Class 12 NCERT Solutions- Mathematics Part ii – Chapter 7– Integrals Exercise 7.5

Various formulas used in the exercise are,

Rational Fraction

Respective Partial Fraction

(px+q)/(x-a)(x-b), a !=b

A/(x-a) + B/(x-b)


A/(x-a) + B/(x-a)2


A/(x-a) + B/(x-b) + C/(x-c)


A/(x-a) + B/(x-a)2 + C/(x-b)


A/(x-a) + (Bx+C)/(x2 + bx + c)

Question 1: x/(x+1)(x+2)


Let x/(x+1)(x+2) = A/ (x+1) + B/(x+2)

=> x = A(x+2)+B(x+1)

Equating the coefficient of x and constant term, we obtain

A + B = 1

2A + B = 0

On solving we obtain

A = -1 nd B = 2

So x/(x+1)(x+2) = -1/ (x+1) + 2/(x+2)

=> ∫x/ (x+1)(x+2) dx

= ∫ -1/ (x+1) + 2/(x+2) dx

= -log|x+1| + 2log|x+2| + C

= log(x+2)2 – log|x+1| + C

= log (x+2)2/ (x+1) + C

Question 2: 1/(x-9)


Let 1/ (x+3)(x-3) = A/ (x+3) + B/(x-3)

1 = A(x-3) + (x+2)

Equating the coefficient of x and constant term, we obtain

A + B = 0

-3A + 3B=1

On solving we obtain

A = -1/6 and B = 1/6

So, 1/ (x+3)(x-3) = -1/6(x+3) + 1/6(x-3)

=> ∫ 1/ (x2-9) dx

= ∫ { -1/6(x+3) + 1/6(x-3)} dx

= -1/6 log| x+3| + 1/6 log|x-3| + C

= 1/6 log| (x-3)/(x+3) | + c

Question 3: (3x-1)/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)


Let (3x-1)/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) = A/(x-1) + B/ (x-2) + C/(x-3)

3x-1 = A(x-2)(x-3)+B(x-1)(x-3)+C(x-1)(x-2)…(i)

Substituting x = 1, 2 and 3 respectively in equation (i), we obtain

A = 1, B = -5 and C = 4


= 1/(x-1) – 5/ (x-2) + 4/(x-3)

=> ∫ (3x-1)/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) dx

= ∫{1/(x-1) – 5/(x-2) + 4/(x-3) }dx

= log| x-1| – 5log|x-2| +4 log|x-3| + C

Question 4: x/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)


Let x/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) = A/(x-1) + B/ (x-2) + C/(x-3)

x= A(x-2)(x-3) + B(x-1)(x-3) + C(x-1)(x-2)…(i)

Substituting x = 1, 2 and 3 respectively in equation (i), we obtain

A = 1/2 , B = -2 and C = 3/2

So, x/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) = 1 /2 (x-1) -2/ (x-2) + 3/2(x-3)

=> ∫x/(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) dx

= ∫ {1 /2 (x-1) -2/ (x-2) + 3/2(x-3) }dx

= 1/2 log |x-1| -2 log|x-2| + 3/2 log|x-3| +C

Question 5: 2x/ (x2+3x+2)


Let 2x/ (x2+3x+2) = A/(x+1) + B/(x+2)

2x = A(x+2) + B(x+1)…(i)

Substituting x = -1 and -2 in equation (i), we obtain

A = -2 and B = 4

So,2x/ (x2+3x+2) = -2/(x+1) + 4/(x+2)

=> ∫ 2x/ (x2+3x+2) dx

= ∫ { 4/(x+1) – 2/(x+1)} dx

= 4log|x+2| – 2log|x+1| + C

Question 6: (1-x2)/{x(1-2x)}


It can seen that the given integrand is not proper fraction.

