Computer Abbreviations Questions for Bank PO/Clerk Exams

Here is the practice set of questions on the computer aptitude topic “Abbreviations”. 2-3 questions were asked in exams but is quite fruitful if you study for scoring well in the IBPS PO exam especially. Questions are from the basic level itself and cover classes 3-8. To enhance your score go through the article and learn something new.

Directions: Answer the following abbreviation questions followed by four choices of full form. Choose the correct option from it.

Ques 1. HTML is a short form of:

(a) High Transfer Machine Language

(b) High Transmission Markup Language

(c) Hyper Text Markup Language

(d) Hyper Transfer Markup Language

(e) Hypermedia Transmission Machine Language 

Answer: Option (c) 


Websites are designed and coded using HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language is what it stands for. Authors can publish online documents containing headings, text, tables, lists, images, etc. thanks to HTML.


Ques 2. The full form of WiMAX is:

(a) Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access

(b) Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access

(c) Worldwide Interoperability for Macro wave Access

(d) Wireless Interoperability for Macro wave Access

(e) Wireless Integration for Macro waves Access

Answer: Option (a)


WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), a wireless technology optimized for the delivery of IP-specific services over large areas and for building alternative and complementary broadband networks, is a consortium of the wireless industry.


Ques 3. WORM is the abbreviation for:

(a) Write Once Read Many

(b) Wanted Once Read Memory

(c) Wanted Original Read Memory

(d) Write Original Read Memory

(e) None of these

Answer: Option a


An acronym for “write once, read many” (WORM) denotes a data storage system. Since the information has already been written, it cannot be changed. This writer protection offers the guarantee that once the data is written to the device, it cannot be altered, even though it can be read numerous times.


Ques 4. The full form of DDL is:

(a) Data Description Language

(b) Data Distance language

(c) Data disposed Language

(d) Data dispense Language

(e) Data disorder Language

Answer: Option (a)


DDL, commonly referred to as data definition language or data description language is a set of rules for commands that specify the various database structures. Database objects like tables, indexes, and users can be created, modified, and deleted using DDL statements. The DDL statements CREATE, ALTER, and DROP are frequent ones.


Ques 5. The full form of NOS is:

(a) Node operating system

(b) Non-open software

(c) Network Operating system

(d) Non-operating software

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option c


The NOS, or network operating system, is the program that enables inter-computer communication and file and hardware sharing via a network. Contrary to standard operating systems like Windows, NOS is not intended for usage by a single user and additionally tests the network’s functionality.

Ques 6. The full form of VIRUS will be:

(a) Vital Information Recourse Under System

(b) Vital Information Resource Under Seize

(c) Vital Information Resource Under Secure 

(d) Vital Information Recourse Under System

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option b


Vital Information Resources under seize is what virus stands for. A malicious software program or piece of code classified as “Seize” is one that sneaks into our computers and is then executed without our knowledge or agreement. Infected computer applications can also be found in data files or the hard drive’s “boot” region.


Ques 7. The full form of the abbreviation ODBC will be: 

(a) Object database connectivity

(b) Oral database connectivity

(c) Oracle database connectivity

(d) Open database connectivity

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option d


Open Database Connectivity, or ODBC, is an API (Application Programming Interface) that enables access to database information without relying on the operating system or the database.


Ques 8. EBCDIC full form is:

(a) Extended binary coded decimal Interchange code

(b) Extended binary coded decimal Information code

(c) Extended binary coded data Interchange code

(d) External binary coded decimal Interchange code

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option a


EBCDIC, or Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, is a binary code for alphabetic and numeric characters that IBM created for their more complex operating systems. Its pronunciation is either “ehb-suh-dik” or “ehb-kuh-dik.” The IBM midrange and mainframe systems commonly employ the 8-bit character encoding known as EBCDIC. Its creation took place between 1963 and 1964. To improve the possibilities of binary-coded decimal coding, EBCDIC was created. The IBM S/390 servers and OS/390 operating systems use this code in text files.


Ques 9. CAD stands for ____

(a) Computer-Aided Design

(b) Computer Application Design

(c) Computer-Aided Device

(d) Combined Aided Design

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option a


The full form of CAD is Computer Aided Design. CAD, or computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), is a design and technical documentation tool that automates the laborious process of drafting. Most designers, drafters, architects, and engineers have utilized 2D or 3D CAD software like AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT.


