newGrid is NOT in Visited
            • solver(newGrid)
            • if solved:
              • update Answer

Sample Game Input I:

Level 3

Sample Input I: 


Sample Output I:

Move 1 to 4 1 times
Move 1 to 5 1 times
Move 1 to 4 1 times
Move 2 to 5 2 times
Move 1 to 2 1 times
Move 3 to 1 1 times
Move 1 to 2 1 times
Move 3 to 1 1 times
Move 2 to 1 3 times
Move 2 to 3 1 times
Move 3 to 4 1 times
Move 3 to 2 1 times
Move 2 to 4 1 times
Move 3 to 5 1 times

Sample Game Input II:

Level 5

Sample Input II:


Sample Output II:

Move 1 to 5 3 times
Move 2 to 6 1 times
Move 3 to 6 1 times
Move 1 to 3 1 times
Move 2 to 1 1 times
Move 2 to 5 1 times
Move 2 to 6 1 times
Move 3 to 2 3 times
Move 3 to 6 1 times
Move 4 to 2 1 times
Move 1 to 4 1 times

Below is the implementation:

// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using Grid = vector<string>;

Grid configureGrid(string stacks[], int numberOfStacks)

    Grid grid;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStacks; i++)

    return grid;

// Function to find the max
int getStackHeight(Grid grid)
    int max = 0;
    for (auto stack : grid)
        if (max < stack.size())
            max = stack.size();
    return max;

// Convert vector of strings to
// canonicalRepresentation of strings
string canonicalStringConversion(Grid grid)
    string finalString;
    sort(grid.begin(), grid.end());
    for (auto stack : grid) {
        finalString += (stack + ";");
    return finalString;

// Function to check if it is solved
// or not
bool isSolved(Grid grid, int stackHeight)

    for (auto stack : grid) {
        if (!stack.size())
        else if (stack.size() < stackHeight)
            return false;
        else if (std::count(stack.begin(),
                 != stackHeight)
            return false;
    return true;

// Check if the move is valid
bool isValidMove(string sourceStack,
                 string destinationStack,
                 int height)

    // Can't move from an empty stack
    // or to a FULL STACK
    if (sourceStack.size() == 0
        || destinationStack.size() == height)
        return false;

    int colorFreqs
        = std::count(sourceStack.begin(),

    // If the source stack is same colored,
    // don't touch it
    if (colorFreqs == height)
        return false;

    if (destinationStack.size() == 0) {

        // If source stack has only
        // same colored balls,
        // don't touch it
        if (colorFreqs == sourceStack.size())
            return false;
        return true;
    return (
        sourceStack[sourceStack.size() - 1]
        == destinationStack[destinationStack.size() - 1]);

// Function to solve the puzzle
bool solvePuzzle(Grid grid, int stackHeight,
                 unordered_set<string>& visited,
                 vector<vector<int> >& answerMod)
    if (stackHeight == -1) {
        stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid);

    for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {

        // Iterate over all the stacks
        string sourceStack = grid[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < grid.size(); j++) {
            if (i == j)
            string destinationStack = grid[j];
            if (isValidMove(sourceStack,
                            stackHeight)) {

                // Creating a new Grid
                // with the valid move
                Grid newGrid(grid);

                // Adding the ball

                // Adding the ball
                if (isSolved(newGrid, stackHeight)) {
                        vector<int>{ i, j, 1 });
                    return true;
                if (visited.find(
                    == visited.end()) {
                    bool solveForTheRest
                        = solvePuzzle(newGrid, stackHeight,
                                      visited, answerMod);
                    if (solveForTheRest) {
                        vector<int> lastMove
                            = answerMod[answerMod.size()
                                        - 1];

                        // Optimisation - Concatenating
                        // consecutive moves of the same
                        // ball
                        if (lastMove[0] == i
                            && lastMove[1] == j)
                            answerMod[answerMod.size() - 1]
                                vector<int>{ i, j, 1 });
                        return true;
    return false;