Therefore, on diving (1-x2) by x(1-2x), we obtain

(1-x2)/{x(1-2x)} = 1/2 + 1/2 { (2-x)/x(1-2x)}

Let (2-x)/x(1-2x) = A/x B/(1-2x)

=> (2-x) = A(1-2x) + BX…(i)

Substituting x = 0 and 1/2 in equation (i), we obtain

A = 2 and B = 3

So, (2-x)/x(1-2x) = 2/x+ 3/(1-2x)

Substituting in equation (1), we obtain

(1-x2)/{x(1-2x)} = 1/2 + 1/2 { 2/x+ 3/(1-2x)}

=> ∫ (1-x2)/{x(1-2x)} dx

= ∫{ 1/2 + 1/2 { 2/x+ 3/(1-2x)}}dx

= x/2 + log|x| + 3/(2(-2) log|1-2x| + C

= x/2 + log|x| – 3/2 log|1-2x| + C

Question 7: x/(x2+1)(x-1)


Let x/(x2+1)(x-1) = (Ax+B)/(x2+1) + C/(x-1)

x = (Ax+B)(x-1) + C(x2+1)

x = Ax2 – Ax + Bx-B+Cx2 + C

Equating the coefficient of x2,x and constant term, we obtain

A + C = 0

-A + B = 1

-B + C = 0

On solving these equation, we obtain

A = -1/2 , B = 1/2 and C = 1/2

From equation (1), we obtain

So, x/(x2+1)(x-1) = { (-1/2 x + 1/2)/(x2+1)} + (1/2)/(x-1)

=> ∫x/(x2+1)(x-1) = -1/2 ∫x/(x2+1) dx + 1/2 ∫1/(x2+1) dx + 1/2 ∫ 1/ (x-1) dx

=1/4 ∫ 2x/(x2+1) dx + 1/2 tan-1x + 1/2 log| x-1 | + C

Consider ∫ 2x/(x2+1) dx , let (x2+1) = t => 2x dx = dt

=> ∫ 2x/(x2+1) dx = ∫dt/t = log|t| = log | x2+1|

∫ x/(x2+1)(x-1) dx

= -1/4 log |x2+1| + 1/2 tan-1x + 1/2 log |x-1| + C

= 1/2 log |x-1| -1/4 log |x2+1| + 1/2 tan-1x + C

Question 8: x/(x-1)2(x+2)


x/(x-1)2(x+2) = A/(x-1) + B/(x-1)2 + C/(x+2)

x = A(x-1)(x+2) + B(x+2) + C(x-1)2

Substituting x = 1, we obtain

B = 1/3

Equating the coefficient of x2 and constant term, we obtain

A + C = 0

-2A + 2B + C = 0

On solving, we obtain

A = 2/9 and C = -2/9

x/(x-1)2(x+2) = 2 /9(x-1) + 1/3(x-1)2 – 2 /9(x+2)

=> ∫x/(x-1)2(x+2) dx

= 2/9∫1/(x-1) + 1/3 ∫1/(x-1)2 dx -2/9 ∫ 1/(x+2) dx

= 2/9 log|x-1| + 1/3 {-1/(x-1)} – 2/9 log |x+2| + C

= 2/9 log |(x-1)/(x+2) | – 1/ 3(x-1) + C

Question 9: (3x+5)/(x3-x2-x+1)


Let (3x+5)/(x3-x2-x+1) = A/(x-1) + B/(x-1)2 + C/(x+1)

3x + 5 = A(x-1)(x+1) + B(x+1) + C(x-1)2

3x + 5 = A(x2-1) + B(x+1) + C(x2+1-2x)…(i)

Substituting x = 1 in equation (1), we obtain

B = 4

Equating the coefficient of x2 and x , we obtain

A+C = 0

B-2C = 3

On solving, we obtain

A = -1/2 and C = 1/2

So, (3x+5)/(x3-x2-x+1) = -1/2(x-1) + 4/(x-1)2 + 1/2(x+1)

=> ∫ (3x+5)/{(x-1)2(x+1)} dx

= -1/2∫1/(x-1) dx + 4∫1/(x-1)2 dx +1/2 ∫1/(x+1) dx

= -1/2 log | x-1| + 4 {-1/(x-1)} + 1/2 log | x+1 | + C

= 1/2log| (x+1)/ (x-1)| – 4/(x-1) + C

Question 10: (2x-3)/(x2-1)(2x+3)


