Best Tips to Prepare App Screenshots For the App Store

When you submit the Application Request on the App Store to Publish the Developed Application, you have to Provide App Screenshots along with the App Store Descriptions. It is the mandatory work that you have to perform.

However, Preparing App Screenshots for the App Store is not as simple as you assume. In this article, we will highlight the process to Prepare Screenshots of Applications for the App Store to attract more users.

Why App Screenshots are Important in the App Store?

Before discussing the Tips to Take Screenshots of Applications for the App Store, we have to understand the Importance of App Screenshot in the App Store. While submitting the Application Request, you have to compulsorily Insert Application Screenshots there. And behind that action, there are some reasons involved.

  • Preview of Application: The App Screenshots act as the Preview of the Application which is very necessary for any user to check before installation of software.
  • Feature Showcase: Not only does the Feature in the Description of the App Store, but the App Screenshots should also demonstrate the features of the application.
  • Decision Making: The App Screenshots are the crucial element that determines the Decision of the User. The App Screenshots are being checked by users before installing the application.

Best Tips to Prepare App Screenshots for the App Store

Now, we are going to discuss the Best Points to Prepare App Screenshots for App Store. Let us check the following points in the guidelines one by one.

Point 1: Understand Guidelines of the App Screenshot

Before Adding Screenshots of Applications to App Store, you have to understand the guidelines of the App Store properly. As per the App Store Guideline, you have to add a Minimum of 1 Screenshot.

You can add screenshots in both Portrait & Landscape Manner. The Image File should be in the format JPEG & PNG. You can also add Videos to the App Store which will auto-play in the platform.

Point 2: Don’t Overload with App Screenshot

You have to add an App Screenshot to App Store, but that doesn’t mean Add All Parts of Application as Screenshot. This will create a Negative Impact on Application.

The App Store permits to additional Maximum of 10 Screenshots per Application. You would advise to Add 7-8 Screenshots per Application. Don’t try to add 10 Screenshots of any App.

Point 3: Highlight the Key Feature

When you add the Screenshots of the Application, make sure you Highlight the Features of the Application. If anything is unique in your application, you have to mark it in the App Screenshot.

You did notIt would help if you have to include all the Screenshots of every Feature. Those are important in your application & worthful to be informed only mention those things in the App Store.

Point 4: Make a Sequence like Story

If you are going to add the Portrait Screenshots to App Store, make sure the images are in a sequence that Creates a Story in Users’ Minds. So that, the user needs to switch to the next image as well.

You might have noticed that some applications have screenshots where the Story of Next Screenshots start from that only. If you want to make such screenshots, there are many App Store Screenshot Generators present.

Point 5: Make a Clean Image

You have to understand that the App Screenshots appear very small on the user’s mobile. So, you have to make Clean App Screenshots that can be seen without opening the image.

On your App Screenshot, make sure not to add any Small Text that becomes difficult to understand without opening the image. Also, try not to put more texts there in the App Screenshots to loop itthe .

Point 6: Use High-Resolution Image

You have to upload the High-Resolution Image. Fortunately, there is no restriction present on the App Store to upload High-Resolution Images as the Application Screenshot.

But make sure that the Size of the App Screenshot does not increase with the Resolution. As per the Guidelines of the App Store, you have to use a Minimum of 72 Dots per Inch Resolution on App Screenshots.

Point 7: Localize the Screenshot

A good Practice will be to Localize App Screenshots based on the region for which the application is developed. This is necessary to gain regional business with that certain application.

Suppose, the application is developed for European Countries & you have added App Screenshots that do not completely match the concept. So, you have to add Screenshots for European countries only.


In the end, we can see that Making App Screenshots for the App Store is not a simple job, rather it is a bit complicated. You have to keep in mind those points while Developing Screenshots for the App Store for any application. You have to pay a good amount of concentration to App Store Screenshots are it is very important.

Best Tips to Prepare App Screenshots for the App Store – FAQs

What are the best tips to Prepare App Screenshots for the App Store?

While Preparing the App Screenshots for the App Store, you have to keep in mind some tips. Like, you have to make App Screenshots by following the App Store Guidelines. The App Screenshots should be Clean & Simple with High Resolution. The Screenshots should tell some story along with the best feature of the application.

Why Prepare App Screenshots for the App Store?

When you are going to Submit the Application Publishing Request, it is mandatory to submit the App Screenshot to the App Store. Based on the Quality of the App Screenshots, the Application will be published or rejected. Also, it is the best tool to bring more users to install the application.

Can I add unlimited App Screenshots to the App Store?

No! The App Store doesn’t allow to addition of Unlimited App Screenshots to any certain application. Based upon the Guidelines of App Store, you can add a Maximum of 10 App Screenshots. However, it is not a good practice to add Full 10 Screenshots to any application. This will overload the App Screenshot for any application to get the spotlight.

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