// Checks whether the grid is valid or not
bool checkGrid(Grid grid)

    int numberOfStacks = grid.size();
    int stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid);
    int numBallsExpected
        = ((numberOfStacks - 2) * stackHeight);
    // Cause 2 empty stacks
    int numBalls = 0;

    for (auto i : grid)
        numBalls += i.size();
    if (numBalls != numBallsExpected) {
        cout << "Grid has incorrect # of balls"
             << endl;
        return false;
    map<char, int> ballColorFrequency;
    for (auto stack : grid)
        for (auto ball : stack)
            if (ballColorFrequency.find(ball)
                != ballColorFrequency.end())
                ballColorFrequency[ball] += 1;
                ballColorFrequency[ball] = 1;
    for (auto ballColor : ballColorFrequency) {
        if (ballColor.second != getStackHeight(grid)) {
            cout << "Color " << ballColor.first
                 << " is not " << getStackHeight(grid)
                 << endl;
            return false;
    return true;

// Driver Code
int main(void)

    // Including 2 empty stacks
    int numberOfStacks = 6;
    std::string stacks[]
        = { "gbbb", "ybry", "yggy", "rrrg", "", "" };

    Grid grid = configureGrid(
        stacks, numberOfStacks);
    if (!checkGrid(grid)) {
        cout << "Invalid Grid" << endl;
        return 1;
    if (isSolved(grid, getStackHeight(grid))) {
        cout << "Problem is already solved"
             << endl;
        return 0;
    unordered_set<string> visited;
    vector<vector<int> > answerMod;

    // Solve the puzzle instance
    solvePuzzle(grid, getStackHeight(grid),

    // Since the values of Answers are appended
    // When the problem was completely
    // solved and backwards from there
    reverse(answerMod.begin(), answerMod.end());

    for (auto v : answerMod) {
        cout << "Move " << v[0] + 1
             << " to " << v[1] + 1
             << " " << v[2] << " times"
             << endl;
    return 0;
import java.util.*;

public class Main {
    // Function to configure the grid
    static ArrayList<String> configureGrid(String[] stacks, int numberOfStacks) {
        ArrayList<String> grid = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStacks; i++)
        return grid;

    // Function to find the max
    static int getStackHeight(ArrayList<String> grid) {
        int max = 0;
        for (String stack : grid)
            if (max < stack.length())
                max = stack.length();
        return max;

    // Convert ArrayList of strings to canonicalRepresentation of strings
    static String canonicalStringConversion(ArrayList<String> grid) {
        StringBuilder finalString = new StringBuilder();
        for (String stack : grid) {
        return finalString.toString();

    // Function to check if it is solved or not
    static boolean isSolved(ArrayList<String> grid, int stackHeight) {
        for (String stack : grid) {
            if (stack.length() == 0)
            else if (stack.length() < stackHeight)
                return false;
            else if (Collections.frequency(Arrays.asList(stack.split("")), String.valueOf(stack.charAt(0))) != stackHeight)
                return false;
        return true;

    // Check if the move is valid
    static boolean isValidMove(String sourceStack, String destinationStack, int height) {
        // Can't move from an empty stack or to a FULL STACK
        if (sourceStack.length() == 0 || destinationStack.length() == height)
            return false;

        int colorFreqs = Collections.frequency(Arrays.asList(sourceStack.split("")), String.valueOf(sourceStack.charAt(0)));

        // If the source stack is same colored, don't touch it
        if (colorFreqs == height)
            return false;

        if (destinationStack.length() == 0) {
            // If source stack has only same colored balls, don't touch it
            if (colorFreqs == sourceStack.length())
                return false;
            return true;
        return (sourceStack.charAt(sourceStack.length() - 1) == destinationStack.charAt(destinationStack.length() - 1));

    // Function to solve the puzzle
    static boolean solvePuzzle(ArrayList<String> grid, int stackHeight, HashSet<String> visited, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> answerMod) {
        if (stackHeight == -1) {
            stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid);

        for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {
            // Iterate over all the stacks
            String sourceStack = grid.get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < grid.size(); j++) {
                if (i == j)
                String destinationStack = grid.get(j);
                if (isValidMove(sourceStack, destinationStack, stackHeight)) {
                    // Creating a new Grid with the valid move
                    ArrayList<String> newGrid = new ArrayList<>(grid);

