Best Tips to Get Featured on the App Store or Google Play

You want to always showcase your Developed Application in front of the world. For that, you Publish the Application on the App Store or Play Store. But, very few applications get the spotlight there.

If you want your application should get Spotlight on the App or Play Store, you have to Get the Application Featured. This article will discuss some Tips to Get Featured on the App Store or Google Play.

What is called “Featured” on the App Store & Google Play?

On the App Store for iOS & the Google Play Store for Android, there are hundreds and thousands of applications available as of now. Besides this, the average user doesn’t know about most of the applications present there. To bring some applications into the highlights, the App Store or Play Store brings them into a section called the Featured Section.

In the Featured Section, you might find some applications that you are unaware of. Based upon your application use on that device, the App Store & Google Pay Featured work. Among many other applications, the Application Installation Platforms pick Featured Applications based on some criteria like Quality, Innovation, User Experience, Relevance, and Popularity.

Best Tips to Get Featured on the App Store or Google Play:

To Get Featured Application on App Store or Google Play, the following methods can be used. In this way, you can easily Reach to Featured Section where many users can learn about your developed application.

Process 1: Focus on the Application Quality

To Feature Application on Play Store or App Store, you have to work on the Development of Application. During the Development Process, you have to look for the Best Quality of the Software. Then, only you will have the chance to achieve the target.

Use the Following Actions:

  • Provide the Best Design for Application.
  • There should not be any Bug or Error Present.
  • The application should execute seamlessly.

Process 2: Stand Out from Competitors

On the App Store & Play Store, there are millions of applications are present. And most of them don’t Get Featured on Application Stores. So, you have to develop your application in such a way that it Stands Out from Competitors to be Featured on the Platform.

Use the Following Actions:

  • Always provide Unique Value to the application.
  • Develop some Innovative Ideas & other functions in a single application.
  • Make Sure the Content or Concept is helpful for the users.

Process 3: Look for Positive Reviews & Ratings

One of the Best Reasons why an application is Highlighted as Featured on App Store & Play Store is Positive Feedback & Ratings. If any application is getting more Positive Feedback, it will be listed first than any other competitors in the same category.

Use the Following Actions:

  • Encourage Users to Give Positive Feedback in the Description.
  • Communicate with Users on Social Media to Change Feedback on Application politely.

Process 4: Use Keywords in the Application

When there is competition between many products online, you have to use some Search Keywords that will help to differentiate your application from other applications. In this case, you can use the App Store or Play Store Optimization.

Use the Following Actions:

  • Understand the Keyword Working on App Store & Play Store.
  • Insert Keywords in the App Store Description and Play Store as well.
  • Make sure to add some Keywords in the Infographics.

Process 5: Always Respond to Feedback

Another good approach to Enlist Applications on the Featured Part of the App Store & Play Store is by providing Prompt Respond to Feedback. If there are Responses to Every Feedback, the chance of getting featured will increase.

Use the Following Actions:

  • Directly Address the Concern that the user has pointed out.
  • Speak in a Polite Form & Professional Manner.
  • Not only a simple response but work on the problem as well.

Process 6: Engage on Social Media

Another great process to Get Place in the App Store & Play Store Featured is by Engaging on Social Media Platforms. As much as users will come to your Social Media Page, that much of the Advertisement you can do.

Use the Following Action:

  • Put Advertisements on many Social Media Platforms.
  • Create a Community of Users where feedback can be provided.

Process 7: Highlight Application Milestone

You have to always highlight any achievement that you have received on your application. It might be any number of users installed the application or any kind of appreciation, you have to put in the Apple App Store & Google Play Store.

Use the Following Actions:

  • Change the Description of the Application with the Achievement.
  • Add the Achievement as the Image to the Application.
  • Discuss your achievement on Social Media Pages.


As we can see, Getting Application Featured on App Store of Apple & Google Play Store is not a simple job that can be done within a few days. You have to prepare yourself for a very long time since the Development of Application to Get Featured. Once the application becomes featured on any Platform, you will get a lot more traffic there.

Best Tips to Get Featured on the App Store or Google Play – FAQs

How to Get Featured on the App Store or Google Play?

To Get Featured on the App Store or Play Store, you have to follow some tricks or methods. Like, you have to look for the best quality of the Application as well and you have to always put a Prompt Response of Feedback to get Positive Ratings of the Application. Not only that, you have to engage with users on different platforms.

What is App Store & Play Store Featured?

On the App Store & Play Store, there is a section called the Featured Application. Based on the application you are using, you get the Feed from the App Store & Play Store. The Applications, that have good Quality, User Interface, and Fewer Errors come as the Featured on App Store & Play Store.

Why Get Featured on the App Store or Google Play?

Every App Developer wants the Application should be Featured on the App Store & Play Store. Once, the application is available on Featured, more users will come to Install & Use the platform. This will help to increase the business & get some more traffic on the software.

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