Class 12 NCERT Solutions- Mathematics Part (ii) – Chapter 7– Integrals Exercise 7.1

Some basic formulas used in solving this exercise are added below:


Integrals (Anti-Derivatives)

d/dx (xn+1/ n+1) = xn

∫ xn dx = xn+1 / (n+1) + C

d(sinx)/ dx = cosx

∫dx = x + C

d(cosx)/ dx = -sinx

∫ cosx dx = sinx + C

d(tanx)/ dx = -sec2x

∫ sinx dx = -cosx + C

d(-cotx)/ dx = cosec2x

∫ sec2x dx = tanx + C

d(secx)/ dx = secx.tanx

∫ cosec2x dx = -cotx + C

d(cosecx)/ dx = – cosecx cotx

∫ secx.tanx dx = secx + C

d(sin-1x)/ dx = 1/√(1-x2)

∫ cosecx cotx dx = -cosecx + C

d(cos-1x)/ dx = -1/√(1-x2)

∫ dx/√(1-x2) = sin-1x + C

d(tan-1x)/ dx = 1/(1+x2)

∫ dx/ (1+x2) = tanx + C

d(ex) / dx = ex

∫ex dx = ex + C

d(logx )/ dx = 1/x

∫1/x dx = log|x| + C

d/dx (ax/loga) = ax

∫ax dx = ax / loga + C

Chapter 7– Integrals Exercise 7.1

Find an antiderivative (or integral) of the following functions by the method of inspection in Exercises 1 to 5.

Question 1: sin2x


Anti-derivative of sin 2x is a function of x whose derivative is sin 2x. It is known that,

d/dx (cos 2x) = – 2sin 2x

sin 2x = – 1/2 d/dx (cos 2x)

sin2x = d/dx (- 1/2 × cos 2x)

Therefore, anti-derivative sin2x is – 1/2 ×cos 2x.

Question 2: cos3x


Anti-derivative of cos 3x is a function of x whose derivative is cos 3x. It is known that,

d/dx (sin 3x) = 3cos 3x

or cos3x = 1/3 × d/dx (sin 3x)

or cos 3x = 1/3×d/dx (sin 3x)

Therefore, anti-derivative of cos3x is 1/3 ×sin 3x.

Question 3: e2x


Anti-derivative of e2xis a function of x whose derivative is e2x. It is known that,

d(e2x )/dx = 2e2x

e2x = 1/2 × d(e2x )/dx

e2x = d(1/2e2x )/dx

Therefore, anti-derivative of e2x is 1/2 × e2x

Question 4: (ax +b)2


Anti-derivative of It is known that (ax + b) 2 is the function of x whose derivative is (ax + b)2

d/dx ((ax + b) 2) = 2a × (ax + b)

(ax + b)22 = 1/(2a) × d/dx ((ax + b) 2)

(ax + b)2 = d/dx (1/(3a) × (ax + b)3)

Therefore, anti-derivative of (ax + b)3 × is 1/(3a) (ax + b)3

Question 5: sin2x -4e3x


Anti-derivative of It is known that sin2x -4e3x is the function of x whose derivative is sin2x- 4e3x

We know that d(cos2x)/dx = -2 sin2x

dividing by -2, d(-1/2 cos2x)/ dx = sin2x…(i)

Again d(e3x )/dx = 3e3x

or d(1/3 × e3x )/ dx = e3x

Multiplying by -4, d(-4/3 × e3x )/dx = -4e3x…(ii)