                    // Adding the ball
                    newGrid.set(j, newGrid.get(j) + newGrid.get(i).charAt(newGrid.get(i).length() - 1));

                    // Removing the ball
                    newGrid.set(i, newGrid.get(i).substring(0, newGrid.get(i).length() - 1));
                    if (isSolved(newGrid, stackHeight)) {
                        answerMod.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(i, j, 1)));
                        return true;
                    if (!visited.contains(canonicalStringConversion(newGrid))) {
                        boolean solveForTheRest = solvePuzzle(newGrid, stackHeight, visited, answerMod);
                        if (solveForTheRest) {
                            ArrayList<Integer> lastMove = answerMod.get(answerMod.size() - 1);

                            // Optimisation - Concatenating consecutive moves of the same ball
                            if (lastMove.get(0) == i && lastMove.get(1) == j)
                                answerMod.get(answerMod.size() - 1).set(2, answerMod.get(answerMod.size() - 1).get(2) + 1);
                                answerMod.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(i, j, 1)));
                            return true;
        return false;

    // Checks whether the grid is valid or not
    static boolean checkGrid(ArrayList<String> grid) {
        int numberOfStacks = grid.size();
        int stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid);
        int numBallsExpected = ((numberOfStacks - 2) * stackHeight); // Cause 2 empty stacks
        int numBalls = 0;

        for (String i : grid)
            numBalls += i.length();
        if (numBalls != numBallsExpected) {
            System.out.println("Grid has incorrect # of balls");
            return false;
        HashMap<Character, Integer> ballColorFrequency = new HashMap<>();
        for (String stack : grid)
            for (char ball : stack.toCharArray())
                ballColorFrequency.put(ball, ballColorFrequency.getOrDefault(ball, 0) + 1);
        for (Map.Entry<Character, Integer> ballColor : ballColorFrequency.entrySet()) {
            if (ballColor.getValue() != getStackHeight(grid)) {
                System.out.println("Color " + ballColor.getKey() + " is not " + getStackHeight(grid));
                return false;
        return true;

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Including 2 empty stacks
        int numberOfStacks = 6;
        String[] stacks = { "gbbb", "ybry", "yggy", "rrrg", "", "" };

        ArrayList<String> grid = configureGrid(stacks, numberOfStacks);
        if (!checkGrid(grid)) {
            System.out.println("Invalid Grid");
        if (isSolved(grid, getStackHeight(grid))) {
            System.out.println("Problem is already solved");
        HashSet<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> answerMod = new ArrayList<>();

        // Solve the puzzle instance
        solvePuzzle(grid, getStackHeight(grid), visited, answerMod);

        // Since the values of Answers are appended when the problem was completely solved and backwards from there

        for (ArrayList<Integer> v : answerMod) {
            System.out.println("Move " + (v.get(0) + 1) + " to " + (v.get(1) + 1) + " " + v.get(2) + " times");
def configureGrid(stacks, numberOfStacks):
    grid = []
    for i in range(numberOfStacks):
    return grid

# Function to find the max
def getStackHeight(grid):
    max = 0
    for stack in grid:
        if max < len(stack):
            max = len(stack)
    return max

# Convert vector of strings to
# canonicalRepresentation of strings
def canonicalStringConversion(grid):
    finalString = ""
    for stack in grid:
        finalString += (stack + ";")
    return finalString

# Function to check if it is solved
# or not
def isSolved(grid, stackHeight):
    for stack in grid:
        if len(stack) == 0:
        elif len(stack) < stackHeight:
            return False
        elif stack.count(stack[0]) != stackHeight:
            return False
    return True

# Check if the move is valid
def isValidMove(sourceStack, destinationStack, height):
    # Can't move from an empty stack
    # or to a FULL STACK
    if len(sourceStack) == 0 or len(destinationStack) == height:
        return False
    colorFreqs = sourceStack.count(sourceStack[0])
    # If the source stack is same colored,
    # don't touch it
    if colorFreqs == height:
        return False
    if len(destinationStack) == 0:
        # If source stack has only
        # same colored balls,
        # don't touch it
        if colorFreqs == len(sourceStack):
            return False
        return True
    return sourceStack[len(sourceStack) - 1] == destinationStack[len(destinationStack) - 1]

