Minimum number of moves required to solve a Jigsaw Assembly Puzzle

  1. Case n = 2: In this case, we only have to combine two pieces, which can be done in a single move. Hence, the total number of moves required is 1.
  2. Case n = 3: Here, we can first join any two pieces as required and then, we can add the final piece to the section. This results in the total number of 2 moves.
  3. Case n = 4: Just continuing from the last case, we can first combine two pieces, then combine the third one and finally, the fourth piece. The total number of moves required in this case is 3.
  4. For any value of n: Notice, the pattern building up in the previous 3 cases. We first solve the puzzle for (n-1) pieces and then finally add the last piece with 1 move. Let’s represent this mathematically:


  5. Hence,
    The minimum number of moves required to solve n-piece jigsaw puzzle is (n-1)

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