Important Questions on Computer Operating System for Bank Exams

Here is the second set of practice questions for the operating system. It’s an important section as per IBPS’s point of view. Please go through all the questions as it will surely helps you in the examinations. 

Directions: Following is the set of questions having four options. Mark the correct option out of the four choices.

Ques 1. Which of the following is not an operating system?

(a) DOS

(b) Linux

(c) Windows

(d) Oracle

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (d)


The Oracle Corporation produces the relational database management system (RDBMS) known as Oracle database (Oracle DB).


Ques 2. _________ operating system is Linux .

(a) Open source

(b) Microsoft

(c) Windows

(d) Mac

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (a)


Built around the Linux kernel, the Linux operating system family is free and open-source software. For desktop and server use, Linux is typically packaged in what is known as a Linux distribution.


Ques 3. Which operating system allows you to provide the shortest filename?

(a) Ps/2

(b) Dos

(c) Windows

(d) Windows NT

(e) Windows XP

Answer: Option (b)


An operating system that uses a hard drive is called DOS (Disk Operating System). 


Ques 4. Which of the following is not a multitasking operating system?

(a) Windows

(b) Linux

(c) Win NT

(d) DOS

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (d)


A multitasking operating system is not DOS. However, DOS offered a mechanism called Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) that allowed programs to continue running in memory.


Ques 5. When you should choose the sleep option in OS?

(a) When the computer works for the entire day it gets tired

(b) You are doing some other important work

(c) When the system hangs we shall do it

(d) Any of the above

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (b)


When not in use, a computer can enter sleep mode, also known as standby or suspension mode, which conserves power. 


Ques 6. Which of the following displays the name of the user on the computer?

(a) Wish list screen

(b) Command screen

(c) Welcome screen

(d) Linux window

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (c)


Each computer user’s name is displayed on the computer display screen during the welcome screen (Computer Monitor).


Ques 7. The type of software that is best suited for managing the layout and design of intricate documents like newsletters and brochures is:

(a) Word processing

(b) Computer-aided design

(c) Web page authoring

(d) Desktop publishing

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (a)


Word processing software is the best choice for managing the design and layout of intricate documents like newsletters and brochures.


Ques 8. Which of the following is not a system tool?

(a) Backup

(b) Disk defragment

(c) Virus scanning

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (c)


In contrast to other programs that help maintain the system, such as backup software and disc defragmenters, virus scanning is not a system tool. It performs fundamental maintenance to keep the system up and operating.


Ques 9. What is the name of the RAM that DOS and applications are allocated to?

(a) Expanded memory

(b) Cache memory

(c) Virtual memory

(d) Conventional memory

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (d)


Conventional memory, often known as base memory in DOS memory management, refers to the first 640 kilobytes (640 – 1024 bytes) of memory on an IBM PC or comparable computers. The operating system and applications utilize this read-write memory, which is immediately addressable by the processor.


Ques 10. Which of the following operating system creates from the physical computer?

(a) Virtual space

(b) Virtual computers

(c) Virtual device

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (b)


A virtual machine in computing is an imitation of a computer system. The functionality of a physical computer is provided by virtual machines, which are built on computer architectures.


Ques 11. Which option from the menu bar will you choose to access the file?

(a) Option

(b) Help

(c) View

(d) File

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (d)


The file icon will be chosen from the menu bar in order to access and open the file.


Ques 12. Which mode loads the bare minimum of drivers for Windows at startup?

(a) Safe Mode

(b) Normal Mode

(c) VGA Mode

(d) Network Support Mode

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (a)


An operating system’s safe mode is used for diagnostics (OS). In Windows, the safe mode restricts the startup of system services and programs to those that are absolutely necessary. 


Ques 13. Which of the following has safe mode loaded?

(a) Keyboard driver

(b) Mouse driver

(c) VGA drive

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (d)


An operating system’s capability is decreased in safe mode, but problem isolation is made simpler because many non-essential components, like sound, are disabled and many fundamental components, like keyboard, mouse, and VGA drivers, are enabled.


Ques 14. Which of the following named location file is stored on the disk?

(a) Folder

(b) Pod

(c) Version

(d) File

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (a)


A folder, which is often referred to as a directory or catalog when discussing file systems, is a mechanism to arrange computer files. A folder is a container where several files can be saved in order to organize the computer and keep them all together. Another folder may be contained within a folder.


Ques 15. Which kind of command needs extra files to carry out particular tasks?

(a) Internal commands

(b) External commands

(c) Valuable commands

(d) Primary commands

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (b)


For end users, external commands are predefined commands. They are operating-system independent and password-protected, so regular end users can only schedule commands that the system administrator has given them permission to.


Ques 16. Which among the following is system software?

(a) Operating system

(b) Compiler

(c) Utilities

(d) All of the above

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (d)


An operating system is system software. It manages the software and the hardware and their resources therefore it is called system software. The communication between the user and a system takes place with the help of OS which proves authenticity as system software.


Ques 17. Easy-to-use user interfaces are thought to be:

(a) User-happy

(b) User-simple

(c) User-friendly

(d) User-convenient

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (c)


In comparison to a text-based command-line interface like MS-DOS or the shell of Unix-like operating systems, a GUI is thought to be more user-friendly. Because instructions do not need to be learned, GUI operating systems are simpler to learn and operate than command-line operating systems (CUI), such as UNIX or MS-DOS.


Ques 18. A flash memory storage device known as _____ plugs into a USB port.

(a) USB snap drive

(b) USB flash drive

(c) USB memory maker drive

(d) USB drive

(e) None of the above

Answer: Option (b)


A USB flash drive is a type of storage device for data that has a flash memory and a built-in Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. The majority of USB flash drives can be removed and written to. 


Ques 19. The drive storing the files to be duplicated is known as the____________.

(a) Source drive

(b) Destination drive

(c) USB drive

(d) None of the above

Answer: Option (a)


The disc containing the files to be duplicated is known as the source drive. Open source software or apps are those whose creators or copyright holders grant users or third parties the ability to view, use, and alter the product’s source code.


Ques 20. The ______ operating system serves as the foundation for the most recent iteration of the MAC OS.

(a) Windows

(b) Linux

(c) Unix

(d) CMOS

(e) DOS

Answer: Option (c)


It’s possible that you’ve heard that Macintosh OSX is simply Linux with a more attractive UI. Actually, that’s not the case. But OSX is based in part on FreeBSD, an open-source UNIX variant. It was constructed on top of UNIX, an operating system that was initially developed more than 30 years ago by scientists at AT&T’s Bell Labs.


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