BNY Mellon Code Divas Diversity Challenge

BNY Mellon is a globally recognized financial institution, that aims to help clients navigate their investment journey and secure future finances. With whopping assets totaling $43 trillion under administration plus an additional $3.1 trillion under management, this firm is ready to aid individuals, governments, or institutions in making sound investments for the coming days ahead. Operating with nearly 48 thousand employees who cater to clientele from over 35 countries worldwide.

The BNY Mellon believes that a diverse workforce is essential for innovation and success. The company is also committed to supporting women in technology and helping them to reach their full potential. BNY Mellon Code Divas Diversity is a coding challenge designed to attract and retain top women engineering talent in India. It is a three-round competition that tests participants’ programming skills, problem-solving ability, and creativity and is open to only female students and fresh graduates from all engineering colleges in India.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a final-year student or a fresh graduate girl from an engineering college in India.
  • Possess an excellent educational background in computer science or a comparable subject.


The BNY Mellon Code Divas Diversity challenge is divided into three rounds:

Round 1

The first round is to test your programming skills and problem-solving ability. The coding challenges will be based on a variety of programming topics, such as DSA, and object-oriented programming. You will be given a set of coding problems to solve within a certain time frame. The problems will be of varying difficulty, and you will need to use your programming skills to solve them efficiently and accurately.

Round 2

In this round your creativity and ability to solve real-world problems are evaluated. You will be given a set of financial problems to choose from, and you will have 24 hours to develop a solution and present it to the judges. You will be working in a team of other participants, and you will need to collaborate and brainstorm to develop an innovative solution. You will also need to be able to communicate your solution effectively to the judges.

Round 3

In this round your technical skills, problem-solving ability, and communication skills are evaluated. You will be interviewed by a panel of BNY Mellon engineers, and you will be asked questions about your programming skills, experience, and career goals. You will discuss your technical skills in detail, and you should also be able to articulate your reasons for applying to the BNY Mellon Code Divas Diversity challenge.


  • The top three winners of the BNY Mellon Code Divas Diversity challenge will receive gift vouchers worth INR 75,000, INR 50,000, and INR 25,000, respectively.
  • Ten consolation prizes of gift vouchers worth INR 5,000 each will also be awarded. They will also be considered for internships and full-time positions at BNY Mellon.
  • All participants in the BNY Mellon Code Divas Diversity challenge will have the opportunity to network with BNY Mellon engineers and recruiters.

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