Ques 10. SNA is the abbreviation for:

(a) Systems Network Architecture

(b) System Network Application

(c) System Network Adapter

(d) Simple Network Architecture

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option a


Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is a data communication framework created by IBM to define standard protocols for communication between a wide range of IBM hardware and software data communication products as well as other platforms.


Ques 11. The full form of OA is:

(a) Official Automation

(b) Office Automation

(c) Official Assistant

(d) Online automation

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option b


The term “office automation” (OA) refers to all of the equipment, programs, and procedures that allow for the automation of information processing and communication duties within an organization. The majority of everyday operations and processes in a typical office are digitally stored, processed, and communicated via computers and software.


Ques 12. The full form of MICR is:

(a) Magnetic Ink Character Recorder

(b) Modern Ink Character Reader

(c) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

(d) Magic Ink Character Reader

(e) None of the Above

Answer: Option c


A method known as MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) is used to confirm the validity or authorship of paper documents, particularly checks. On the original documents, specific characters are printed using special ink that reacts to magnetic fields.


Ques 13. The full form of IR is:

(a) Incremental recorder

(b) Incremental register

(c) Information retrieval

(d) Intellectual rights

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (c)


IR stands for Information retrieval.  IR is the method of locating and displaying information on a computer.


Ques 14. IDE is the abbreviation for:

(a) Integrate Disk Error

(b) Input Data Error

(c) Integrated Development Environment

(d) Integrated Disk Environment

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option c


Software for creating applications known as an integrated development environment (IDE) combines standard developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI). A text editor, a project editor, a toolbar, and an output viewer are among the tools offered by an IDE. IDEs are capable of numerous tasks. IDEs include programmes like NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Visual Studio as examples.


Ques 15. FAX stands for:

(a) Function Application Xerox

(b) Fast Access Xerox

(c) Function Application Extended

(d) Facsimile

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option d


FAX stands for facsimile in its entire form. It is the telephone transmission of a scanned copy of printed-on-paper images and text between two individuals through a phone connection. A fax device is a computer that transmits original electronic documents or copies of scanned documents over the telephone network.


Ques 16. The full form of FAST is:

(a) Federation against software teaching

(b) Formula against software theft

(c) Federation against system theft

(d) Federation against software theft

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option d


FAST stands for “Federation against software theft”. Software theft refers to the unauthorised or unlawful duplication, distribution, or use of copyright-protected software. Software theft can be committed by one person, a group of people, or in some situations, an organisation. Unlicensed software copies are subsequently given to users.


Ques 17. Abbreviation for CBT is:

(a) Certificate-Based Test

(b) Computer-Based Test

(c) Computer-Based Training

(d) Certificate-Based Training

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option c


Any course of instruction whose principal method of delivery is a computer is known as computer-based training (CBT). A CBT course (also known as courseware) may be distributed using software that is installed on a single computer, over an intranet for a business or institution of higher learning, or via the Internet as Web-based training.


Ques 18. BIOS stands for:

(a) Basic Input Output System

(b) Basic Input and Output Services

(c) Best Input Output Service

(d) Better Input Output System

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option a

Basic Input/Output System, commonly referred to as the System BIOS, ROM BIOS, BIOS ROM, or PC BIOS, is a type of firmware used in computers to execute hardware initialization during the booting process and offer runtime services for operating systems and programmes (power-on startup).


Ques 19. ATM is the short form of:

(a) Automatic Tell Machine

(b) Automated Teller Machine

(c) Automatic Teller Machine

(d) Automated Transfer Machine

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option b


An automated Teller Machine, sometimes known as an ATM, is a type of self-service banking facility. You can send dollars, check your balance, and withdraw money. By placing ATMs in various locations across the nation, different banks offer their ATM services.


Ques 20. The full form of OCR is:

(a) Optical Character Recognition

(b) Optical Character Reader

(c) Online Character Reader

(d) Online Character Recognition

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option a


“Optical Character Recognition” is the abbreviation. It is a piece of technology that can identify text in digital images. Text in scanned documents and photos is frequently recognized using this technique. A real paper document or an image can be transformed into a text-rich, searchable electronic version using OCR software.


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