Ammonia Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses

Ammonia is a gaseous chemical compound with the chemical formula NH3. Ammonia is a poisonous gas with a pungent odor. Ammonia is generally produced by anaerobic decay of plant and animal matter. Ammonia is highly soluble in water. The solubility of ammonia depends upon its temperature. Ammonia dissolved in water is known as Ammonium Hydroxide.

Ammonia consists of Hydrogen and Nitrogen. In Ammonia, one Nitrogen atom is boned with three Nitrogen atoms. The chemical name of NH3 is Ammonia. The other name of Ammonia is Azane. In this article we will learn about, Ammonia Formula, Ammonia Structure, Properties of Ammonia, Preparation of Ammonia, Uses of Ammonia, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Ammonia?
  • Ammonia Formula
  • Ammonia(NH3) Structure
  • Preparation of Ammonia(NH3)
  • Ammonia(NH3) Properties

What is Ammonia?

Ammonia is a colorless pungent gas whose chemical formula is NH3 it is a gas lighter than air and its density is 0.769 kg/m3 at STP. Compounds of Ammonia are widely used as fertilizers and they are also used in explosives and other compounds. The molar mass of Ammonia is 17.03 g/mol. The key details of Ammonia are added below,





Melting Point

17.03 g/mol

Boiling Point

-33.35 ℃

Molar Mass

-77.7 ℃


0.73 kg/m3

Ammonia gas is autoionized for its conjugate acid and conjugate base.

2NH3 ⇌ NH2 + NH4+

The conjugate base of NH3 is NH2and conjugate acid of NH3 is NH4+.

Ammonia Formula

Ammonia is a chemical compound that is a poisonous in nature with a pungent odor. The formula for Ammonia is NH3 and it is used as a fertilizer, used as a fuel and other. Another name for Ammonia is Azane. The molecular formula of Ammonia is 17 amu.

Ammonia(NH3) Chemical Formula

The chemical formula for ammonia is NH3. Ammonia consists of 1 Nitrogen and 3 Hydrogen atoms. 3 Hydrogens are directly linked to Nitrogen. Ammonia is a weak base and it combines with acids to form the salts. Ammonia reacts with Hydrochloric Acid to form Ammonium Chloride and the reaction for the same is added below,

NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl + H2O

Ammonia(NH3) Structure

Ammonia is a inorganic chemical compound consisting of 1 Nitrogen and 3 Hydrogen atoms. The structure formula for Ammonia is added in the image below,

Preparation of Ammonia(NH3)

Ammonia is an chemical gas and it is made in laboratory by heating Ammonium Salt, with Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) with a strong alkali, i.e. Sodium Hydroxide, Calcium Hydroxide and others. The reaction for the same is added below,

2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2NH3(g)

In commercial process the Ammonia is prepared using Haber Process. in which Nitrogen gas is directly combine with Hydrogen under high pressure.

Ammonia(NH3) Properties

Various properties of the Ammonia are added below,

  • Ammonia is a colorless gas with a strong and pungent odor.
  • Density of Ammonia is 0.86 kg/m3.
  • Melting point of Ammonia is -77.73°C (or) -107.91°F.
  • Boiling point of Ammonia is -33.34°C (or) -28.01°F.
  • Solubility of ammonia in water is 47% w/w at 0°C.
  • Molar mass of Ammonia is 17.031 g/mol.
  • Ammonia is soluble in Chloroform, Ethanol, Methanol, and Ether.

Chemical Properties of Ammonia(NH3)

  • Ammonia undergoes molecular autoionization to form base and conjugate.

2NH3 ⇢ NH4+ + NH2

  • Ammonia undergoes combustion and forms Nitrogen and water.

4NH3 + 3O2 ⇢ 2 N2 + 6H2O

4NH3 + 5O2 ⇢ 4NO + 6H2O

2NO + O2 ⇢  2NO2

  • Concentrated Ammonia reacts with concentrated Hydrochloric acid and forms clouds of Ammonia chloride

NH3 + HCl ⇢ NH4Cl

  • Liquid Ammonia reacts with lithium and forms Lithium amide.

2NH3 + 2Li ⇢ 2 LiNH2 + H2 

Uses of Ammonia

  • Ammonia is used as a non-aqueous ionizing solvent.
  • Ammonia is used as a Fertilizer.
  • Ammonia is used as fuel in some engines.
  • Ammonia is used as a building block material for the synthesis of pharmaceutical products.
  • Ammonia is used in household cleaning products.
  • Ammonia is used in Distillation of Petroleum.

Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration

Ammonia gas is used in refrigeration for commercial purposes. Ammonia gas undergoes compression in the refrigeration cycle and cools the surroundings.

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FAQs on Ammonia Formula

1. What is Formula for Ammonia Gas?

The chemical formula for Ammonia gas is NH3

2. What is Molecular Mass of Ammonia?

The molecular mass of Ammonia is 17 amu.

3. What is Boiling Point of Ammonia?

The boiling point of Ammonia is -33.34 °C.

4. What is Melting Point of Ammonia?

The boiling point of Ammonia is -77.73 °C.

5. Is Ammonia Acidic or Basic?

Ammonia is a weak base. The ammonia does not contain any hydroxide ions on its own, but it reacts with water to form ammonium ions and hydroxide ions. so, the ammonia is a weak base.

6. How is Ammonia Collected?

The ammonia is collected by the downward displacement of air. The ammonia gas is lighter than natural gas. Ammonia contains Nitrogen and Hydrogen atoms. The chemical formula of ammonia is NH3.

7. What is Chemical Name for Azane?

Chemical name of Azane is Ammonia and its chemical formula is NH3.

8. Is Ammonia Gas Harmful to Humans?

Mild consumption of the Ammonia is not harmful to humans but exposure to high concentrations of ammonia causes immediate burning of eyes, nose, throat and respiratory tract and can result in blindness, lung damage or death.

9. What is NH3 called?

NH3 is called Ammonia or Azane.

10. Who Discovered Ammonia Gas?

The process to commercially produce Ammonia is first discovered by German physicist Fritz Haber filed a German patent in 1908.

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