Contest Experiences | CodeCrunch Challenge

Contest Description:

The coding contest I participated in was the “CodeCrunch Challenge” hosted by a prominent tech company. The contest aimed to test participants’ algorithmic and coding skills through a series of challenging problems. Unfortunately, the contest is not live at the moment, so I cannot provide a link.

Overview of the Questions:

The contest consisted of three rounds, each with a different set of problems:

  • Round 1 (Online Qualifier): This round had two coding questions that must be solved within 90 minutes. The problems ranged from data structure manipulation to algorithmic challenges, with varying levels of difficulty.
  • Round 2 (Onsite Coding Challenge): The top 100 participants from Round 1 were invited to an onsite coding challenge at the company’s headquarters. This round featured three problems: one complex dynamic programming task and two more traditional algorithmic problems. We had four hours to solve them.
  • Final Round (Interview and Live Coding): The top 10 participants from Round 2 proceeded to the final round, which included a technical interview and a live coding challenge. We were grilled on data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving abilities. The live coding segment required us to solve a problem on a whiteboard, which added an extra layer of pressure.

Experience with Problems:

The problems in the contest were well-crafted and challenging. Each problem tested a different aspect of programming and algorithmic thinking. Here’s a glimpse of my experience with the problems:

  • Round 1: The initial round of questions were reasonably manageable. I was able to solve both within the time limit, but they required careful consideration of edge cases and efficient algorithms.
  • Round 2: The onsite coding challenge stepped up the difficulty significantly. The dynamic programming problem was particularly tough and required a novel approach to solve optimally. The other two problems were no walk in the park either, demanding creative thinking.
  • Final Round: The interview and live coding round were nerve-wracking. The technical interview questions delved deep into algorithms and data structures, and the live coding problem was challenging, especially with someone watching my every move.

Approach Used:

Throughout the contest, my approach was a mix of careful planning and adaptability. I followed a systematic problem-solving process:

  • Read the Problem Carefully: I began by thoroughly understanding the problem statement, including any constraints and examples provided.
  • Plan the Solution: Once I had a clear grasp of the problem, I formulated a plan. This often involved sketching out algorithms on paper and considering different approaches.
  • Code and Test: After outlining the solution, I coded it up meticulously, paying attention to edge cases and potential bugs. I ran multiple test cases to verify the correctness of my solution.
  • Optimize: If time allowed, I looked for ways to optimize my code, making it more efficient.
  • Submit Early: In online rounds, I submitted my solutions as soon as they passed all test cases to ensure that I didn’t run out of time.


I’m pleased to share that I made it to the final round of the CodeCrunch Challenge and finished in the top 10. While I didn’t secure the top spot, the experience was invaluable. I gained exposure to challenging problems, honed my coding skills, and received valuable feedback during the final interview. This contest reinforced the importance of continuous learning and problem-solving in the world of programming competitions. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience that I won’t soon forget.

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