# Function to solve the puzzle
def solvePuzzle(grid, stackHeight, visited, answerMod):
    if stackHeight == -1:
        stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid)
    for i in range(len(grid)):
        # Iterate over all the stacks
        sourceStack = grid[i]
        for j in range(len(grid)):
            if i == j:
            destinationStack = grid[j]
            if isValidMove(sourceStack, destinationStack, stackHeight):
                # Creating a new Grid
                # with the valid move
                newGrid = list(grid)
                # Adding the ball
                newGrid[j] += newGrid[i][len(newGrid[i]) - 1]
                # Removing the ball
                newGrid[i] = newGrid[i][:-1]
                if isSolved(newGrid, stackHeight):
                    answerMod.append([i, j, 1])
                    return True
                if canonicalStringConversion(newGrid) not in visited:
                    if solvePuzzle(newGrid, stackHeight, visited, answerMod):
                        lastMove = answerMod[len(answerMod) - 1]
                        # Optimisation - Concatenating
                        # consecutive moves of the same
                        # ball
                        if lastMove[0] == i and lastMove[1] == j:
                            answerMod[len(answerMod) - 1][2] += 1
                            answerMod.append([i, j, 1])
                        return True
    return False

# Checks whether the grid is valid or not
def checkGrid(grid):
    numberOfStacks = len(grid)
    stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid)
    numBallsExpected = ((numberOfStacks - 2) * stackHeight)
    # Cause 2 empty stacks
    numBalls = 0
    for i in grid:
        numBalls += len(i)
    if numBalls != numBallsExpected:
        print("Grid has incorrect # of balls")
        return False
    ballColorFrequency = {}
    for stack in grid:
        for ball in stack:
            if ball in ballColorFrequency:
                ballColorFrequency[ball] += 1
                ballColorFrequency[ball] = 1
    for ballColor in ballColorFrequency:
        if ballColorFrequency[ballColor] != getStackHeight(grid):
            print("Color", ballColor, "is not", getStackHeight(grid))
            return False
    return True

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Including 2 empty stacks
    numberOfStacks = 6
    stacks = ["gbbb", "ybry", "yggy", "rrrg", "", ""]
    grid = configureGrid(stacks, numberOfStacks)
    if not checkGrid(grid):
        print("Invalid Grid")
    if isSolved(grid, getStackHeight(grid)):
        print("Problem is already solved")
    visited = set()
    answerMod = []
    # Solve the puzzle instance
    solvePuzzle(grid, getStackHeight(grid), visited, answerMod)
    # Since the values of Answers are appended
    # When the problem was completely
    # solved and backwards from there
    for v in answerMod:
        print("Move", v[0] + 1, "to", v[1] + 1, v[2], "times")
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

class Program
    // Function to configure the grid from an array of stacks
    static List<string> ConfigureGrid(string[] stacks, int numberOfStacks)
        List<string> grid = new List<string>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStacks; i++)
        return grid;

    // Function to find the maximum height of any stack in the grid
    static int GetStackHeight(List<string> grid)
        int max = 0;
        foreach (var stack in grid)
            if (max < stack.Length)
                max = stack.Length;
        return max;

    // Function to convert a list of strings to a canonical representation string
    static string CanonicalStringConversion(List<string> grid)
        string finalString = "";
        foreach (var stack in grid)
            finalString += (stack + ";");
        return finalString;

    // Function to check if the grid is solved or not
    static bool IsSolved(List<string> grid, int stackHeight)
        foreach (var stack in grid)
            if (stack.Length == 0)
            else if (stack.Length < stackHeight)
                return false;
            else if (stack.Count(c => c == stack[0]) != stackHeight)
                return false;
        return true;

    // Function to check if a move from source to destination is valid
    static bool IsValidMove(string sourceStack, string destinationStack, int height)
        if (sourceStack.Length == 0 || destinationStack.Length == height)
            return false;

        int colorFreqs = sourceStack.Count(c => c == sourceStack[0]);

        if (colorFreqs == height)
            return false;
        if (destinationStack.Length == 0)
            if (colorFreqs == sourceStack.Length)
                return false;
            return true;
        return (sourceStack[sourceStack.Length - 1] == destinationStack[destinationStack.Length - 1]);