d/ dx (-1/2 cos2x ) + d/dx (-4/3 e3x ) = sin2x – 4e3x

or d/ dx (-1/2 cos2x + -4/3 e3x) = sin2x – 4e3x

Therefore, anti-derivative of sin2x -4e3x is -1/2 cos2x -4/3 e3x

Find the following integrals in Exercise 6 to 20

Question 6: ∫ (4e3x + 1) dx


∫ (4e3x + 1) dx

= 4∫e3x dx + ∫ 1dx

= 4 {e3x/3} + x + C

= 4/3 e3x + x + C

Question 7: ∫x2 (1 – 1/x2 ) dx


∫x2 (1-1/x2 ) dx

= ∫(x2 – 1 ) dx

= ∫x2 dx – ∫ 1 dx

= x3 / 3 – x + C

Question 8: ∫(ax2 + bx +c ) dx


∫(ax2 + bx + c) dx

= a ∫ x2 dx + b ∫x dx + c∫ 1.dx

=a❲x3/3❳ +b❲x2/2❳ + cx + C

= ax3/3 + bx2/2 + cx + C

Question 9: ∫(2x2 + ex) dx


∫(2x2 + ex) dx

= 2 ∫x2.dx + ∫ex dx

= 2❲x3/3❳ + ex +C

= 2/3x3 + ex + C

Question 10: ∫ {√x – 1/√x}2 dx


∫ {√x – 1/√x}2 dx

opening square

= ∫ {x + 1/x -2} dx

= ∫x dx + ∫ 1/x dx – 2∫1.dx

= x2/2 + log|x| – 2x + C

Question 11: ∫ (x3 + 5x2 -4)/x2 dx


∫ (x3 + 5x2 -4) / x2 dx

= ∫(x + 5 -4x-2) dx

= x2/2 + 5x – 4(x-1/-1) + C

= x2 / 2 + 5x +4 /x + C

Question 12: ∫ (x3 + 3x+4)/√x dx


∫ (x3 + 3x+4)/√x dx

= ∫ (x5/2 + 3x1/2+4-1/2) dx

= x7/2 /7/2 + 3(x3/2)/ 3/2 + 4(x1/2)/1/2 + C

= 2/7 x7/2 + 2×3/2 + 8x1/2 + C

= 2/7 x7/2 + 2x3/2 8√x + C

Question 13: ∫ (x3 – x2 + x -1 )/ (x-1) dx


∫ (x3 – x2 + x -1 )/ (x-1) dx

On dividing (x-1) dx

= ∫ (x2 + 1) dx

= ∫x2dx + ∫ 1 dx

= x3 /3 + x + C

Question 14: ∫ (1 – x) √x dx


= ∫ (√x – x3/2) dx

= ∫ x1/2 dx – ∫ x3/2 dx

= x3/2 /3/2 – x5/2 /5/2 + C

= 2/3 x3/2 – 2/3 x5/2 + C

Question 15: ∫ √x (3x2 + 2x + 3) dx


∫ √x (3x2+ 2x + 3) dx

= ∫ ❲3x5/2 + 2x3/2 +3x1/2❳dx

= 3∫x5/2 dx + 2∫x3/2dx + 3∫x1/2dx

= 3 ❲x7/2 /7/2❳ + 2❲x5/2 /5/2❳ + 3❲x3/2 /3/2❳ + C

= 6x7/2/7 + 4x5/2/5 + 2x3/2 + C

Question 16: ∫ (2x -3cosx + ex ) dx


∫ (2x -3cosx + ex ) dx

= 2 ∫ x dx – 3 ∫cosx dx + ∫ex dx

= 2x/2 – 3(sinx) + ex + C

= x2 – 3sinx + ex + C

Question 17: ∫(2x2-3sinx + 5√x ) dx


∫(2x2-3sinx + 5√x) dx

= 2 ∫(x2 dx – ∫3sinx dx + ∫5√x dx

= 2x3 – 3(-cosx) + 5 {x3/2/3/2} + C

= 2/3 x3 + 3cosx + 10/3 x3/2 + C

Question 18: ∫ secx(secx + tanx)dx


∫secx(secx + tanx)dx

= ∫(sec2x + secx tanx)dx

= ∫sec2x dx + ∫secx tanx dx

= tanx + secx + C

Question 19: ∫ sec2x /cosec2x dx


∫ sec2x /cosec2x dx

= ∫ (1/cos2 x )/(1/sin2x) dx

= ∫ sin2x/ cos2 x dx

= ∫ tan2x dx

= ∫ (sec2x -1 )dx

= ∫ sec2x dx – ∫1 dx

= tanx – x + C

Question 20: ∫ (2-3sinx) / cos2x dx


∫ (2 – 3sinx) / cos2x dx

= ∫ (2/cos2x – 3sinx/cosx ) dx

= ∫ 2 sec2x dx – 3∫ tanx secx dx

= 2tanx – 3 secx + C

Question 21: The anti-derivation of (√x + 1/√x) equals

(A) 1/3 x1/3 + 2x1/2 + C

(B) 2/3 x2/3 + 1/2 x2 + C

(C) 2/3 x3/2 + 2x1/2 + C

(D) 3/2 x3/2 + 1/2 x1/2 + C

Correct answer is C


(√x + 1/√x) dx

= ∫x1/2 dx + ∫x-1/2 dx

= x3/2 / 3/2+ x1/2 /1/2 + C

= 2/3 x3/2 + 2x1/2 + C

Hence, the correct answer is C.

Question 22: If d/dx f(x) = 4x3 – 3/x4 such that f(2) = 0, then f(x) is

(A) x4 + 1/x3 – 129/8

(B) x3 + 1/x4 + 129/8

(C) x4 + 1/x3 + 129/8

(D) x3 + 1/x4 – 129/8

Correct answer is A


f(x) = ∫(4x3 – 3/x4) dx

f(x) = 4∫x3dx – 3∫x-4 dx

f(x) = 4 (x4 /4) – 3(x-3 / -3) + C

f(x) = x4 + 1/x3 + C


f(2) = 0

f(2) = (2)4 + 1/(2)3 + C = 0

C = -(16 + 1/8 ) = -129/8

Therefore f(x) = x4 + 1/x3 – 129/8

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