BITSAT Exam Preparation Experience

Hey, there so JEE is over, but your grind is still not You are in the middle of one of your most hectic phases ever but it will eventually end and you will land exactly where you are supposed to, and that could be BITS also. I am a first-year CSE student and stood exactly where you are, a year ago. So allow me to give you a few insights about this exam to help give you a direction.

This exam shows a lot of similarities to JEE but is dynamic and weirdly tricky. The reason behind this is the extra questions in the same time frame, so students thinking that BITSAT is easier than JEE do not practice enough mocks and end up scoring lower than what they expect, do not make this mistake. The hype is made about the two extra sections that is English and Logical reasoning but that is not the actual obstacle. Students miss this and keep practising these sections completely neglecting their speed-accuracy ratio in PCM sections and the result well, doesn’t justify their hard work. This is by far the biggest eye-opener, I wish someone would have told me when I was preparing.

So now that you know about the camouflaged danger that lies ahead here’s how you will steer clear. You should start early, a month is sufficient, considering you do have other exams to prepare for, it would be pretty tight and packed. After brushing your concepts, you should immediately start with your mocks. Mocks are by far the most underrated and yet at the same time most hyped aspects of any preparation but they deserve that importance and BITSAT is no different. You will notice different pressure points when you attempt the mocks so its recommended to start early with them. Chemsitry should take 20-25 mins, Physics can go for 45-50 and Maths the rest. The next 1-1.5 hours can go for English and LR. English should roughly take about the same as chemsitry rather try for less and rest for LR. Mocks are the most important part in BITSAT preparation and should be given more time than just solving PYQs which are not as effective as solving actual papers; virtually doing the same thing but differently. Analysis of mocks will give you a brief about your weak points which you can improve by solving pyqs at this time and revising short notes.

These are low hanging fruits which by smart work can actually yield sweet results,give 30-45 mins dedicatedly for this section daily. You cannot completely “learn” English but you can definitely improve whatever your proficiency is, PYQs are good soources of course, and take mocks as learning material for english. Look at the whole lot of questions and its answers once you are done with the paper. Logical Reasoning can be improved by practising NTSE level questions, which you can find with ease online. These sections are hyped but not to be missed, they are the game changers as everybody practise PCM however much they can, but not everybody focuses on these sections. So prepare smartly and in a time efficient way, giving not too much time but certianly not too little.

This preparation is not that difficult if you know exactly what to do and how to do it and if you work smartly enough and in a time bound manner, you can ace this exam with flying colours and see yourself getting into BITS. So cheers, keep working hard and all the best!

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