    // Function to solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle
    static bool SolvePuzzle(List<string> grid, int stackHeight, HashSet<string> visited, List<int[]> answerMod)
        if (stackHeight == -1)
            stackHeight = GetStackHeight(grid);

        for (int i = 0; i < grid.Count; i++)
            string sourceStack = grid[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < grid.Count; j++)
                if (i == j)
                string destinationStack = grid[j];
                if (IsValidMove(sourceStack, destinationStack, stackHeight))
                    List<string> newGrid = new List<string>(grid);
                    newGrid[j] += newGrid[i][newGrid[i].Length - 1];
                    newGrid[i] = newGrid[i].Substring(0, newGrid[i].Length - 1);

                    if (IsSolved(newGrid, stackHeight))
                        answerMod.Add(new int[] { i, j, 1 });
                        return true;

                    if (!visited.Contains(CanonicalStringConversion(newGrid)))
                        if (SolvePuzzle(newGrid, stackHeight, visited, answerMod))
                            int[] lastMove = answerMod[answerMod.Count - 1];

                            if (lastMove[0] == i && lastMove[1] == j)
                                answerMod[answerMod.Count - 1][2]++;
                                answerMod.Add(new int[] { i, j, 1 });
                            return true;
        return false;

    // Function to check whether the grid is valid or not
    static bool CheckGrid(List<string> grid)
        int numberOfStacks = grid.Count;
        int stackHeight = GetStackHeight(grid);
        int numBallsExpected = ((numberOfStacks - 2) * stackHeight);
        int numBalls = grid.Sum(stack => stack.Length);

        if (numBalls != numBallsExpected)
            Console.WriteLine("Grid has incorrect # of balls");
            return false;

        Dictionary<char, int> ballColorFrequency = new Dictionary<char, int>();
        foreach (var stack in grid)
            foreach (var ball in stack)
                if (ballColorFrequency.ContainsKey(ball))
                    ballColorFrequency[ball] = 1;

        foreach (var ballColor in ballColorFrequency)
            if (ballColor.Value != stackHeight)
                Console.WriteLine($"Color {ballColor.Key} is not {stackHeight}");
                return false;
        return true;

    // Main function
    static void Main()
        // Including 2 empty stacks
        int numberOfStacks = 6;
        string[] stacks = { "gbbb", "ybry", "yggy", "rrrg", "", "" };
        List<string> grid = ConfigureGrid(stacks, numberOfStacks);

        // Check if the initial grid is valid
        if (!CheckGrid(grid))
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Grid");

        // Check if the grid is already solved
        if (IsSolved(grid, GetStackHeight(grid)))
            Console.WriteLine("Problem is already solved");

        // Set to keep track of visited states
        HashSet<string> visited = new HashSet<string>();
        // List to store the solution steps
        List<int[]> answerMod = new List<int[]>();

        // Solve the Tower of Hanoi puzzle
        SolvePuzzle(grid, GetStackHeight(grid), visited, answerMod);

        // Reverse the solution steps to print them in the correct order

        // Print the solution steps
        foreach (var v in answerMod)
            Console.WriteLine($"Move {v[0] + 1} to {v[1] + 1} {v[2]} times");
// Function to configure the grid
function configureGrid(stacks, numberOfStacks) {
    let grid = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfStacks; i++)
    return grid;

// Function to find the max
function getStackHeight(grid) {
    let max = 0;
    for (let stack of grid)
        if (max < stack.length)
            max = stack.length;
    return max;

// Convert ArrayList of strings to canonicalRepresentation of strings
function canonicalStringConversion(grid) {
    let finalString = '';
    for (let stack of grid) {
        finalString += stack + ";";
    return finalString;

// Function to check if it is solved or not
function isSolved(grid, stackHeight) {
    for (let stack of grid) {
        if (stack.length == 0)
        else if (stack.length < stackHeight)
            return false;
        else if (stack.split('').filter(c => c === stack.charAt(0)).length != stackHeight)
            return false;
    return true;