(2x-3)/(x2-1)(2x+3) = (2x-3)/(x+1)(x-1)(2x+3)

Let (2x-3)/(x+1)(x-1)(2x+3) = A/(x+1) + B/(x-1) + C/(2x+3)

=> (2x-3) = A(x-1)(2x+3) + B(2x2+5x+3) + C(x2-1)

=> (2x-3) = A(2x2+x-3) + B(2x2+5x+3) + C(x2-1)

=>(2x-3) = (2A+2B+C)x2 + (A+5B)x+(-3A+3B-C)

Equating the coefficient of x2 and x , we obtain

B = -1/10 , A = 5/2 and C = -24/5

So, (2x-3)/(x+1)(x-1)(2x+3) = 5/2(x+1) + -1 /10 (x-1) – 24/5 (2x+3)

=> ∫(2x-3)/(x2-1)(2x+3) = 5/2∫1/(x+1) dx – -/10 ∫1/(x-1) dx – 24/5 ∫1/(2x+3) dx

= 5/2 log | x+1| – 1/10 log | x-1 | – 24/5*2 log | 2x+3 | + C

= 5/2 log | x+1| – 1/10 log | x-1 | – 12/5 log | 2x+3 | + C

Question 11: 5x/(x+1)(x2-4)


5x/(x+1)(x2-4) = 5x/(x+1)(x+2)(x-2)

Let 5x/(x+1)(x+2)(x-2) = A/(x+1) + B/(x+2) + C/(x-2)

5x = A(x+2)(x-2) + B(x+1)(x-2) + C(x+1)(x+2)…(i)

Substituting x = -1,-2 and 2 in equation (1), we obtain

A = 5/2, B = -5/2 and C = 5/6

So, 5x/(x+1)(x+2)(x-2) = 5 /3(x+1) – 5/2(x+2) + 5 /6 (x-2)

=> ∫ 5x/(x+1)(x+2)(x-2) dx = ∫ 5 /3(x+1) dx – ∫5/2(x+2) dx + ∫ 5 /6 (x-2) dx

= 5/3 log|x+1| -5.2 log|x+2| + 5/6 log |x-2| + C

Question 12: (x3+x+1)/(x2-1)


It can seen that the given integrand is not proper fraction.

Therefore, on diving (x3+x+1) by (x2-1), we obtain

(x3+x+1)/(x2-1) = x + (2x+1)/(x2-1)

Let (2x+1)/(x2-1) = A/(x+1) + B/(x-1)

2x+1 = A(x-1) + B(x+1)…(i)

Substituting x = 1,-1 in equation (1), we obtain

A = 1/2 and B = 3/2

So,(x3+x+1)/(x2-1) = x + 1/2(x+1) + 3/2(x-1)

=> ∫ ,(x3+x+1)/(x2-1) dx = ∫x dx + 1/2 ∫1/(x+1) dx + 3/2 ∫ 1/ (x-1) dx

= x2 /2 + 1/2 log |x+1| + 3/2 log|x-1| + C

Question 13: 2/(1-x)(1+x2)


Let 2/(1-x)(1+x2) = A/(1-x) + (Bx+c)/(1+x2)

2 = A(1+x) + (Bx+C)(1-x)

2 = A+Ax2+Bx-Bx2+C-Cx

Equating the coefficient of x2,x and constant term, we obtain

A-B = 0

B-C = 0

A+C = 2

On solving these equation, we obtain

A = 1, B = 1 and C = 1

So, 2/ (1-x)(1+x2) = 1/(1-x) + (x+1)/(1+x2)

