Important Questions on Computer Memory for Bank Exams

Here is the second practice set of questions for the IBPS PO exams in computer aptitude section. It is very scoring if understand what type questions are asked from memory topic. Therefore, its very important to go through this section. We have provided a comprehensive sets of 40 question in this topic in two sets. Please go through it and I am sure that it will helps you in an actual exam as well.

Directions: Following is the set of questions followed by four options. You have to pick the correct choice and mark the answer.

Ques 1. Any information or commands that naturally enter a computer’s memory are referred to as-

(a) storage

(b) output

(c) input

(d) information

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (a)


Any information that a computer automatically loads into memory is referred to as storage.

Ques 2. The information stored on a disc at the time of manufacture, which cannot be altered or deleted by the user, is —

(a) Memory only

(b) Read only

(c) Run only

(d) Write only

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (b)


Read only is the only information that cannot be deleted or altered at the time of manufacture. 

Ques 3. Hard disc drives are considered …………. storage –

(a) Flash

(b) Non-volatile

(c) Temporary

(d) Non-permanent

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (b)


Today’s most popular type of primary storage is a volatile type of random access memory (RAM), which means that anything kept in RAM is lost when the computer is turned off. However, the majority of non-volatile memory types have drawbacks that prevent them from being used as primary storage. In general, volatile random access memory is more affordable, has better performance, and has better write endurance. 

Ques 4. Using a CD, you can –

(a) read

(b) write

(c) read and write

(d) either read or write

(e) None of these

Answer-option (a)


A compact disc is used to write within the memory any data, audio, or video file. This has nothing to do with the system. These all are done digitally.

Ques 5. Data collection by computers enables the use of……………. data.

(a) Present

(b) Input

(c) Store

(d) output

(e) None of the above

Answer- Option (b)


Computers collect data, which means that users can enter data into them. A computer file called input data comprises information that is used as input by a device or software.

Ques 6. Data storage or retention after power loss is referred to as –

(a) Volatile storage

(b) Non-volatile storage

(c) Sequential storage

(d) Direct storage

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (b) 


Data storage or retention after power loss is referred to as non-volatile storage. 

Ques 7. A typical acronym of reusable optical storage will be …………….

(a) CD

(b) CD-RW

(c) DVD

(d) RPM

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (b)


A digital optical disc storage format is called CD-RW (Compact Disc-Re Writable). A CD-RW disc is a type of compact disc that allows for unlimited writing, reading, and erasing cycles.

Ques 8. A huge volume of permanently recorded information on a flat metallic disc that can be read optically is known as a………………..

(a) Monitor

(b) ALU

(c) CD-ROM

(d) RAM

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (c)


A CD-ROM is a flat metal disc with a lot of permanently recorded data that can be read optically.

Ques 9. Data, programs, and processed information are temporally stored in the following during processing.

(a) Secondary storage

(b) ROM

(c) RAM

(d) CPU

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (c)


No matter where the data is physically located inside the memory, a random-access memory device enables data items to be accessible (read or written) in approximately the same amount of time.

Ques 10. The location where the computer keeps its software and data is known as

(a) Memory

(b) Storehouse

(c) Storage unit

(d) Backup

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (c)


The storage unit is the location where the computer keeps its data and programs. A storage device is a crucial component of the computer hardware that stores data and information needed to process a computation’s output.

Ques 11. Which of the following is the property of secondary storage?

(a) does not need continuous power

(b) utilizes no magnetic media

(c) includes four major categories of equipment.

(d) does not retain data for later access

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (a)


Secondary storage does not require continuous power for its operation. The benefit of this storage is that we can later view the content. It utilizes magnetic media as one of the types of secondary storage is magnetic media.

Ques 12. What can be done to store data and programs on a floppy disk?

(a) A floppy disk has only one side so it can store neither of them

(b) Programs and data both can be stored in a floppy disk

(c) A floppy can neither store data nor programs

(d) Floppy disks can only store programs not data

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (b)


There are two sides to a floppy disc: aside for data and a side for programming. Both software and data can be stored in any type of memory device. Programs and data both can be stored in floppy disks.

Ques 13. CD ROM disk has the characteristic:

(a) data can be erased

(b) holds more data than any other disk

(c) data neither be erased nor rewritten

(d) data can be rewritten once in a while

(e) None of these

Answer- Option (c)


A pre-pressed optical compact disc called a CD-ROM is a data-carrying disc. “Compact Disc Read-Only Memory” is the acronym for the name. Although CD-ROMs can neither be written to nor erased, computers can read them.

Ques 14. What are the properties of RAM?

(a) volatile, temporary

(b) nonvolatile, permanent

(c) nonvolatile, temporary

(d) Volatile, Permanent

(e) None of these

Answer: Option (a)


Random Access Memory (RAM) is typically linked with volatile types of memory, where recorded information is lost if power is removed (such as DRAM memory modules). RAM is therefore volatile and temporary.

Ques 15. Where is data permanently stored?

(a) Memory

(b) Storage

(c) CPU

(d) Printer

(e) None of these

Answer: Option (b).


Folders and drives both contain storage for files and folders. A storage device is a piece of equipment that can keep data safe long after the computer has been turned off. 

Ques 16. Which of the following uses laser technology to store a large amount of information?

(a) Floppy disk

(b) CD-ROM

(c) Hard disk

(d) ED-ROM

(e) None of these

Answer: Option (b) 


Compact Disc is the name of the format. Using an optical laser to read small pits on a polycarbonate disc’s aluminized layer, read-only memory is a type of mass storage.

Ques 17. The computer’s starting instructions are located in 

(a) RAM

(b) CD-ROM

(c) ROM Chip

(d) All of these

(e) None of these

Answer: option (c) 


The ROM chip contains the startup instructions for the computer. Because the initial program that launches when a stored-program computer is powered on or otherwise begins execution may be stored on a non-volatile storage medium (i.e., a medium that keeps its contents even when power is removed) (a process known as bootstrapping, often abbreviated to “booting” or “booting up”). 

Ques 18. Which of the following are used for capacitor data storage?

(a) SRAM

(b) DRAM

(c) ERAM

(d) PRAM

(e) None of these

Answer: Option (b)


DRAM or dynamic RAM used capacitors to store data. It is a type of RAM that stores data dynamically as it stores data in capacitors and hence requires refreshing.

Ques 19. Which of these memories costs a lot of money?

(a) RAM

(b) CD

(c) CD-RW

(d) ROM

(e) Cache

Answer: Option (e)


A semiconductor memory called cache memory serves as a buffer between the CPU and the main memory. It is the most expensive memory since it is the fastest.

Ques 20. Which of these is a magnetically coated circular plate used to store data?

(a) Magnetic Tape

(b) Magnetic Disc

(c) Cache

(d) All of these

(e) None of these

Answer: Option (b) 


A secondary storage device used to store data is a magnetic disc. Data is kept on a spherical plate with a magnetic covering. Magnetic discs are no longer the only option due to the development of solid-state drives (SSDs), although they are still widely utilized.


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