// Check if the move is valid
function isValidMove(sourceStack, destinationStack, height) {
    // Can't move from an empty stack or to a FULL STACK
    if (sourceStack.length == 0 || destinationStack.length == height)
        return false;

    let colorFreqs = sourceStack.split('').filter(c => c === sourceStack.charAt(0)).length;

    // If the source stack is same colored, don't touch it
    if (colorFreqs == height)
        return false;

    if (destinationStack.length == 0) {
        // If source stack has only same colored balls, don't touch it
        if (colorFreqs == sourceStack.length)
            return false;
        return true;
    return (sourceStack.charAt(sourceStack.length - 1) == destinationStack.charAt(destinationStack.length - 1));

// Function to solve the puzzle
function solvePuzzle(grid, stackHeight, visited, answerMod) {
    if (stackHeight == -1) {
        stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid);

    for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
        // Iterate over all the stacks
        let sourceStack = grid[i];
        for (let j = 0; j < grid.length; j++) {
            if (i == j)
            let destinationStack = grid[j];
            if (isValidMove(sourceStack, destinationStack, stackHeight)) {
                // Creating a new Grid with the valid move
                let newGrid = [...grid];

                // Adding the ball
                newGrid[j] += sourceStack.charAt(sourceStack.length - 1);

                // Removing the ball
                newGrid[i] = sourceStack.substring(0, sourceStack.length - 1);
                if (isSolved(newGrid, stackHeight)) {
                    answerMod.push([i, j, 1]);
                    return true;
                if (!visited.has(canonicalStringConversion(newGrid))) {
                    let solveForTheRest = solvePuzzle(newGrid, stackHeight, visited, answerMod);
                    if (solveForTheRest) {
                        let lastMove = answerMod[answerMod.length - 1];

                        // Optimisation - Concatenating consecutive moves of the same ball
                        if (lastMove[0] == i && lastMove[1] == j)
                            answerMod[answerMod.length - 1][2] += 1;
                            answerMod.push([i, j, 1]);
                        return true;
    return false;

// Checks whether the grid is valid or not
function checkGrid(grid) {
    let numberOfStacks = grid.length;
    let stackHeight = getStackHeight(grid);
    let numBallsExpected = ((numberOfStacks - 2) * stackHeight); // Cause 2 empty stacks
    let numBalls = 0;

    for (let stack of grid)
        numBalls += stack.length;
    if (numBalls != numBallsExpected) {
        console.log("Grid has incorrect # of balls");
        return false;
    let ballColorFrequency = new Map();
    for (let stack of grid) {
        for (let ball of stack.split('')) {
            ballColorFrequency.set(ball, (ballColorFrequency.get(ball) || 0) + 1);
    for (let [ball, freq] of ballColorFrequency) {
        if (freq != getStackHeight(grid)) {
            console.log(`Color ${ball} is not ${getStackHeight(grid)}`);
            return false;
    return true;

// Driver Code
(function main() {
    // Including 2 empty stacks
    let numberOfStacks = 6;
    let stacks = ["gbbb", "ybry", "yggy", "rrrg", "", ""];

    let grid = configureGrid(stacks, numberOfStacks);
    if (!checkGrid(grid)) {
        console.log("Invalid Grid");
    if (isSolved(grid, getStackHeight(grid))) {
        console.log("Problem is already solved");
    let visited = new Set();
    let answerMod = [];

    // Solve the puzzle instance
    solvePuzzle(grid, getStackHeight(grid), visited, answerMod);

    // Since the values of Answers are appended when the problem was completely solved and backwards from there

    for (let v of answerMod) {
        console.log(`Move ${v[0] + 1} to ${v[1] + 1} ${v[2]} times`);

Move 1 to 5 3 times
Move 2 to 6 1 times
Move 3 to 6 1 times
Move 1 to 3 1 times
Move 2 to 1 1 times
Move 2 to 5 1 times
Move 2 to 6 1 times
Move 3 to 2 3 times
Move 3 to 6 1 times
Move 4 to 2 1 times

Time Complexity: O(n!) where n is the number of stacks.
Auxiliary Space: O(n^2)

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