Contest Experience – CodeChef Challenge


My entry into the realm of competitive programming competitions was both exciting and terrifying. It all started when I came onto the “CodeChef Challenge,” an online coding challenge. I signed up for the competition, which was supposed to happen over the weekend, excited but anxious. I had no idea the emotional rollercoaster and educational experience this would entail.

The Countdown:

I couldn’t help but feel a combination of excitement and worry as the contest date drew near. I reviewed algorithms and data structures in the days before the competition, and I also practiced problem-solving on numerous online forums. I was equipped with a laptop jam-packed with algorithms, a reliable IDE, and a reliable internet connection because I was determined to give it my all.

Day 1: The Highs and Lows:

As soon as the contest started, a difficult issue description was presented to me. As I began coding, my heart was racing. While I was trying to come up with an elegant solution, the first few hours flew by in a blur. As I tested my code and submitted several times, time appeared to fly by. Others were rejected with the response “Wrong Answer” or “Time Limit Exceeded.”

I felt a variety of feelings when the sun went down. When my code passed every test case, I was ecstatic. However, there were also times when I was frustrated because I couldn’t find the best solution. I was continually reminded of where I stood by the leaderboard, and it was a nerve-wracking experience.

Day 2: The Determination:

On the second day of the competition, I tackled the challenges with fresh vigor. I had made the necessary corrections and used a methodical approach. I used debugging tools frequently and carefully examined the issue statements. I began moving up the scoreboard gradually but steadily.

Another important element of this experience was collaboration. I joined a virtual study room with a number of other members, and we collaborated on finding answers, exchanging knowledge, and supporting one another. It served as a timely reminder that the coding community is about more than simply competition—it’s also about support and cooperation.

The Last Seconds:

I found myself working on the final task as the contestant timer ran out. It was a challenging question that left many attendees perplexed. I made a breakthrough with only a few minutes left and was able to submit a workable answer. It was an amazing feeling of success.


My first coding competition was an emotional rollercoaster, from the beginning when I was frightened until the very end when I won. I gained important insights about teamwork, persistence, and problem-solving. The encounter stoked my enthusiasm for programming and competition, motivating me to take part in additional competitions in the future. It was an extraordinary adventure that cemented my passion for coding and the lively coding community, even if there were highs and lows along the road.

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