Contest Experience: Suntory Programming Contest 2023 (AtCoder Beginner Contest 321)

Atcoder is an Online coding contest platform where coders come and solve the questions to gain real experience and strengthen their foundation. On their platform, different types of contests are available such as AHC (AtCoder Heuristic Contest), AGC (AtCoder Grand Contest), ARC (AtCoder Regular Contest), and ABC(AtCoder Beginner Contest).

In this article, we will discuss about AtCoder Beginner Contest 321.

About the Contest

  • Contest Date: 23/Sept/2023.
  • Contest Time: 05:30 pm (IST)
  • Duration: 100 minutes
  • Number of Questions: 7
  • Question-wise point values: 100-200-300-400-450-525-600
  • Contest Rule: you get a score assigned to it.
  • Rank Computed: From the total marks of Question- [(the time you spend to get your current score) + (5 minutes) * (the number of incorrect attempts)].

Link of Contest:

Overview of the questions asked:

Problem Name



Approx. Time to solve

321-like Checker



5-7 min



minimum value to be inserted

10 min

321-like Searcher


Find nth Number

10 min

Set Menu


Find Minimum

10-15 min

Complete Binary Tree


Distance from vertex

15 min

#(subset sum = K) with Add and Erase


sum equal to k

15 min

Electric Circuit



20 min

Problem 1: 321 like Checker

The first question requires only the knowledge of loops. it just needs to check whether the next digit of the number is smaller than the previous digit. if the condition is satisfied print yes otherwise no.

Problem 2: Cutoff

This code deals with the smallest positive number that is to be added to an array the sum of the array should not be greater or equal to the targeted number.

Problem 3: 321-Like Searcher

In this question, we need to find the kth number which will follow the trends of problem 1 i.e.; the kth number in which the next digit of the number is smaller than the previous digit.

Problem 4: Set Menu

This question wants you to combine some main dishes with some side dishes such that, the sum of the price of the main and side dishes dishes should not exceed a given constant price.

Problem 5: Complete Binary Tree

If you are comfortable with the basics of the Binary tree then this question will not be tougher for you as, it asks you to find the number of vertices that are at certain distance from the given vertex.

Problem 6: (subset sum = K) with Add and Erase

In this question, some integers will be added and removed from an empty box. At the end, you need to determine in how many ways you can pick the remaining integer such that their sum will be equal to a given value.

Problem 7: Electric Circuit

This question is time-consuming, You have to find how many combinations of electric cables can be connected in an electric circuit. Finally, you have to modify that number to 998244353.


This contest is easy and if you are a beginner then you should try with this contest. Also, if your goal is to crack company placement then it would be helpful for you and if you want to master competitive programming you can follow more advanced coding tests happening on this platform.

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