Amazon Interview Experience SDE1 | Off-campus

Round 1:

Online coding test comprising of three coding questions. The coding problems were:

Round 2: 

She asked two coding questions and asked me to dry run test cases maintaining time and space complexity. The coding questions are:

  • Find the sum of all nodes present in each level and finally the print the product of all sums found at each level
  • Find row having maximum number of one in 2D sorted binary array                                                          

Round 3: 

This round is completely technical and no coding questions. After the introduction and questions from my current job role, he asked to design portal and database schema for a given input.

After doing so he asked questions from the database  like

  1. What is the difference between master and transaction table
  2. What is a cursor, trigger in the database, stored procedure, ACID property
  3. How to improve database performance (indexing in the database)
  4.  JSON and difference between HTTP and HTTPS

Round 4: 

Initially, I gave an introduction and details of my current job and works then he asked one coding questions and a few technical questions from OS.

  1. Print all nodes which are at K distance from a particular node                                                        
  2. What is thrashing, page fault, System call, kernel
  3. Memory allocation technique, paging, segmentation.
  4. How a big size program can be efficiently loaded onto RAM and virtual memory concept.

Round 4:  Bar -Raiser Round

It was an online video call interview using Amazon Chime and was taken by Manager from the US.

  1. He asked to explain any project which I am proud of and some cross-questioning happened while explaining the project.
  2. He asked any critical issues do I resolved. If yes, then how and where and what the impacts
  3. Any innovation and challenging work so far
  4. One coding question on the live code sharing screen. He asked to explain the approach first and then told to write code                                                                                                                                            
  5. Finally, Why Amazon?

Tips: First and foremost, you should explain your current project and works very smoothly and clearly while giving an introduction. While solving coding questions make sure it should be efficient and cover all corner cases.  Data structure and coding is must and technical questions depend on the role and team.




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