=> ∫2/ (1-x)(1+x2) dx

= ∫1/(1-x) dx + ∫x/(1+x2) dx + ∫ 1/ (1+x2) dx

= – ∫1/(x-1) dx + 1/2∫2x/(1+x2) dx + ∫ 1/ (1+x2) dx

= -log|x-1 | + 1/2 log|1+x2| + tan-1x + C

Question 14: (3x-1)/(x+2)2


Let (3x-1)/(x+2)2 = A /(x+2) + B/(x+2)2

=> 3x – 1 = A(x+2) + B

Equating the coefficient of x and constant term, we obtain

A = 3

2A +B = -1 => B = -7

So, (3x-1)/(x+2)2 = 3/(x+2) – 7/(x+2)2

=> ∫(3x-1)/(x+2)2 dx = 3∫1/(x+2) dx – 7 ∫ x/(x+2)2

= 3log|x+2| -7{-1/(x+2)} +C

= 3log|x+2| + 7/(x+2) + C

Question 15: 1/(x4-1)


1/(x4-1) = 1/(x2-1)(x2+1) = 1/{(x+1)(x-1)(1+x2)}

Let 1/(x4-1) = 1/(x2-1)(x2+1) = A /(x+1) + B/(x-1) + (Cx+D)/(1+x2)

1 = A(x-1)(x2+1) + B(x+1)(x2+1) + (Cx+D)(x2-1)

1 = A(x3+x-x2-1)+B(x3+x+x2+1) + Cx3+Dx3-Cx-D

1 = (A+B+C)x3 + (-A+B+D)x2 + (A+B-C)x+(-A+B-D)

Equating the coefficient of x3,x2,x and constant term, we obtain

A+B+C = 0

-A+B+D = 0

A+B-C = 0

-A+B-D = 1

On solving these equation, we obtain

a = -1/4, b = 1/4, C = 0 and D = -1/2

∫1/(x4-1)dx = ∫-1/4(x+1)dx + ∫1/4(x-1)dx -∫1/2(1+x2)dx

=> ∫1/(x4-1)dx = -1/4 log|x-1| + 1/4 log |x–1| -1/2tan-1x + C

= 1/4 log |(x-1)/(x+1)| – 1/2 tan-1x + C

Question 16: 1/x(xn+1)



Multiplying numerator and denominator by xn-1, we obtain

1/x(xn+1) = xn-1/{xn-1 x(xn+1)} = xn-1/xn{xn+1}

Let xn = t => xn-1 dx = dt

So, ∫1/{x(xn+1)} dx = ∫xn-1/{xn(xn+1} dx = 1/n ∫1/t(t+1) dt

Let 1 /t(t+1) = A/t + B/(t+1)

1 = A(1+t) + Bt…(i)

Substituting t=0,-1 in equation (i),we obtain

A = 1 and B = -1

So, 1/ t(t+1) = 1/t – 1/(1+t)

=> ∫1/x(xn+1) dx = 1/n ∫ {1/t – 1/(t+1)} dx

= 1/n[log|t| = log|t+1|] + C

= -1/n [ log|xn| – log|xn+1|] +C

= 1/n log |xn/xn+1| + C

Question 17: cosx/(1-sinx)(2-sinx) [ hint: put sinx = t ]



Let sinx = t => cosx dx = dt

So, ∫cosx/(1-sinx)(2-sinx) dx = ∫dt/(1-t)(2-t)

Let 1/(1-t)(2-t) = A/(1-t) + B/(2-t)

1 = A(2-t)+B(1-t)…(i)

Substituting t=2 and then t=1 in equation (i),we obtain

A = 1 and B = -1

So, 1/(1-t)(2-t) = 1/(1-t) – 1/(2-t)

=> ∫cosx/(1-sinx()2-sinx) dx

= ∫ {1/(1-t) – 1/(2-t) }dt

= -log|1-t| + log|2-t|+ C

= log|(2-t)/(1-t)| + C

= log |(2-sinx)/(1-sinx)| + C

Question 18: (x2+1)(x2+2)/(x2+3)(x2+4)


(x2+1)(x2+2)/(x2+3)(x2+4) = 1 – (4x2+10)/(x2+3)(x2+4)

Let (4x2+10)/(x2+3)(x2+4) = (Ax+B)/(x2+3) + (Cx+D)/(x2+4)

4x2 + 10 = (Ax+B)(x2+4) + (Cx+D)(x2+3)

4x2 + 10 = Ax3 + 4Ax + Bx2 + 4B + Cx3 + 3Cx + Dx2 + 3D

4x2 + 10 = (A+C)x3 + (B+D)x2 + (4A+3C)x + (4B+3D)

Equating the coefficient of x3,x2,x and constant term, we obtain

A + C = 0

B + D = 4

4A + 3C = 0

4B + 3D = 10

On solving these equation, we obtain

A = 0, B = -2 , C= 0 and D = 6

So, (4x2+10)/(x2+3)(x2+4) = -2/(x2+3) + 6/(x2+4)

(x2+1)(x2+2)/(x2+3)(x2+4) = 1 – { -2/(x2+3) + 6/(x2+4) }

=> ∫(x2+1)(x2+2)/(x2+3)(x2+4) dx

= ∫ 1 + 2/(x2+3) – 6/(x2+4) } dx

= ∫ { 1 + 2/{x2+√(3)2 – 6/{x2+22} } dx

= x + 2{1/√3 tan-1x/√3} -6{1/2 tan-1x/2} + C

= x + 2/√3 tan-1x/√3 – 3 tan-1x/2 + C

Question 19: 2x/(x2+1)(x3+3)



Let x2 = t => 2x dx = dt

∫ 2x/(x2+1)(x2+3) dx = ∫dt/(t+1)(t+3)…(i)

Let 1/(t+1)(t+3) = A/(t+1) + B?(t+3)

1 = A(t+3) + B(t+1)…(ii)

Substituting t = -3 and then t = -1 in equation (i), we obtain

A = 1/2 and B = -1/2

So, 1/(t+1)(t+3) = 1/2(t+1) – 1/2(t+3)

=>∫2x/(x2+1)(x2+3) dx = ∫{1/2(t+1) – 1/2(t+3)} dt

1/2 log| (t+1) |-1/2 log|t+3| + C

= 1/2 log |(t+1)/(t+3)| + C

= 1/2 log |(x2+1)/(x2+3)| + C

Question 20: 1/x(x4-4)



Multiplying numerator and denominator by x3, we obtain

1/x(x4-1) = x3/ x4(x4-1)

∫ 1/x(x4-1) dx = ∫x 3/ x4(x4-1) dx

Let x4 = t => 4x3 dx = dt

∫ 1/x(x4-1) dx =1/4 ∫ dt/ t(t-1)

Let 1/t(t-1) = A/t + B/(t-1)

1 = A(t-1) + Bt…(i)

Substituting t= 0 and 1 in equation (i),we obtain

A = -1 and B = 1

=> ∫ 1/x(x4-1) dx = 1/4 ∫ { -1/t + 1/ (t-1) } dt

= 1/4 [-log|t| + log |t-1 | ] + C

= 1/4 log |(t-1)/t| + C

= 1/4 log | (x4-1)/x4 | + C

Question 21: 1/(ex-1) [ Hint: put ex = t]



Let ex = t => ex dx = dt

=> ∫1/ (ex-1) dx = ∫1/(t-1) dt/t = ∫ 1/t(t-1) dt

Let 1/t(t-1) = A/t + B/(t-1)

1 = A(t-1) + Bt…(i)

Substituting t = 1 and t= 0 in equation (i), we obtain

A = -1 and B = 1

So, 1/t(t-1) = -1/t + 1/(t-1)

=> ∫ 1/t(t-1) dt

= log | (t-1)/t | + C

= log | (ex-1)/ex | + C

Question 22: ∫ x dx/(x-1)(x-2) equals

(A) log | (x-1)2/(x-2) | + C

(B) log | (x-2)2/(x-1) | + C

(C) log | {(x-1)/(x-2)}2 | + C

(D) log | (x-1)(x-2) | + C

Correct Answer is option (B)

Question 23: ∫ dx/x(x2+1) equals

(A) log|x| – 1/2 log(x2+1) + C

(B) log|x| + 1/2 log(x2+1) + C

(C) – log|x| + 1/2 log(x2+1) + C

(D) 1/2 log|x| + log(x2+1) + C

Correct Answer is option (A)

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